Showing Posts For ZannX.4058:

Bring Back the GW1 Skillsets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Personally I’d just like to see 7-8 skills per 2h weapon (adjust accordingly for MH/OH weapons). Then, you load out with 5 of them.

Anyone else quit their Ranger with HoT?

in Ranger

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Actually really enjoying my Druid…with staff/axe/torch I may be slower to kill things solo…but the only times I’ve died so far in the new maps are when my gliding endurance ran out and there wasn’t an updraft to save me.

You can reglide once it’s stowed… it will regenerate endurance. Just tap space right before you land.

Anyone else quit their Ranger with HoT?

in Ranger

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Yea, I have no interest in being a druid, but I still like the Ranger base class. Ironically, I’ve now recognized that my Guardian is now a pretty good longbow/greatsword user… that can also heal/support allies…

Unfortunately, my main (Ranger) is my only character with world completion. As it stands, it’s my only character that has his elite spec fully unlocked. Some of my alts that I actually want to spec into elite have garbage hero points. Sigh.

[Suggestion] Putting a CAP on Currencies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


How do you propose to implement this on the existing system? And how large do you want the caps to be for specific currencies?

Other games have already done it. It’s not a new concept. The numbers themselves can be tweaked so that’s not an issue.

The bigger problem lies in the fact that there will likely be that one “most efficient” method to farm whatever currencies we settle on so people will largely just do that.

PLEASE make condition builds USEFUL in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Nope, they won’t. They don’t want those changes in PvP, for ArenaNet PvP is more important than PvE (because they still have that “LOL E-Sport!” dream, regardless of how dead the PvP community is), and so ArenaNet won’t make different versions of fundamental game mechanics.

What? They already made confusion different in PvE and PvP. I don’t see why the other conditions couldn’t work the same way.

Because the amount of calculations it has to do is still limited at 25 per stack, since new conditions overwrite old conditions.

This is a 10+ year old solved issue (see every other MMO, notably you know what). The current design is on purpose, it has nothing to do with technical limitations.

GW2 install technical question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Personally I’ve moved just the GW2 folder to other computers and it works flawlessly.

Poor Performance for Good PC

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZannX.4058


First, specs of computers I’ll be referring to in my post. For the sake of consistency, I chose the default “best appearance” mode (I believe it’s high in everything but not ultra) for all the platforms. The only difference between the platforms is the resolution.

My Desktop (2560×1080)
Core i7 3770k @ 4.4 ghz (I’ve also tried stock)
RadeonHD 7970 @ 1125/1575 (I’ve also tried stock)

My Laptop (1366×768)
Core i5-3210M (stock)
Nvidia GTX 660M (stock)

Girlfriend’s Laptop (1920×1080)
Core i5-4200M (stock)
Nvidia GTX 765M (stock)

I played GW2 at launch for a few months but stopped playing for nearly a year until recently. At launch, I didn’t have super stellar performance, but I didn’t mind since I ran it maxed out at 5760×1080. I don’t recall it ever dipping below 25 fps and if it did – it was rare. Most of the time it was easily over 30 in the crowded cities / WvW etc.

After starting again recently, I noticed that although I cut my resolution in half (2560×1080 now), I’m dipping into the 20s frequently. I essentially bottom out at 20 fps in Lion’s Arch, Divinity’s Reach, etc. Sometimes I even seen teens popping up. I don’t recall the cities being so laggy. It also happens in random places (i.e. it happens in Orr and some other places where it’s not ‘crowded’ or super involved). Although a little puzzled, I dismissed it for a little while. That is, until my gf fired up the game.

Sitting next to me, her relatively weaker laptop got twice the fps of my desktop in Divinity’s Reach. Stunned, I fired up my laptop and while it’s not as strong as her laptop, it got reasonably good fps in Dvinity’s Reach (30+).

I’ve tried:
- Changing graphics quality. Honestly, even at the lowest settings I get maybe 30 fps in Divinity’s Reach.
- Core parking, no change.
- Changing clocks back to stock on my CPU/GPU, no change.
- Uninstalled/Cleaned out GPU drivers and reinstalled them, no change.
- **Disabled Hyperthreading on my cpu… this actually skyrocketed my fps to 50-60+ in Divinity’s Reach. I was excited that I found a fix. However, upon the most recent GW2 update and a Window’s Update, it’s reverted back to the old crappy FPS… At this point, disabling hyperthreading yields no change.
- Running other games. I’m running BF4 at ultra with no issues and no other games give me any issues.

I’m out of ideas short of a completely fresh install (Windows and/or GW2…). Not really sure what else I can try next or if anyone’s run into this before.

Confirmation of spammer/botter ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Can we get a confirmation mail every time someone we report gets banned?

As rare as it is, this happens in DoTA 2 if you report someone and they get banned.

Why Would I Spvp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Why are millions of people playing that one map on League of Legends and then actually paying real money for the skins?

What Mobas lack in map diversity, they make up for in the sheer amount of hero diversity. That’s obviously not going to happen with GW2 so it has to add diversity elsewhere.

Performance and Framerate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


What do you mean by HD and triple HD ?

you have a 6x series google this: nvidia 670 turn off boost

The so called boost function keeps throwing your gpu into low performance mode on the 6x series.

There is no offical SLI support but it works fine for most people.

He means 1 monitor vs. 3 monitors.

Why Would I Spvp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Yes, you can liken sPvP to FPS games.

However, once you make this comparison sPvP somehow feels under-developed in general. Hopefully in the future they’ll add more maps and more modes. Right now if you aren’t a fan of the 4 maps and the 1 mode available… well then sPvP is literally just not for you. Imagine if a MP FPS game launched with 4 maps/arenas and 1 mode…

No problems getting gold in dynamic events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ZannX.4058


The complaints aren’t about getting “gold” in a dynamic event (as if anyone farming Orr even cares about that really). It’s tagging every single mob that spawns so you’re able to get the drops (the REAL “gold” in a dynamic event).

Help I made a mistake!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Oh bummer. Maybe try to put in a support ticket and see what they say.


Explain the situation and hope they have mercy on your soul.

They’ve already said to many other individuals in the same situation that they cannot refund items in this manner. OP is SOL.

Most underplayed Profession/Race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


What's the point with using a Longbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Point Blank Shot – Does a good amount of damage and pushes the opponent away frm you the closer you are to him, Easily is better than Shortbows quick shot and the Point Blank does more damage and pushes the enemy away instead of having to jump backwars yourself… with the shortbow.

You do realize Quick Shot is a literal evade, like an extra dodge? It gives you the same invincibility frame. I use it a lot to dodge out of AOE circles etc. Shortbow is much more flexible since almost all of its dmg is from its auto attack. If you’re using rapid fire and need to dodge… then it gets interrupted etc. Not everything is DPS centric and is based off of standing still and attacking a target.

Performance and Framerate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Runs fine for me across three monitors (5760×1080) with a single graphics card.

Why isn't it free to respec traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


The cost is not the issue for me, it’s the fact that I have to physically visit a trainer.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Adding my support for this. This is what I was expecting when GW2 was advertised as a revolutionary action MMO.

[BUILD] sPvP - full damage condition (very effective)

in Ranger

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I personally like fire trap as burning does 6x the dps of bleed and 3x the dps of poison. Axe + Torch is also incredibly heavy on conditions (especially burning). For kicks, just read the tooltip on the Torch “4” skill to see the burning dmg when you have 1502 condition dmg

Fire Elemental at Thaumanova Reactor

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Actually this is how all events should be from the get go, as preparation for dungeons, and teaching of basic game mechanics like dodging (in freaking half seconds).

Oh it teaches you a ton about dungeons: There’s always a waypoint you can zerg from.

How much time have you played? Hardcore or Casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


People can’t seem to grasp the concept that some people play more on weekends and using an average is kind of meaningless. I think I spent 40% of my time just on two different weekends when I had 3 day weekends.

Long CD Elites In GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Poison Arrow. My favorite elite.

Experiment - My hour as a farmer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Transmute the L35 cultural armour later on when you have a full set of rares? I mean, it’s cosmetic after all – everyone out-levels that tiered armour. 22 hours is nothing at the end of the day.

What… 22 hours is 91.7% of a day.

Level 34. Irrelevant. Moving along.

In my opinion, Loot and Karma needs to change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


The first thing that needs to change about Karma is the rewards. Right now, Karma is either worthless to you or you have to farm 1 million for a legendary. That’s just a terrible system.

Co-operation instead of rivalry? Which game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I killed the Claw of Jormag. I pew pewed with my bow, I dropped my healing circle, I dropped my little stone spirit guy and I rezzed some people around me. I still got gold reward for the event. The thing is, you have to find balance for the dynamic events. You can’t just heal people, you can’t just run around rezzing people. You have to do damage and throw in a little support. You’ll find it much more enjoyable if you do.

This is flat out wrong for how normal DE’s work. You have to do 5% of a mob’s HP in damage to “tag” it. This literally means only a maximum of 20 people can “tag” a mob (assuming each person does exactly 5%). So mechanically speaking, it’s flawed and is the very reason Orr is such a kitten show.

I believe the dragons work differently though (or at least I hope so).

Co-operation instead of rivalry? Which game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


It’s also a competition to obtain resources (be it gold or dungeon tokens etc.) quickly through a means that will likely be nerfed or fixed later. If you do it now, you will be rewarded handsomely while others will simply be punished after it’s nerfed / fixed.

I had a sick feeling in my stomach when I came home last night. My friend on voice chat said this, “Dude, everyone’s sploitin’ TA now, come on!”

My first thought was: “Wait, I don’t even care about the TA tokens”
Which is first of all a glaring result of their poorly designed dungeon system.

My second thought was: “kitten, that’s a lot of gold though”
Which is a glaring result of their poorly designed end game reward system where gold is king.

My third thought was: “But I really don’t want to spend my precious few hours exploiting a dungeon… however, I know people like my friend will reap the rewards before it’s nerfed, so maybe I really should get in on it now…”
Which just left a freaking bad taste in my mouth about this game.

Exotic Armor? Previewing wrong or it actually does look all the same.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


All of the Orr armor looks exactly the same and there are no sets with Power/Precision/X.

Have fun with your Karma…

The breached wall skill point, died so many times

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


And people wonder why content gets neutered into the ground. Literally.

Please don’t do this Anet.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


If you don’t find the gameplay fun without rewards, don’t play. People play other genres of video games for the fun regardless of whether they are rewarded. Why people take the workplace mentality towards MMOs is frankly beyond me. I have one workplace and it pays real money, and I don’t take that approach to my gaming.

You can’t honestly be so naive as to think that the reward should be completely divorced from the fun-factor. If that were the case, why level up? Why have gear differentiation at all? Why isn’t the game just random content for you to do?

On that note, the current dungeon content is quite frankly so poorly designed, I have absolutely no desire to repeat any explorable paths. They just aren’t fun at all. No, it’s not due to difficulty either. I have not died more than a couple of times in any dungeon and I have yet to fail one.

People farmed CoF because it was the path of least resistance. Sure you can nerf that particular path into the ground, but there’s something very fundamental that Anet was missing the entire time. Making CoF less attractive didn’t make the other dungeons more attractive. They’re still the same terrible dungeons. The diffrence now is I just don’t feel like running any dungeon at all.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


If you want a reward and that’s your primary driving factor to doing something, only participate in activities that reward you with something at your desired level.

If you’re in this game for loot and that’s all you care about, doing a jumping puzzle isn’t a good idea.

Hey, I actually like doing the jumping puzzles. They are the hardest PvE content in this game.

Dungeons are not fun. DE’s are not fun. Their rewards are also poorly designed. The reward system could easily be tweaked, yet they chose to butcher it. Baffling.

Is this how weekly matches should be?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


It’s like this for just about every single match up… The system is horribly broken. It’s not fun for the losing servers or the one that’s dominating.

I'm bored and I wish I weren't

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


You blew through 300 hours of content in 3 weeks? And you paid how much for it?

its not 300 hours though, its more like 100 doing it effeciently.

and to the previous poster…. that list is rubbish.

i am doing things “properly” and after 40h i am level 30, with 10% map completion.
and that is without any pvp.

the only way to get to 80 that fast is if you teleport everywhere, skip text, no social, no enjoyement of the world and arts.
but at that point.. youre a d3 player

Excuse me, since when do you decide how to “properly” play this game?

After playing with a friend that basically was incapable of properly tagging mobs for hearts/DE’s, finding the actual content on her map, or failing story missions repeatedly without help, I’ve realized just how it takes someone an insane amount of time to accomplish anything in this game. They’re just freaking slow. End of story. Just because you’re slow doesn’t mean you’re doing it “properly”.

All of this aside, the speed in which someone hits 80 has absolutely nothing to do with the poor quality of content and reward systems that are in the game. Getting to 80 slowly doesn’t somehow magically make the content better. Something that’s unfun will remain unfun, I know it’s shocking.

I'm bored and I wish I weren't

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


You blew through 300 hours of content in 3 weeks? And you paid how much for it?

its not 300 hours though, its more like 100 doing it effeciently.

and to the previous poster…. that list is rubbish.

Your opinion. IMO, it’s not rubbish at all. And what the heck does “doing it efficently” mean other than “blow through”?

No, it really is rubbish. It double, triple, or quadruple lists the same thing multiple times.

I'm bored and I wish I weren't

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


A lot of these issues can be alleviated with a redesign of “end game” rewards. I’ve said it before, and I seriously hope Anet realizes this:

- Karma needs to be account bound. How sweet would it be to use Karma for another character instead of letting it rot on one character?
- Karma rewards should include exotic weapons
- Karma rewards need to have all stat sets available
- Dungeon rewards need to have all stat sets available
- Crafted items need to have all stat sets available
- WvW badge rewards need to have all stat sets available
- Dungeon Tokens need to be universal (with a token lockout system for running the same path too many times in a day). Why Dungeon tokens were dungeon specific in the first place is rather baffling.

My opinion- the game didn't live up to the manifesto

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I noticed this in the BWE’s. I was hoping that the final game would prove me wrong in every way.

And to add to what you’ve already said:

“And then when you play the combat in our game. You will say “Wow! That’s incredible, I’ve never seen anything like that before… I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, heyy I swung it again – that’s great.”

Sorry – this really got to me in the BWE’s and I was hoping higher level mobs / bosses would be designed radically differently to make me like the combat system. Right now it really is about swinging your sword, swinging it again, and heyy you just swung it again. I was and still am completely underwhelmed by the combat which is made worse by the poor mob/boss design.

On the subject of entitlement and End Game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Just not happy that there is no well thought out level 80 content that ironically is not just a token/material grind with no challenge.

All content is still relevant at level 80 do to scaling. Just because the zone is 15-25 if that is your races leveling zone does not make it level 80 content.

Again (and this is no insult to you or other gamers with the same mindset) but you are treating this like a WoW clone where a level 15-25 zone is only relevant while you are level 15-25.

I know you have said you are 99% complete, but if true you raced through content expecting something at 80 that was never promised. You are not the person that GW2 was designed around, I know that is rough to hear as you bought it but really this game was not designed or intended for you. I think all ANet ever intended for a customer like you was that you would pick up the box, play for 200 or so hours, fully completing 1 character, and then hope you picked up the expansions to check out the new content.

Again that isn’t to insult you or anyone else like you, but honestly I don’t think this game was intended to be a traditional MMO, only an MMO in the basic definition of persistent world with multiple player characters logged on at one time.

You cannot seriously look me in the eye and tell me that the level 15-25 zone is relevant for my 80. This was one aspect of the game that they fed the players and hyped up. In practice, this is absolutely false. Beyond 100% completion, I have 0 reason to go back to the 15-25 zone.

But honestly why not? They put so much effort into the PvE world, all these differently occurring events, and art and music. Why can it not be a legitimate part of the game? of the end game? to explore and do everything? why is that not relevant? Not many MMOs have done scaling like this games does. It wants the players to take responsibility. So in that sense alone the rules change.

As I’ve said a few posts earlier (seriously, repeating myself a lot it seems)… so here’s some cliffs for the ADD:

- Plenty of content in GW2
- Content is designed poorly. DE’s are not Dynamic or fun.
- Poor implementation of Karma system/rewards undermines incentive to do DE’s.
- You can make all the content you want. If it’s terrible, I will not do it.

On the subject of entitlement and End Game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Just not happy that there is no well thought out level 80 content that ironically is not just a token/material grind with no challenge.

All content is still relevant at level 80 do to scaling. Just because the zone is 15-25 if that is your races leveling zone does not make it level 80 content.

Again (and this is no insult to you or other gamers with the same mindset) but you are treating this like a WoW clone where a level 15-25 zone is only relevant while you are level 15-25.

I know you have said you are 99% complete, but if true you raced through content expecting something at 80 that was never promised. You are not the person that GW2 was designed around, I know that is rough to hear as you bought it but really this game was not designed or intended for you. I think all ANet ever intended for a customer like you was that you would pick up the box, play for 200 or so hours, fully completing 1 character, and then hope you picked up the expansions to check out the new content.

Again that isn’t to insult you or anyone else like you, but honestly I don’t think this game was intended to be a traditional MMO, only an MMO in the basic definition of persistent world with multiple player characters logged on at one time.

You cannot seriously look me in the eye and tell me that the level 15-25 zone is relevant for my 80. This was one aspect of the game that they fed the players and hyped up. In practice, this is absolutely false. Beyond 100% completion, I have 0 reason to go back to the 15-25 zone.

Then this game was not designed to keep you interested in continual play, as that is the only reason to go back and they make no bones about that design philosophy.

But understanding this is a great thing for you as you are out no monthly fee to come to this conclusion and move on. Hopefully you will check back when there is new content for your level 80 to play through.

Anet has stated that dynamic events (new ones on top of existing ones) will keep 80’s coming back to the lower level zones. The main flaw with this? DE’s are 1) designed poorly and 2) Karma reward system is broken.

Like I’ve said numerous times, there is PLENTY of content in GW2. The issue is not the lack of content. The issue is the poor design of said content and poor reward system (Karma seriously needs to be looked at). And like I’ve said before… you can make all the content you want, if it’s poorly designed I don’t want to do it.

World completion includes dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZannX.4058


For 100% World Completion, every map that has a list of Waypoints, POI’s, Skillpoints, and Vistas are counted. Press “M”. If it has a list, it’s counted. If not, it’s not counted (i.e. Dungeons)

So yes, if you press “M” in WvWvW… there’s a list of stuff to collect. Now hop to it.

On the subject of entitlement and End Game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Just not happy that there is no well thought out level 80 content that ironically is not just a token/material grind with no challenge.

All content is still relevant at level 80 do to scaling. Just because the zone is 15-25 if that is your races leveling zone does not make it level 80 content.

Again (and this is no insult to you or other gamers with the same mindset) but you are treating this like a WoW clone where a level 15-25 zone is only relevant while you are level 15-25.

I know you have said you are 99% complete, but if true you raced through content expecting something at 80 that was never promised. You are not the person that GW2 was designed around, I know that is rough to hear as you bought it but really this game was not designed or intended for you. I think all ANet ever intended for a customer like you was that you would pick up the box, play for 200 or so hours, fully completing 1 character, and then hope you picked up the expansions to check out the new content.

Again that isn’t to insult you or anyone else like you, but honestly I don’t think this game was intended to be a traditional MMO, only an MMO in the basic definition of persistent world with multiple player characters logged on at one time.

You cannot seriously look me in the eye and tell me that the level 15-25 zone is relevant for my 80. This was one aspect of the game that they fed the players and hyped up. In practice, this is absolutely false. Beyond 100% completion, I have 0 reason to go back to the 15-25 zone.

The "endgame" is just...strange.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


- Cross-server Dungeon Finder.
- Lessen the price of gear.
- Make every stat combination available through every means.
- Converge dungeon badges to one universal badge.
- Increment the effect bolster has on WvW.

This bullet list needs to be highlighted in the post somehow. Every point is exactly what I’ve been saying since I hit 80.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


ftskaleem, that’s just false. You see, I was naive like you once. I thought I could buy one piece with Karma, one piece with dungeon tokens, one piece with WvWvW badges etc.

But no. Not all the stat combos are available through those means. Everything is oddly and irrationally specific to one method of acquiring gear and essentially makes all other methods useless to you. As a player, this is baffling. It trivializes their reward systems and undermines the whole concept of GW2.

On the subject of entitlement and End Game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


…all this “LET’S PLAY FOR FUN” crap is nonsense…

I agree! Has anything ever been so absurd as the concept of playing games for something as stupid and pointless as FUN?

It’s easy to take a word out of context, my point was if it’s so much fun then why are people not even doing that content?


Been trying to say this in other threads. GW2 actually has a metrickitten load of content. The problem is that the content itself is not fun due to poor reward systems (yes, it’s more fun to be rewarded properly for what you do), and general poor design of content.

Do you want to run other dungeons now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Actually want to run the other dungeons?

Personally… No. There are very basic fundamental flaws in general Dungeon / Mob / Boss design coupled with a huge obvious flaw with the Token system. CoF wasn’t stopping people from running other dungeons. How un-fun those other dungeons are is what’s stopping people from running other dungeons.

For reference, I’ve done a lot of the other explorable paths/dungeons for the sake of seeing what’s out there. We haven’t failed one nor have we died more than a few times per player. They’re just not fun, laborious at times, and frankly very poorly designed. A lot of bosses seem to have a design philosophy of: “let’s make this ‘challenging’ by adding a few too many zeroes to its hp”. I’ve alt-tabbed out of fights to pass the time browsing the internet. My auto attack beat the boss.

The Dungeon patch has now made me basically not want to play my level 80 at all. WvWvW is pretty much broken. Queues aside, most of the matchups are extremely lopsided and they last a whole week now. No incentive for either the winning side or the losing side. DE’s are pointless for me since Karma is pointless for me. Grinding Orr is well grinding and mind numbing. No reason to visit lower level zones, nevermind the entry fee for waypointing there. Dungeons are not enjoyable to begin with. There wouldn’t be such a huge need for knee jerk poorly designed dungeon patches like this if you actually made dungeons enjoyable with a reasonable reward system.

In the midst of all this “end game” complaining… Overall, I feel that GW2 doesn’t lack content. There’s a ton of it. The issue is that the content itself is designed poorly which is really a deficiency on two fronts: 1) poorly designed karma, dungeon token, and even WvW badge systems and 2) the actual PvE encounters are quite frankly not enjoyable on a repeatable level.

How many times are you guys dieing in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I don’t usually die at all.

This doesn’t magically make the content enjoyable nor does it solve any of the issues with Dungeon tokens or dungeon design.

70-80, Ruins of Orr or Frostgorge Sound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Frostgorge because you’ll spend the rest of your time at 80 farming one spot in Orr.

On the subject of entitlement and End Game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


Whoa guy. So you’re saying if you only got 6-12 hours out of GW2, then it was ok? I don’t think you should compare GW2 to a CoD campaign. I’m sorry, I expect a lot more from this game because I want to throw more money at it and I know it has the potential.

By the way, the amount of content is not what GW2 is deficient in. GW2 lacks interesting content. Bosses are designed poorly, dungeons are designed poorly, and dynamic events are designed poorly. PvE at 80 is just not fun. You can make as much content as you want, but if the content sucks, then I don’t want to do any of it.

The underwater rocket boot issue for engineers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


It has nothing to do with 3D. It has everything to do with their physics constants when inside / outside of water. Have you ever tried jumping onto land only to land back in the water and plummet 20 feet below? They clearly have physics engine issues with water vs. out of water.

Dungeon Tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I’m not sure if you’re trolling, Melphina.

If you read my post, I proposed a token lockout for a path on X runs per day as an example to combat this.

Also, people running one path because it’s easier / faster etc. is not an issue with the token system, it’s an issue with path design in general. People are running one path over and over right now anyway which is why Anet did their knee jerk nerf.

Dungeon Tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZannX.4058


In light of all this CoF business, Anet really needs to at least tell us why Dungeon Tokens aren’t universal. This seems to have been their first biggest mistake. You can nerf CoF all you want, but fundamentally I’m just sick of running one specific dungeon over and over.

Implement token lockouts after X repeated runs of some explorable path (just tokens, so you could still help a friend if you need to and not get locked out completely)… and make tokens universal.

Just sort of baffling as to why such a potentially simple system can become so un-fun, un-rewarding, and poorly designed.

So you finally hit Level 80....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZannX.4058


I think people are interpreting the “grind” complaints the wrong way.

There are two issues that I see:

1) Yes, getting full exotic gear isn’t too horribly grindy. In reality, this actually depends a lot on which stats set you actually want. I.E. Berserker is a lot more expensive overall. Some exotic rewards are just not accessible through typical “end game” rewards – i.e. Karma cannot buy you all of the available stat options. WvW badges cannot either. Dungeon gear is a whole different story since the current system simply perpetuates grinding.

2) Yes, if you want “looks”, you need to “grind”. I don’t think the default response should be: “don’t grind if you don’t want to”. This puts the player in an awkward position. It’s true that stats wise you don’t need to invest a lot of time, but let’s divorce ourselves for a second from stats. In other words, there are REWARDS that exist that require a lot of grind. Telling players that these are off limits because you have to do something unenjoyable to get them is… quite a slap in the face actually. I feel like a gradual reward system is much better. Something that rewards you for doing what you want rather than doing one specific thing over and over and over. Really – isn’t this what GW2 was advertised to be? This is where their Karma, WvW, and Dungeon systems are fundamentally broken. Right now it’s a game where you “play how you want – the way we wanted you to grind things out”.