Showing Posts For Warzog.6315:
On a whim, I tried adding Parfum to a party.
She IS a player. I presume she’s an Anet employee’s Sylvari.
For those unfamiliar, here’s what Parfum looked like in the reveal:
I would also pay money for the ability to change appearance in-game. I like my characters colors / features to harmonize with their armor, but since I have no idea what I’ll be wearing at 80, it’s hard to plan accordingly ahead of time
I agree, I’ve encountered several times, races, and characters where the hair, hair attachments, and hairstyle just don’t look right with the armor, or the look I’m after at the time.
I’d really like to see a Beauty Shop in Lion’s Arch, or on the Gem Store so we can address this issue.
It won’t be fixed.
The problem is just as bad on Charr. Most of them look like they beat up a human, took their clothes and then tried to stretch it over their much too large body.
The design team got lazy, they made every non-racial outfit for humans and then tried to morph it to match the other races and they did a pretty bad job of it on all except for maybe female norn.
I have to agree with everything said here.
The armor in GW2 is a far cry from what we had in GW1. In GW1, we had enough choices that we could not only customize our characters during character creation, but also throughout their careers, thanks to the variety of nice looking armor.
In GW2, we carefully craft our character’s appearance, and then we all get stuck wearing the same thing, even though it doesn’t look the same, or even right, on every character.
And, let’s not forget that most armor in GW2 requires, crafting, or grinding, in order to get it. Whereas in GW1, you go to the material vendor to get the mats, then to the armorsmith to buy it, so simple and grind free. (yeah, there were a few exceptions in GW1, Obsidian comes to mind.)
I personally like the Evergreen Sylvari armor on my Thief. (And it was cheap enough to buy and transmute on when she was level 5.)
Having said that, it has long been one of my complaints about GW2:
Most GW2 armor doesn’t look anywhere as good as it did in GW1. (to me)
Since we do have other races besides human, it seems strange to me that they’re all forced to start with Human armor, and that Human armor is the only kind available from the vendors across Tyria.
I would think that vendors would sell armor appropriate for your race, and that cultural armor would be sold to those not of that race (culture). (I’d love to see some of the Asura armor on other races.)
Not to mention the fact that, in my opinion, cultural armor, at least one, should be available at the same levels as the Human armor from the vendors is.
Of course, I think they’ve done it as they have in order to justify, if not force, the use of transmutation stones.
When I created my first Sylvari, during the Headstart Weekend, I completely missed it too.
In fact, I didn’t find out about it until a few days later when someone announced how much they enjoyed the fact that Sylvari glowed.
At the time, I figured it would eventually be an option to change it in the gemstore, when is the real question.
As my character is a Subterfuge Thief, I don’t actually get to see the glow unless I switch to town clothes, so it doesn’t bother me so much.
One of the nastier comments I encountered ingame was the suggestion that it only takes a few minutes to reroll, which as we both know is not an option for a character we’ve spent so much time leveling up.
During the period prior to the Beta WeekEnds (BWE), when Anet released information about the Sylvari, one of the screenshots was of a female Sylvari named Parfum.
I looked for her during the BWE’s, but never found her.
As I created my Sylvari in her image, I’d really like to find her. To date, I haven’t.
Has anyone Found Parfum?
If so, Where is she?
Or, is she the name of one of Anet’s employee’s Sylvari?
(edited by Warzog.6315)
I’ve tried the Sylvari as just about every profession. From an RPG standpoint, I really enjoyed the Ranger. Unfortunately, as I enjoy playing Rogues in most games, and the Assassin/Ranger in Guild Wars 1, I had to go with the Thief. I really enjoy running a stealth build, which makes things much easier for my playstyle.
I haven’t completed a dungeon quest yet, no matter what profession combo’s we’ve had.
And I’ve spent up to 5 hours trying to.
The other day someone was asking if anyone wanted to do the Arah dungeon. The only response was, “Spend 4.5 hours getting nowhere? I don’t think so.” (I’ll never forget that one.)
Since the “Victory or Death” part of the storyline includes the reformation of “Destiny’s Edge,” and Trahearne is also with you, (making a party of 7) why should I have to drag 4 other players into MY personal story? Not to mention HAVING to complete a dungeon when Dungeons are OPTIONAL!?!!
1. I agree they get very annoying, very fast.
2. I whole-heartedly agree. If you’re not into crafting, funds are very short, transport fees eat what little funds you do have. Well, that and armor, and weapons, and armor repair, and…
3. IF it worked, Dynamic Leveling would be great, but more times than not, you’re lucky if it does work. I’ve had times when I am 2 levels above everything, and other times when I’m one level under, even though I’m actually several levels above the area. And along those lines, there was a time when dynamic events and skill challenges leveled to the number of players, it seems like they’re set at 2 or more levels above any player there, now.
4. eh… not so game breaking to me. annoying yes, but…
5. eh… I don’t think so. Perhaps if you have a gazillion players, or the place is a bot favorite.
6. I agree whole-heartedly. (see #2 above.)
7. Most emphatically agree! I’ve had to many times where I’d be soloing an area and as I’m inching my way through, the enemies I just killed are respawning before I can kill the next one. (See #3 above for another contributing cause.)
8. Not a biggie to me.
On My list:
9. Do away with armor repair. It’s far to annoying, and to easy to forget about. (Guess I’ve been playing Guild Wars 1 to long.)
10. Make Armorsmith and Weapons Smith Vendor gear at least useable. It’s the worst gear in the game, and past the first few levels it’s all but useless. And forget about doing most personal Story quests with them. (see #7 above.)
11. GET RID OF THE JUMPING PUZZLE/VISTA COMBOS! They’re so friggin’ annoying! Or… At the bare minimum, remove them from map completion.
12. Remove WvW areas from map completion! I don’t, and won’t, do WvW!
13. Have the Armorsmith Vendors sell a better looking armor set. The ones they sell have overstarched tops that stick out and clip with weapons, hands, and look really awful. If other sets were more readily available it wouldn’t be an issue. But after spending so much time tweaking your character’s appearance during character creation, that dorky armor just ruins the affect, and it’s so annoying to look at while you grind away trying to get karma, or gold, or dungeon credits, or to a certain level in order to get something you can stomach looking at level after level, area after area, quest after quest, hour after hour, day after day, week after week… (Where’s my Canthan Armor when I need it?)
(edited by Warzog.6315)
I reported that bug, myself, today.
Attempted this today. During one giant attack, my shield timing was off and I got wasted.
Upon “Retry at Checkpoint” I was still near the cannon, had a “Leave” button, but could not leave, and could not use the cannon any more. After dying three times, I exited the mission. (Forgot to report the bug.) I will try again.
I whole heartedly agree. It’s probably the number one worst thing about Guild Wars 2.
In Guild Wars 1, if you encounter a difficult mission/quest, simply change your tactics, or your allies. In Guild Wars 2, tough! Do it!
I’ve already rerolled several characters due to personal stories. My Human “Street Rat” tried to save her friend, but got slaughtered for days trying to get past the FIRST bad guy. After posting my complaints, being told, “Yeah, it’s hard, but it’s doable. I did it last night.” about a gazillion times, I found a video on youtube that showed about 3 or 4 mobs after the first goon, and that you had to be spastic to do it. So, I rerolled.
My Sylvari Ranger tried joining the Durmand Priory. She got her pet and weapons taken away, was handed a sporatic great sword, and forced to go against a god. After dying from levels 28 to 35, I rerolled her too.
My Human Thief has gotten to visit Orr. She’s been trying since level 55 (now level 65) to get past that quest. I go up against this thing that I can barely scratch, it spins and knocks everyone back, and it’s completely healed before I can make another attack. I’ve given up on doing her personal story. Might try it again next year, if it’s ever fixed by then.
Let’s not forget Dungeons. I’ve been trying since level 30 (now level 65) to finish the 1st dungeon. (We spent 5 hours last night, and barely dented the next to last boss’.)
And just for the record… I’m REALLY getting sick of hearing, “Yeah, it’s hard, but it’s doable. I did it last night.” Who cares if someone, with whatever race/ profession/weapon combo they have has done it? EVERYONE, of ANY RACE, with ANY WEAPON, should be able to do THEIR Personal Story!
I mean, it feels like they tested the game with level 80 characters who were equiped with Legendary gear, and then set the quest levels to what THEY felt was challenging. To me, they should’ve tested it with gear purchased from vendors only, using every race, every profession, and every weapon, not just their favorites.
It’s so annoying! I keep getting the feeling I should be playing a Warrior or a Mesmer with a Greatsword instead of playing what I enjoy playing.
And yes, it’s a little bit of a rant. But, after playing Guild Wars 1 for almost 5 years, and anticipating Guild Wars 2 for most of that time, I’m upset with Guild Wars 2.
(I do apollogize for the rant.)
The single most important thing that has kept me playing Guild Wars 1 has been the story. Being able to replay it, do parts I missed, being led through the countryside, it made the world fun. The various areas, side quests, etc. gave plenty to do in the interim.
In Guild Wars 2, the story seems to be an added thought, it doesn’t really matter, and you have to explore the areas first in order to get to a high enough level to do any of your story. There is no sense of awe, no sense of purpose. It’s just a collection of odd-ball renown hearts, with a really wierd idea of a story kinda wedged in where ever it could be squeezed in.
(edited by Warzog.6315)
Personally, I don’t think it’s as successful as I had hoped.
In Guild Wars 1, the story led you through the landscape, and it was an enjoyable journey. In Guild Wars 2, the story is optional, and so difficult I’ve rerolled several characters because it was impossible to proceed, or change the choice I’d made. And, you end up grinding the same areas over and over to level up any character no matter what their race is, simply so you can level up to do your story. Not-to-mention the fact that after a while, your story is the same as everyone else’s.
In Guild Wars 1, you customize your character during character creation, then have endless options as to which armor to wear. In Guild Wars 2, you customize your character during character creation, even customize your personal story background, and then you wear the same armor everyone else has. Of course, once you’re high enough, you can get a cultural armor, or you can grind a dungeon armo, or try and farm one from the trading post. I really miss the 3 armorsmiths of Guild Wars1, and the Rune Vendors, and the Dye Vendors.
I though Guild Wars 2 was supposed to be an improved version of Guild Wars 1.
I’m truely disappointed.
1.) Pressing F12 (In GW1 & GW2) brings up a selection screen.
-a.) In GW1 we can then press ‘C’ to go to character selection.
-b.) It would be nice to have in GW2 too.
2.) Walking about in areas or towns in Towns Clothes is a nice RPG touch.
-a.) It get’s annoying, and breaks the mood when you fall attempting to do vistas or jumpin puzzles to be switched back.
-b.) Being attacked is understandable, falling is not.
3.) Stowing a pet is nice while exploring, and especially while doing vistas and jumping puzzles.
-a.) Having your pet pop up after falling gets annoying.
-b.) Being attacked is understandable, falling is not.
-c.) Having a pet pop back out if you attack, without being attacked first, would be nice.
4.) Being able to purchase Towns Clothes from vendors would be nice.
5.) Better dances would be nice. Most look as though they were done by someone who had one to many this morning.
-a.) The female asura GOLEM dance is an exception, it’s kinda cool, and her sound affects add a nice touch.
-b.) The human female dance almost resembles a cowboy-like dance. Not my style, but at least it’s almost recognizable.
6.) A color preview of dyes would be nice, especially for those in the trading post.
-a.) Buying dozens of dyes, hoping to get that perfect shade is a pain.
-b.) I tried to get several shades of orange, and while the names sounded like orange items, some were reds, and some were yellows. Quite annoying, and a waste of coin.
7.) Having dyes that are at least close when applied to different items would be nice.
-a.) My thief’s subterfuge hood, which looks to be cloth or at worst, leather, becomes a much darker shade than when the same color is applied to any other article of armor.
More armor choices.
In GW1, every starter area had a choice of three armors per profession.
After leaving the starter areas, money, and getting to where it was sold was the only deterant to getting a nice looking armor/ armor combination.
Here, we have one choice per class of professions. (Unless we get some in a drop, and continuously transform newer pieces.)
Racial armor-What? We’re not part of the race until level 80? It should be a choice from character creation, if not the starter armor.
Profession Selection Armor (The armor you see during character creation when you select a profession.)-Why don’t we start with that? I’ve seen dozens of folks at level 80, none have the Profession Selection Armor, and no one seems to know where or even if we can ever get it.
We spend quite a bit of time during character creation to get our characters to look just right. All of that time and effort gets ruined by being forced to wear the junk we have to wear/buy.
And, along those lines, what happened to unlocked dyes being account wide?
In GW1, we could only see the armor that we could wear in a vendor’s list, why do we need to see all three classes of armor? If nothing else why not show us three types we can wear?
(Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but it really bothers me.)
I have axes, but I never actually use them. I don’t like the Ranger’s Shortbow skills.
That being aside, I’ve had no problems in quests, except those mentioned above. Changing my playstyle for one quest, even if I have no choice, is not the issue.
The fact that I got stuck, and I’m sure others do too, should prove that having the Abandon Quest option would be very helpful.
I have a level 35 Sylvari Ranger, and a level 31 Human Thief.
Both are fun.
The Ranger has an Arctodus bear, I love their mauling and high survivability.
She uses a Longbow, and that’s it.
The Ranger’s skills are: Troll Unguent, Signets of Stone-Wild-Hunt, and Rampage As One.
The Thief uses a pair of pistols for ranged, and a pair of daggers for melee.
Her skills are: Hide in Shadows, Blinding Powder, Shadow Refuge, Signet of Shadows, and Thieves Guild.
I’ve never done pvp so can’t say how they’d do.
I’ve taken both against boss’ 2-3 levels above them with no problems.
However, I prefer the Thief, for exploring she’s unstoppable, she can keep targets blinded or at a disadvantage, and I never have to rez a pet, or manage the pet’s skills during battle.
In the end… It depends on what you like, not what I like.
I might mention that the scuttlebut says a Guardian is pretty good in pvp.
My elite is Take Root
attempting to rez=instant death
yes, it only replaces the 1-5 skills – except for 2 healing skills, 2 tier 3 utility, the mistfire elite, and the 2 tier 2 elites, I have every skill available. I’ve tried them all.
Have no clue as to how to autotarget
I finally discovered the “BUG” in “Dead of Winter.” The HoM Stone I received from the Karma Vendor in Lion’s Arch appears to have been the cause. Once it was out of my inventory I had no bugs during the quest. (I updated the bug report to pass that along.)
Unfortunately, I still can’t complete the quest.
I desperately need the Abandon Quest option!
I removed the Hall of Monuments Stone from my inventory and ceased to have any bugs during this quest.
Unfortunately, I am still unable to complete it.
Without my pet, or my Longbow and it’s skills, Abizea is utterly useless.
In “The Rescue” I barely did any damage to the first boss. Died over and over and over.
In “Dead of Winter” I’m the only one damaging the boss’, the NPC’s are ineffectual, the weapon sporatically works. I’ve sent in bug reports, but no response. I have no guild members, and no friends in-game. (I’m 60 years old.)
My Human “Street Rat” Thief was unable to complete the level 8 quest “The Rescue” in which you decided to save your friend “Quinn.” I deleted and rerolled her, and she easily completed the alternate level 8 quest “The Greater Good.”
My Sylvari Ranger is unable to complete the level 28 “Dead of Winter” quest, and she is currently level 35. I’ve retried the quest dozens of time. She’s level 35 from trying so often, and getting as many skill points as she can to get to where she has all but about 8 or 9 possible skills.
I’ve come across several instances where one of my race/professions has been unable to complete a quest.
In one case, it was early enough in the storyline that rerolling the character wasn’t that big of a deal.
In another, the character is level 35, and no matter what I try I can’t complete the required quest.
If we had the “Abandon Quest” option, as we did in GW1, especially for multiple choice quests, things would be so much easier.
I’m dreading what the options will be like as I level my characters up.
I submitted this suggestion to the GW2 folks, and they suggested posting here to find out how folks feel about the idea.
So… How do you Feel about it?
After reading the “Bugging Best Practices” Post I decided to add the following:
1. Character Name: Abizea Sylvari Ranger was level level 28 or 29 during first attempt is level 35 now.
2. Has an Arctodus bear pet.
3. Uses a Longbow, but also has dual axes.
3. I’ve never done a quest with friends.
4. Abizea is one of those characters that didn’t get a HoM stone upon creation.
5. As can be seen above, I am getting bugs that few others seem to encounter.
(I hope I do not have to recreate her as she was one of the first, at 9:07pm Pacific on the 24th of August, characters in the game, and she is at level 35.)
(edited by Warzog.6315)
I just updated my bug report with the previous attempts bugs. The original report was done 8/31/12. I wish they would look into it soon.
There was a large update today, but same problems.
Switched my Heritage armor for Rawhide, and removed everything from my inventory except the HoM stone. Same results.
Worse in fact.
I lured the Veteran Risen into the spike traps, but even though he stood in the middle of one, and it hit him continuosly, it didn’t kill him, and his regeneration was so fast that he repaired what little damage they did within a second or so. My pet bear, and the NPC’s didn’t seem to do any damage to him, only my longbow was hurting him, but the skills recharged so slow that I couldn’t prevent a party wipe 5 times. Not to mention the fact that my Ranger’s downed skills did no damage to him at all.
(This all just happened a few minutes ago.)
I retried this quest a few minutes before I posted it here.
I am wondering…
Are you using Heritage armor from HoM? (I am)
There’s got to be some reason I’m getting these bugs and no one else is.
This has to be the buggiest, or worst, quest in the game.
During a four hour stint at trying to complete it, I’ve noticed several bugs:
1. You can run past the various traps, be completely clear of them, and still get hit by them.
a. There is an area along the wall by the spike traps that you can walk on, but they still get you.
b. During “Restart at a checkpoint” after dying, sometimes the traps are active, sometimes they’re not.
2. The first boss (a veteran risen thingy) regenerates so fast that once he or his mob have killed just a couple of your helpers, it’s an inevitable party wipe. (And coming back to rez your helpers is a suicide pact.)
3. Once you get to the final chamber, if you ever do, Ranger’s lose their pets, and all of your weapons become a single special greatsword.
a. The skills of the greatsword only occasionally work, that is, if they work this time you’re in the chamber they will work the whole time. If they don’t work they never will, and might as well restart.
4. The final boss regenerates so fast that if the greatsword’s skills are on the fritz, it’s a party wipe.
5. The final boss spawn’s 3 risen when you enter the room. (and here’s the fun part, throughout the battle.)
a. When the great sword’s skills are working, you can sometimes interrupt him spawning help.
b. I’ve had times, even when the greatsword’s skills weren’t working, when he would either only spawn risen when you enter the room, or he’d just eternally spawn them. (Think I had a dozen or so a couple of times. Hard to tell when you’re downed.)
6. IF you can draw the final boss, or his guards, out of the final room, prior to entering, and thereby losing your weapons and getting that greatsword, the npc’s helping you just stand there doing nothing but taking damage.
After hearing how folks have completed this quest, I have, on two later dates retried this quest. Except for the traps being active about 100% of the time, I’ve seen no differance.
Check the nearby coffin.