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Yep… this class is the bottom of the pit …the end!
We had one so so good build that was somewhat working end they NERF the kiten of it./….why?…why ? why?…..
Just remove this class from the game..is worthless…
I watch the J .Sharp promising how they will help warrs …end what we got?
NERF… * WE gotta be careful not to make warrior OP* …..whatever
Nice one Anet….
I,m done with this forsaken class….Leveling Guardian us we speak…………………….
Oh yeah… next patch make the thief’s….. Perm stealth…we don’t need to see them at all…..
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Mehh…don’t u get it already ?
Anet don’t want to fix the warrior.. Nice suggestions..but they mean nothing….
Keep dreaming palls ….Warriors forever will be on bottom of the pit…..
Nerf Axe chain…..heh
Nerf Leg SP… heh
Sword 1 joke damage…heh
Sword 3 takes 10 h to cast end cant be seeing from Europe..heh
No sustain ..heh
Heavy ARMOR….guess what….. ARMOR don’t matter here…heh
Should i go on…….
I wont be surprise if they nerf 100 b next patch
Ahhh whatever…
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Kytanaaaa <3…..You guys are freaking awesome. It is honor to play with u side by side……end that,s the bottom line.. cause I said so !
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My warrior feels stronger than ever in both spvp and WvW, you need to adapt
the “o noes the build i was using doesnt work anymore, there cannot possibly be another viable option!” gets old really fast.
there are plenty of options, and yes, I do mean it when i say i feel stronger than before.
Yes they are some good changes but that is not the point…
Why something have to be Nerft in order to promote something ells ?
They should give me the option end is up to me what build to play…not force me to play something i don’t want two ….
So what now ..we should play S/SH or S/M + hammer now ?… cause Anet said so…
Tell me one good reason why Leg Specialist have to have cool down ? Warrior OP perhaps ? Or Axe chain ?
You know what..don’t rely care any more…
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Yep…they have some rely smart people there…
Nerf the axe… Nerf LS move all good train’s to GMaster… oh yeh axe5 good on PvP only …. If u ask them why they did that there will be no answer…… meh
With every patch they bring me closer end closer to shelf this game
Like the sword change.. BUT that should of be a option not enforcement
I cant believe that some Net guys are playing the game end they like what they see…..
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Has it,s uses on what exactly…. PvE ? End no…. i run axe/shield …so what are u..one of this fan boys that think everything is great…
If u think is so perfect then why single warrior don’t use / axe on pvp?
Please enlighten me ….i,m kitten end have no clue how to play warrior….Has it’s uses =/= perfect. Talk about a misquote there buddy. I run it for PvE with a longbow and sword mainhand. Carpeting the area in fire and spinning on it has devastating damage, especially with a Sigil of Earth on one of the weapons for 15 chances to proc. The sigil and trait for bleeding add up between flurries for heavy bleed stacking all while spreading that burn even more. You can dodge while using it and it hits 360 degrees to hit a large number of mobs and also flings projectiles everywhere when used in a combo field. This was all mentioned already in this thread.
It doesn’t have ANY real use in SPvP, but then neither do warriors as a whole. The attack is painfully obvious and not heavily damaging.
P.S. Don’t call someone a stupid fanboy if all you’re going to do is exaggerate their post and even ignore their posting history.
posting history…..eeeek
Maybe u don’t read right or something ……. I said PvP…not PvE ….buddy … that was the point in of my question….end stop lecture me how to play warr…doing that sins 1 beta
…So after so many great post we think axe 5 is great end will go build our adrenalin cause there is no other way do that….. case close
Ps; BTW i didn’t call u stupid….. don’t ad words i have not said….
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(edited by Zee.1294)
I also laughed at how he tried to call out to ANET with CAPS in the thread name. Isn’t he just adorable? Axe 5 has it’s uses.
Has it,s uses on what exactly…. PvE ? End no…. i run axe/shield …so what are u..one of this fan boys that think everything is great…
If u think is so perfect then why single warrior don’t use / axe on pvp?
Please enlighten me ….i,m kitten end have no clue how to play warrior….
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(edited by Zee.1294)
Well i rely like two axe build but axe of hand is just worthless in WvW/PvP
spatially axe 5 .
Are u guys planing to address that some time in the future ?
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Honestly ..Why we are stile talking about this is beyond my mind….
[x] Disable right click targeting
This is very hard to do………
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…How many Defs posts u see here? ..[1 ]….6 monts ago… That can tell u how match they care… Net guys have a plan end they stick to it.. I just don’t get it that players have to beg for fixing something that should have been implemented at release… to bad..
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Keep push this tread ….
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Nice job Colin…finally
Now if u just ad some nice skins end some extra weapon skills u will hit the G spt
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Our development team reviews play input on a regular basis. They are aware of this suggestion, but have not yet reached a decision on what changes, if any, they will make to targeting.
There is a lot going on right now with the upcoming event, but after that, the team will take a look at a lot of different game elements, and may make some changes in the future.
Sorry I don’t have more specific information, but you can be sure this is not being ignored or rejected without due consideration.
Thanks for understanding.
Wow… i guess that must be a loth of work to ad a tiny bitty icon that say…." Disable right click targeting "…..
Looking at the post made 6 months ago..they MAY fix it 2015…unbelievable
We understand alright … take u time….no rush
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Well.. Net guys for sure love there thief’s… Heck ..why don’t just perma stealth them end get on with it…
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Not hundreds ….5 or 10 max end you apply them same way u do the elites.
So u have let say 10 skills on u weapon ..but u can only use 5…
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Great Post OP…full support… hope Net guys consider it
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I don’t want to completely ruin the surprise but you should hear something big from us in the coming weeks about this very topic.
Mr. Devon… I,m sure a loth of people are happy to hear that us boredom starting to sink in . Glad to see that some one actually care. Not sure what the surprise will be but personally i rely hope classes will get more weapon skills.. I,m thinking more of same line us the elite skills so each weapon have 5-10 sub skills. That will give people more unique builds to choose end will make the game more exiting .
Ahh well ..wishful thinking…
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(edited by Zee.1294)
+ 1 ^ This spear remind me of AION..simply awesome
On another news…
1 Defs don’t read warriors treads
2 Even if they do Spears/2 axes or any new weapons wont going to happen …so don’t
get your hopes to high
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You guys do realize what u asking wont happen right?…
Maybe in expansion…maybe..
Honestly you all have great ideas …+1 to that but looking the game progress in last 9 months..just don’t see it any time soon..
love to see land spears …but to me best thing Net guys should do at this moment is to
ad more skills to current weapons ..something like elites..
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+ 300 Make it happen Net guys…
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There will be never a perfect game end that is the fact… but this is not the point.
So let be honest here….You guys are happy from what u see so far?
1 PvE > 7 /10 Like the fact they give Temp. content but the core just don’t work us it should. To match grind for fractal end Legendary weapons. Lots of people give up on this long ago..trying to be short here..
2 Class balance end skills 6/10 Not match to be said here… Limited builds end no enough skills . Every weapon should have at least 10 more sub skills same us elites
Builds need attention. More weapons for every class.
3 WvW 4/10 Is getting old. Fixing the culing was great… thumbs up for that but giving people some Green / yellow skins that u can get for 1.99 s was just slap in the face . Progression is great but promotion of zerg end no attention to small play make the game one sited . 10/20 man Raids need it.( have nothing to do with PvE) At least commanders should have raid option. Change the map texture ….
Map 1 desert
Map 2 water
Map 3 snow
EB is ok just need to get bigger
4 PvP 9/10 Is getting there ..but depends very mach on 2 end how is balanced. They go hand end hand . GvG arena need it
To sum it up… love the game ,is great but to go to the next level some things need to be addressed . Overall 6/10 but can be better, way better
Just my opinion.. don’t go crazy about it
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i dont even know how this thread still exists. If you dont like the game man just leave. No one is forcing you to play and the people that DO like it post positive feedback and criticism to help the game improve in certain areas that need improvement. This game may not be for everyone as not all games are, but if you don’t like it…posting on the forum with a long kitten review that doesn’t do anything for anyone wont help at all. Just leave if you don’t like it.
Tread exist cause this people care about the game end only like to GW2 be successful .
The core of the game is great… just need some tweaks to get it to the next level …
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Age of Conan
Aion: The Tower of Eternity
Allods Online
Anarchy Online
Borderlands 2
City of Heroes
Dark Age of Camelot
DC Universe Online
Dungeons & Dragons Online
EverQuest II
Final Fantasy XI
Lineage II
Lord of the Rings Online
Ragnarok Online
ROSE Online
Runes of Magic
Tera online
Warhammer Online
Wizard 101
World of Warcraft
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Why Not ? If they all have it that means is working is it ?
Besides Raids are simply optional tool for guilds
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1 WoW have nothing to do with it.. i can name u 20 MMOs that have raids or whatever u call it. Raids are great for guilds. Will be not fun if u can see all your guild mates in the map? … not just 5 … 3 party raids will be so great for WvW…meh wishful thinking
2 How wrong can be to have coliseum arena for GvG battles ?
3 Don,t worry.. i,m not offended .. we are just talking.
At the end of the day we can talk all we want but the state of the game belongs to the owners end is up to them to do what they want. We the players can only give them tips to improve it or not.
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1. Not even going to answer Why is wrong? i let u think for a bit for that
2. Did i mention GW1 ? You imagine ? Guild battles in GUILD WARS Game should of been implemented at release , not 3 years after… case close1. I can tell you why implementing raids would be wrong. I’m seriously curious why did you expect it to be in the game.
2. Guild Wars is the lore, not the activity. If something wasn’t there at release in the first one why do you think it should be there at release in the second one?
1 Raids end guilds go hand end hand. I,m seriously curious did u actually played any either MMO . I dont think u know the difference of having 5 man party or 30 man raid e spatially on so call guild base game. I rely like to know why will be wrong ?
2 Wrong….Activity is what makes or breaks MMO ..
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1. Not even going to answer Why is wrong? i let u think for a bit for that
2. Did i mention GW1 ? You imagine ? Guild battles in GUILD WARS Game should of been implemented at release , not 3 years after… case close
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Well.. i,m with OP on this…
Played WoW for 4 years, aion for 2 ,Shaiya for 3 end for many reasons stated above i,m having hard time log to this one only 6 months after release …. simply… Game got boring to fast
To me in game that is call GUILD WARS that don’t have 2 simple tings…..Raid system end Guild arenas.. there is something wrong here!
I rest my case …
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JQ’s gonna lose again this week if they don’t push harder during weekdays.
BG let you guys had an easy start during weekend, but JQ is slacking off, just like what happened last week, JQ had lead up until the middle of the week and then BG catches up.
Sound strategy from BG imo, let JQ’s pve force building up their fake confidence (lots of them still believe that JQ’s SEA is the strongest ) during weekend (all that ‘Burnoutgate’ mockery), and then BG use the remaining week to push as hard as they can, and lock down the victory 1 days before the reset.
What are u?…..Nostradamus ?
Can u predict that no one gives crap what u think?
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Can we have some Nuke traps pls ? … wipe the ZERG in one shot…oh yeah..
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Well… i be playing wvw for long time end honestly i have not see warriors with of hand
axe in long time… we all know why….. is worthless!
Here is my suggestion …
axe 4> leap to target end stun for 1 sek…range 700
axe 5> damage up by 20 %
What u guys think ?
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Let me guess …. Another lottery ticket ?…end WvW will get another junk skins that cost 2.99 silver ….. awesome …keep the good work
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To JQ, with BG on nearly equal footing coverage wise it will be fun to see 2 servers able to compete for the T1 spot. Now it comes down to skill and less “night capping”.
-SoR, Your NA that I compete against is a beast, its always fun having a challenge… maybe less zerging though :P. It would be cool if you can recruit for the coverage gaps as well so the matchup will stay competetive between 3 servers throughout the week.
-BG, It seems our new transfers to fill coverage gaps has connected all the dots for the server, between the core BG WvW guilds big and small, the hardcore SoS transfers (holding off a full zerg 2v1 on garrison for hours nightly, that was those guys), and now our new Ocx, Sea friends.
Hope to see the competitiveness and fun increase… … well over 9 thousannnnnd
To BG……The force is strong with u but u not a Jedi et !!
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OP is right !
First 6 months was ok.. but now WvW is getting boring day by day… nothing to play for..same boring maps, no raids, no progress, no server rewords end adding some stupid skins that u can buy for 40 silver…slap in a face ..no reword for small teams… i can go on end on
GW2 now is officially Zerg Wars 2 end u know…getting tired of it
All this things can be fix it with not match effort but i guess it is to mach to ask.
Defs.. open your eyes before many more stop log in
Support for OP … great post end prey Net guys will listen
Adding one more thing… ranks….1 traint point for every 50 lvls
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I don’t think it will ever happen but i vote for Land Spear any day !
Warrior with out spear > half warrior !
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Totally agreed with OP..
I take Nerf 100 bl end be mobile any day. To what ex stand Nerf… i live that to the Defs
OFT: Gah wish wars can use Spear on water end land… meh wishful thinking….
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To be honest 90% of GW2 skins just sucks…hell they don’t even come close to even Aion not to mention Rift or even Tera end on top of that when they come with some what good looking skin it go to RNG.
Some time i ask my self….who the hell design this things
I mean seriously.. lvl1 ugly Great sword with some shiny=150 gold jeees… end people buy it…cause some flamage..wow
I get the filing the gear was added on last moment with out any care or crafting end beauty involved
Fused looking good but then again is NOT for 95% of the population so what is the point.
I know, i know .. they have to make money…sure ..totally agreed..but they are many ways to do that end lottery is not one of them.. unless u want to push people away.
I was happy to spend some$ here end there us long i get what i want..but with this Lotto thing…they lost me…. never again!
End i,m sure i,m not the only one..
Have fun!
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I’m kind of hoping that by the end of the living story we will get one of these fused weapon claims tickets as a memento of the event.
Yeah…well…… you are hoping to match
I,m very disappointed… 250 + chest end nothing.. guessing drop rate of 0.001
I was hoping two…of maybe WvW will have some nice skins end et we got some crap that u can buy with 1200 karma in OW. ..wow 6 months for that… ROFL
i guess ..(hoping) is the last thing u should do
us for me… not single penny more for this game end i,m sure i,m not the only one..Booo
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Hai guys
After the last patch i hear no sound from the game. i relay do not want to reinstall the game. Pls fix it.
Thank you !
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I think the fused weapons look amazing
…..end that,s why they are in toto tickets…
They should of been in WvW…instead we got this ugly crap …. some times i rely wonder do anyone actually care for WvW in the office..
I understand Anet have to make money…sure np i support it,i pay u 20$ for (skin)… but …gamble no way no how… sya!
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Just wasted 40$ on this ting 90+ chest end nothing……i.m done buying gems thank u very match!
Finally they come up with some nice looking skins end now people have to spend 100s of bucks on toto…. relay
no more gems from me..
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Rage joined the party
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Tone it down guys. Lets enjoy the fight in the last moment of this match up.
And wish luck to SBI. We have an exciting match up coming up after all
I,ll be back !
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1/4/12 ??? lol is 1/4 /13……eeeeek
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Same match-up next week. I was kinda hoping that SBI got to chill in the Tier 2 for a bit.
You Hoping ? eeeek….keep hoping.. brah
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10. WvW progression. Ranks end rank icons next to u name. something like this:
Also i think each rank u get unlock 1 traint point …
Rank 1 1000 kils = 1 traint point
Rank 2 2500 kils = 1 t point ens so on
… this will give more builds to shine end reword people for there hard work
combine this with legend gear drops or rewords , bigger end different maps end fixed culing WvW will be The best PvP of all time
oh 1 more thing.. commander tags…. Voted not both end guild raids … well that’s 2 things …QQ
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(edited by Zee.1294)
LOL….awesomewhatever… You SoS..yes? tell u what .. lets go 30 vs 30 brah ..will wup your candy buts from here to Europe end back…. name the place end time end lets go…
You only wining cause u got coverage ..not cause u better then us…kapish !
Btw we all know your deal with JQ to get SBI of tear 1…maybe u will… but soon or later SBI will be full force again end when that happen god have mercy on u souls
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(edited by Zee.1294)
There is only one way to reduce zergi in the game….. BIGER MAPS ..like 50% bigger.
end EB ..100% BIGGER. Also…each map ..different ….like
server 1 …snow
server 2 …desert
server 3… jungle
EB …twilight
Us of now maps are just to small end one zerg can cover prety match everything .
If the maps are 2 times bigger zerg have to spread end that will bring 10 – 15- 20 people PvP
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Here is some good idea for WvW that will make everyone interested :
How bout adding spatial shards that give extra bonus to stats like +2 to power or +2 to Vitality or something like that that spawn on random time on random locations only on WvW maps. Shards stay life for 5 min , if no one loot it it vanish ,then spawns back in different time on different spot.
Just a idea….
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Strategy ha? …I tell u our strategy….
You are all RED RED = DEAD
WE are Relentless,, we don’t Sleep, we don’t Eat end we show no mercy..
Turtles myrtles.. Portals mortals …don’t matter ..we adapt …
WE are the BORG….end u will be assimilated !
….. End that’s the bottom line cause I said so !
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