Showing Posts For WynterRaven.7208:

Necro in Devona's Rest looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi there. We are small, mostly adult members and all of us love PvE. As we are small we don’t have regular event times, we just help each other out, group up for events and are starting to try out different dungeons. We have active members, maybe only a few on at a time, but we are committed. We are mainly oceanic time zones though, we have one other player who has just joined from the US, he is understanding of the timezones and of course we are always looking for new members from all over the world, we don’t want to limit ourselves to just oceanic playing times.

We are on Emhry Bay server, some of our members are from different servers, even a couple have moved over to our server to be with us but we wouldn’t expect or ask people to transfer, it is an individual’s choice and it is easy enough to group up using the guesting option.

Please feel free to add me ingame for a chat if this sounds like something you might want to join.

I hope to hear from you.


Looking for a guild :)

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi James

My name is Emma, we have a small Guild on Ehmry Bay called Blood Raven Nightingales. We are mainly oceanic timezone so not sure if that suits you or if you don’t mind the time difference. Our little guild is active, we all share an interest in PvE and eventually dungeoning in groups, as some of our members aren’t quite there yet. There are a few of us with level 80 characters. We have members on other servers which hasn’t posed a problem yet.

We don’t believe in large guilds, preferring to stay small so we can all get to know each other and form friendships rather than be just another name in a large guild. We have a website and we are working on vent for when we do dungeons etc together.

If you are interested or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in game for a chat.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!

LF active friendly guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hiya seems like you have alot to choose from already but just wanted to introduce myself. We have a small guild on ehmry bay and when I say small I don’t mean 100 people, we are a mixed bunch of 10 players at various levels! We love pve, want to do more dungeon events and high level content events as well as keep each other company or group up while exploring. We want to keep it small and keep it real. Working on a website for our members and also voice chat. Hope you will consider us and ease feel free to add me ingame for a chat

LF Dungeon Guild (Oceanic/Pacific)

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


We probably aren’t what you are looking for buuut ya never know until you ask, so….

We are a small guild 9 members in total 4 to 5 of us quite active. Mainly aussies, we play week nights and weekends. We are pve orientated but want to have more dungeon activities and events. We are planning to stay small but also want to create group of friends that is big enough to form up dungeon parties or events etc at anytime that most players are online. Of course we are new and just forming but if you are willing to grow with us I think it will be rewarding in the end.

As I said, maybe not what you are looking for but i thought it worth introducing myself anyway. Add me in game for more info and friendly chat, you just never know, it might work for you

Wynter Raven
Blood Raven Nightingales

LF PvE Guild :/

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hiya, we have a small casual guild. We have no level requirements and no amount of gametime is demanded to stay in our guild. We prefer to stay small, opting for a closer guild to create friendships with all rather than a big guild where you wont know everyone online while you play. Our members enjoy pve and some of us are starting to explore dungeons and higher level content but also leveling other characters as well.

We are on the ehmry bay server and we play mainly in australian time zones but do have some members on the other side of the world too.

If interested or if you have any questions please contact me via these forums or add me in game.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Wynter Raven
Blood Raven Nightingales

LF PvE-Oriented Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi there SirMirex. We have a small guild and we intend to keep it small but for now we are recruiting. Both leaders live in Australia and play weeknights and on weekends day and night times. There are a couple of other Australian players with us and a couple from Canada. We mainly focus on pve both myself and the other leader have level 80 characters and want to dungeon more and looking for others in our timezone so we can create a nice familiar group of players to dungeon with as well as continue our PvE adventures.

We are a small guild that wishes to create a more personal familiarity with all of our members. There are no special requirements, we don’t mind if you play alot or not, we don’t have mandatory events you need to attend, we think of our guild more of a collective of friends with similar goals of adventuring and dungeons!

We are on the Ehmry Bay server, I’m sure guesting will be fine. Who knows you may want to transfer one day but we will not expect it of you nor ask it of you.

If you are at all interested, please either message me on the forums or you can add me in-game, Wynter Raven.

I hope we hear from you soon.

Lfg-Ehmry Bay

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hiya I sent you an email in game. You were probably online while we were making our way home from work Hopefully I can catch you online over the weekend

Lfg-Ehmry Bay

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi Thorantor, I am creating a guild. We like PvE and looking for others to do dungeons etc with. The two leaders are from Australia and we play evenings and on weekends, so if you don’t mind the time difference (if there is one) we would be happy to have you in our guild. We are only small, and we intend to stay that way, preferring to have a few players which we work well with rather than a huge guild of people and then all the members become strangers. We have done a few dungeons with random players but would prefer to create a guild where people can do their own thing but if they want to create a group for a dungeon or event, they know they can find reliable and familiar people to do that with.

We don’t have a website, we will use skype for voice chat if needed and there are no real commitments, except to represent us when we do group events.:)

If you are interested, please feel free to message me. We just had two members from Canada join us, so if you are on that side of the world, there will be a few others in the guild on at a similar time.

Looking for adult guild that works together

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi there, my husband and I created a guild and are looking to add some members. We are in Australia, not sure if that time zone suits? We play week nights and weekends mainly PvE. We enjoy dungeons and events and are both lvl 80 but newish to this game. We are not hardcore just casual players looking for others who want to be part of a small but dedicated guild. We have no website but if interested please send a message to me Wynter Raven. We would love to hear from you. Best of luck in your search. Oh and it is not necessary to be lvl 80 to join us, we also have other characters to lvl up so any level, race or profession is just fine with us!

Semi experienced mature seeks guild

in Guilds

Posted by: WynterRaven.7208


Hi there, I am also from Australia and have just started playing. I love PvE and have just started exploring dungeons. Currently husband and I have started our own guild. I am around the mid 50s level and husband is just over lvl 60. We are looking for others to dungeon with and do events with etc. Another friend of mine is in the guild but she hasn’t got alot of time to play so we have majorly out lvled her for now. We hope to find a few others in our time zone who wants to join our guild and who also enjoy PvE and dungeons etc. We are from Adelaide and we both work full time but play at nights and on weekends. We are on the Emhry Bay Server and our little clan is named Blood Raven Nightingales. We can’t compete with all these big highly organised guilds but we are gamers who have experience with guilds or in my case clans and by no means just flailing about with no idea what we are doing lol. We can’t promise big numbers in our guild but we can promise reliable playing times and as many chances as possible to have fun with dungeons and events as a clan. Feel free to msg me in game if interested.

WynterRaven [BRNG]