Showing Posts For SuperLuigi.3720:

Funny story of a Norn who out-drank a Charr

in Norn

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


Of course it’ll never happen.

Norn don’t challenge races with no alcohol tolerance. Which is to say, anyone not Norn. <3

Guardian 80 Armor to get??

in Guardian

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


Blackfire, check out the exotic versions of the dungeon sets at Lion’s Arch. There’s three different stat sets for each exotic armor set, and I believe Sorrow’s Embrace has a Power/Vitality/toughness set.

What future new utility and elite skills you would like to get?

in Guardian

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


Summon Spirit Army (Elite)

Summon all four Spirit weapons. At the end of their lifespan, they automatically use their sacrifice skill.

Engineers can do it, why not us :|

The Scepter is boring.

in Guardian

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


I’d not say no to Longbow on a Guardian, if for no other reason than it’s the only weapon he has a Spirit Weapon of that he can’t use himself.

Guardians, How do you feel about the Hammer?

in Guardian

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


For dungeons, the Hammer is a work of art. THREE crowd control skills catered to handling melee mobs, two of which can CC any number of them? It synergizes GREAT with Shield of the Avenger and Wall of Reflection for giving your entire team a moment to breathe.

Also, cheesing the evil gate exploding event in CM EX made me break out into cackles of Wicked Witch proportions. >_>

Signet of Resolve a must :/

in Guardian

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


I use Shelter and Signet of Resolve roughly equally. Since I play a pretty tanky spec (I built myself for dungeon running with friends), getting the weaker heal more often is great for me, especially if I can time it right to block a big nasty attack at the same time.

Though having the passive from Signet of Resolve is always nice, and I sometimes switch to it in condition heavy fights.

Guardian Discussion.

in Guardian

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


I have found that a specific “build” works rather well in SPvP.

In PvE, and WvW, it does not. I seriously have every single weapon option in my bag, and use every single one of them depending on the situation as a Guardian.

Soloing normal stuff? GS + Mace/Focus.

Trying to get from point A to point B? GS + Staff.

Dynamic Event boss? Staff + Mace/Focus

Jumping puzzles in the dark? Torch

AoE mob swarm event? GS + Sword/Torch

AoE mob swarm defend this NPC event? Hammer + Mace/Shield

There are plenty of other scenarios, especially in dungeons and WvW that call for different choices. Utility/Healing/Elite skills as well. Everything changes. Learning to adapt, and dodging, are the keys to success in this game.

I’m the same way. I’m specced generally for defense and survival, as I tend to be the only one in the group with strong support and crowd control, and I almost always keep a shield in one of my sets for the +90 Toughness trait, but I carry around all the weapons I can use, and I freely switch between utility skills when one proves useless.

When a Guardian sets their weapons and skills up properly for a fight, the difference is extremely noticeable. Case in point: Kudu’s golems in Sorrow’s Embrace. That fire golem was wrecking the people I was playing with, because two people in the group didn’t move around, they just died, and that forced the rest of us to use up our endurance before the AoE-dropping whirl. The solution? Shield of the Avenger, Wall of Reflection, the condition-removing field, and a shield for the projectile bubble. Slap on a scepter so I didn’t have to run in, and we were golden right through the fire golem and the poison golem afterwards, because they relied on their projectiles so heavily.

Guardians—at least support Guardians—are the role-swappers of PvE. You bring what your team needs to handle each fight. If you run into a new boss and get wtfpwnt, you consider what hit you and swap skills and weapons to deal with it.

Player names in WvW! Your opinions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


Sure, there’s potential to foster a stronger PvP community.

There’s just as much potential to spawn some seriously bad grudges, and if that why ANet set things up this way, I’m not going to argue with that.

Not that it matters in my case—I’m the Norn Guardian in the offensively green armor from Henge of Denravi doing the Carlton Dance just out of reach of the enemy zerg, and I can tell the zerg remembers me >_>

Guardian Elite skills?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


The two Tomes can be valuable when used, if you’re specced right. Tome of Courage in particular is awesome when timed right.

The Norn animal forms have some seriously surprising utility, however. Bear Form has a charging attack that goes until it hits an enemy or you release the button, which has led to a rather nice way to get through evil trapped halls quickly. Snow Leopard form has a five-second stealth on it, also useful at times. And while I’m not certain about this, I believe Wolf Form heals when it attacks—either it does, or someone cast something on me to make me gain health, and I really don’t think that’s the case. All the forms come with a massive boost to your health as well, which is useful in a lot of cases (and makes Wolf Form terribly hard to kill with the life gain).

HOWEVER. All that being said, the Guardian elites themselves are fairly boring, and I find myself using the invulnerability+virtue recharge one pretty much all the time. It’s highly useful, as you can use it to tank big attacks and hold mobs in place for longer before having to dodge, and the ability to instantly give your team the active Virtues without losing the passive effects is extremely nice in those “oh kitten” moments.

Admittedly, I’m fairly disappointed that the most useful elite to me is a glorified signet recharge, but, I love everything else about the class too much to let it bother me.

Mailbox limitations, scam oppurtunity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


ANet can’t fix stupid and at times there are certain circumstances when some people need to be protected from themselves. With that being said, ANet shouldn’t be holding our hand while we are playing the game either. There is a Trading Post for a reason.

“if you have an item your friend wants, they better have enough gold to buy it and a quick finger to click that buy button at the price you list it”

That seems like an odd “trading system” unless you intend to have no friends online <.<
But if that is your plan… then yeah I see that and can agree

One is expected to trust their friends, however. It seems unlikely that they would be classified as “friends” otherwise.

I don't like how consuming dye works

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


I think the root of the confusion for me was… consumption at the point of using it vs. at the point of adding it to your list of available colors. I don’t like the way it is now, and it’s just my opinion, that’s all.

But…when you consume it, you add it to the list of available colors. Those two actions are one in the same. I honestly don’t understand what you mean by this.

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


the down-state adds strategy to PvP, sure press F takes no skills but that’s not the only way to do it, you can also just hit him every 5 seconds or so to cancel his bandage and let him die, the addition of this choice makes a good player think about what is the best approach on each situation.

It does not add strategy, it slows the pvp down and makes it by definition, worse.
If you think downed state is good, you are probably a carebear.

By YOUR definition, worse.

If you think downed state is bad, you’ve probably never had to play a skill-based game before.

See? I can make random generalizations too. Bottom line is, simply because you dislike it, does not make the system bad, unbalanced, or flow-breaking.

Guardians at 80 could use more health...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


We Guardians have low health to make conditions hurt, because really, not much else does. Wandering around Orr, I can pick a fight with 3-5 mobs wearing my Greatsword and come out victorious. You have Aegis, you have shouts and burns, you can combo with yourself, and you have all kinds of utility that lets you survive, often while punishing your attackers.

I’d prefer more health too, but I get why we don’t have it, and it’s just something we’ll have to live with.

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


Please no.
Mounts are useless in this game as a means of transportation and only make the world empty as no one is going to dismount to help you.

This person. This person gets it.

Mounts would literally instantly destroy everything ArenaNet has done to promote player interaction. And it would screw with my beloved jumping puzzles.

Anyone know what happened to the Chef Vendors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


How to obtain the mats or the degree of hindrance is not the point of my post. That would be QQing. My point is that changes made to combat exploiters should have no effect on me whatsoever because I was playing the game correctly.

What would you suggest? The issue was, people didn’t have to go out and farm materials, because they could buy them with low amounts of karma. What alternatives do you have to stop people buying cooking materials, while still allowing you to buy them?

And there was the other issue: how easy it is to gather cooking materials just inside towns. Personally, I think it’s great that you enjoy cooking. But I disagree that the system should not be changed for you. Even if you weren’t exploiting it, it doesn’t change how easy it was for you to get materials, does it? Is that fair to people who chose other professions? To the armorsmiths and weaponsmiths who need a stack or better of any given smithing metal, on top of crazy amounts of blue crafting materials that have to be farmed from enemies, just for a chance to get any significant advancement in their professions? And yes, I’m aware people could just as easily pick cooking up, but, that brings us back around to the doing things for enjoyment point you made.

Yeah, it was a fix to stop exploiters. But it was also a fix to the ease of the profession. I don’t see where cooking deserved to be special in that regard.

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


That sounds awsome and I am full support on such things.
Ressurecting players is all fine since it takes time and one more player.
But dowing system is not ressurecting. Its second-chance giver to outplayed players.
For example my friend is playing Ranger and in down-state he have no usefull PvP skills.
So lets make a down-state duel Necro vs Ranger.
What I want is balance and down-state does not provide that.

Downed state is a part of PvP. Every class has it, and its existence does not negate balance.

Also, downed state is not a “second chance” for players that have been outplayed, because you haven’t outplayed them if they’re not dead or you haven’t forced them to abandon their objective. Proving you can drop them faster than they can drop you is far less important in a PvP system where killing other players is only of secondary importance.

Besides, the alternative is people building for burst, sneaking up on people and killing them nigh-instantly with CC and high damage skills. And it takes FAR less skill to memorize a move rotation than ArenaNet is interested in here.