My alt is constantly in an overflow… on one of the lowest pop servers. I honestly don’t see what OP is talking about.
I think the player distribution is top heavy as well as bottom heavy. Maybe the mid level ranges are more scarce.
Sadly, my decision to go somewhere in the world has turned into “how much would it cost” rather than “what do I want to do now”.
Really disappointed in this.
It takes about 5 minutes in the Heart of the Mists to test what each stat does. The tooltips update to reflect your stats btw. I did this in a BWE and now I know exactly what each stat does. Simple.
That said, yes I much prefer GW1’s armor system of separating the armor from the stats. It was something that evolved later in GW1’s life and GW2 went backwards from that. I see no reason why every aspect of “end game” level 80 content shouldn’t be able to produce the stat combinations of your desire, leaving the “vanity” gear to the grindy paths.
I don’t agree. There are certain combinations on gear that if they existed every single person would use it
Oh, you mean berserker?