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Dzagonur v Underworld v Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Wizard.4056


Found this thread while browsing through the forum. I have to say that it looks like RoF and Dzagonur gave up Sunday night. We started bad and kept losing our keeps all the time and were third for some time.. RoF even had a fully upgraded stonemist! But after some good fights we managed to take it and ever since then I have seen less and less resistance. Yesterday evening was an exception though when I spent like 3 hours trying to take the RoF keep. I had to go but this morning we owned it.

And today I spent like 5 hours taking your border :-P but the defenses in the Garrison are to strong. I kept telling people to go for the ballistas but we kept wiping. It’s good to have some resistance though! I’m curious what the maps look like tonight when I get back.

anyway dont give up! we are 3 even servers. sunday we were all around 30k points and everything was still possible!

(edited by Wizard.4056)

Suggestion to reward defending

in WvW

Posted by: Wizard.4056


Hey guys. I’m not sure if this has been suggested already but my search on the forum didn’t come up with anything.
From my experience in WvWvW I have noticed the following 2 matters:

1) I believe that most people will agree with me when I say that defending bases is not very rewarding compared to losing & retaking it, in terms of silver it rewards. Of course there are server rewards for having more points on the score board but individuals (like myself) don’t really care about these things that much) During the time you wait for enemies to show up you could have taken 2 or more bases if you would have stayed with ‘the zerg’. Therefore it is currently not very attracting to defend bases.

2) There are not a lot of benefit for guilds to claim bases, seeing that the upgrades to give fort bonuses take more than a day to research and only last 12 hours. Most guilds only purchase upgrades that benefit the entire guild, such as bonus xp, karma & MF.

To solve both of these ‘issues’ at once I suggest the following: Currently in the ‘Architecture’ upgrade there is no tier 3 benefit. What if this upgrade (or a new upgrade) allows guilds to earn money from owning a base depending on the following things:

- Size of the claimed object (camp, tower, keep, SM)
- Upgrades purchased

For each ‘points round’ that a guild owns an object, a certain amount of money based on the above 2 mentioned factors will be automatically deposited in the guild vault. This way guilds will actually invest in defenses and attackers will no longer feel like they are participating in ‘PvDoor’. It also puts more pressure on the defenders and guilds can be proud of owning an object.

I would invest in upgrades / defenses if it would eventually pay itself back by keeping / defending the location.

I hope you guys can share your thoughts. Maybe it’s a horrible idea but it has been on my mind the whole day.

Best regards


(edited by Wizard.4056)

Underworld realm & Free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Wizard.4056


Phoenix, thank you for your elaborate reply. Please do not misinterpret my words as it is our common goal to help the server getting up in the ranking ladder. The reason I made my post is to encourage people to join our server because it is ‘more of a challenge’.

I spoke to a guild master of a large WvWvW guild whom told me about the alliance that was in place. It did sadden us both when he told me that more and more guilds were falling apart or transferring to another realm. That’s when I concluded that this alliance wasn’t existing anymore. I also based my opinion on the score board. I figured that if there would be a good alliance still we would have more bases & points.

Don’t think I haven’t been helping in WvW. In contrary, I have been in there almost every day with my guild operating in small groups to take supply camps. I’ve also been leading some zerg groups to victories, so I will assume that when you say: ‘blame yourselves’ it is directed towards those that avoid WvW now that we are losing. But honestly, that is the same as deserting to another server.

I think we should talk ingame. You seem passionate and we share a common goal. Perhaps we can revive the alliance, and make it even better.

As an extra note, the guildmaster I spoke to has now transfered his whole guild to Gandara…

Underworld realm & Free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Wizard.4056


First of all, this is my first post on the forum seeing that I never really had any reason to post, but I feel that I should get this of my chest.

When I started doing WvWvW it didnt take long for me to fall in love with it because what’s more awesome then charging to castles in an attempt to take control of them while trampling desperate defenders. We didn’t always win, but there was ‘always a next time’.

The last few weeks we have faced servers that have much more players and especially more players that do WvWvW. As a result I kept seeing that ‘Greatly outmanned’ buff showing up more and more often. Not only during mornings.. but also some afternoons. So I went back to the forum and discovered that people can transfer for free to another realm. That explained a lot and angered me greatly. Not meant towards Anet.. but towards the cowardice rats that abandon our server to join the winning team. I guess that’s what they mean with ‘if you can’t beat them.. join them’.

Today it came to my attention that even one of the biggest wvw guilds on the server moved to Gandara, the team we faced last week that owned us by having 90% more points. Instead of trying to unite the guilds of underworld they selfishly choose to join the ones they had been swearing at for a whole week.

So much for loyalty to your server. I have been saving up a commander icon for a few weeks now, because I wanted to be part of the crew that would unite and save our server. Now I’m not sure if there is anything to save left.

Seeing that I didn’t just sign up here just to rant I also want to send out an invitation to players that are tired of winning and want to try the ‘hard mode’. If you want a new WvWvW challenge then you are most welcome on our server and in my guild. I believe that we can still get our server up the ranking ladder.. but I cannot do it alone.


Other solutions I see is merging our realm with one that is also small like us, or by providing rewards to players that choose to help an outmanned server. But that’s for Anet to decide.

Tidalwiz. Ätlantean Ärmy.

(edited by Wizard.4056)