Showing Posts For SquirrelKing.8964:

How big is the patch?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


Wow, just realized my epic math fail there. 64*100 = 6400. That probably isn’t right though. Anyways, at 7% with 180 MB, so basically all I can say is that it is big.

How big is the patch?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


Well, at 1% I have 64 MB downloaded, so approximately 640 MB.

Norn voiceover bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


Great, thanks for confirming my suspicions. Sorry to hear that it seems to effect all of us! I hadn’t seen any reports of this bug prior, so I hope that ANet catches this post and can do something about it.

Norn voiceover bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


Has anyone noticed that norns (males at least) often utter lines in the voice of other races?

Whilst questing on my own, away from any other players, my norn will frequently announce how he is faster than a centaur in the voice of Nathan Drake, or grumble like a Charr.

My character is a male Norn thief, and I suspect that this is an audio bug. I have not noticed this with other races I have tried, including a male Human, a male Charr, and a male Sylvari.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Frustrated with how easy it is for players to train mobs on other players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


I have been killed a few times by players accidentally leading a train of mobs past me. It’s also a bit frustrating when someone is fighting an enemy, but you just aggro them by walking by. Why would a monster prefer killing me over the person stabbing it to death?

Already I cant wait for the next new Soldier Class!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


In addition to adding new classes, new traits could be added as well. That would allow for more diversity within an individual class and potentially make warriors a more exciting Soldier for you. What would you suggest for another soldier class that isn’t covered by the existing ones. Personally, I would like to see more types of shields, such as tower shields or small bucklers for some varied shield skills. Rapiers, whips, spears (not underwater), flails, etc., could all add some interesting dynamics. Heck, just give us more weapons!

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


I had a similar experience to the AC dungeon problems others have reported. I entered story mode with a group of five. One of the members dropped out, so I invited my friend to join us. My friend was unable to enter the same instance. Ultimately, we all exited the dungeon and re-entered. Unfortunately for us, the dungeon reset and we had to begin again. By that time, we lost another member and were unable to complete the dungeon because certain challenges were a little too tricky with only four members (i.e. the twins).

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


One suggestion I would like to make is the ability to make permanent notes on our maps. As a cook, I would really love to mark down the locations of various fields I have discovered, such as spinach and strawberry fields.