Showing Posts For Zorric.5704:
This thread is interesting. Just like in real life…. lots of people complaining about the economy and how its not fair they don’t have the stuff they want.
A few people who have figured out how to make money try to share it with others and are argued with or told they are wrong with not much more than the argument of “its too hard or takes too long.”
So you have nothing to add to this problem. Why post? To compare the real life economy to a game economy makes me laugh. First of all, the real life economy in a lot of the world is in bad shape so people do have a right to complain. Secondly, posting things like this just show you’re one of the opportunist who just try to make money which hurts the market in game and in real life. Enjoy. BUT we have stated what we’d like changed so we’re not just here making complaints but trying to provide possible solutions.
Silver doubloons are too rare for a level 20 item that is required for a legendary. Going after the juggernaut right now would be a waste of time unless you had the money or the time. The “it’s too hard or takes too long” argument is valid when the only solutions is wait 250days with some luck or stand for hours at a forge throwing money out the window. “Yeah, go open some of those bags! Throw some gems in the forge!” is now not even worth it because the prices of those items aren’t worth the gamble like a couple months ago. Some people have finally starting bringing out their stashes which has brought the price back down to 1.25g/ea as of this post and over 900 on the market.
As always for those looking for them, good luck and good hunting!
A month ago, i opened 20k light bags of booty and made profits, selling all the mats i got, while keeping the silver doubloons (89 in total). Granted, at that time t2 mats were quite expensive and bags cheap but i still generated 89 silver doubloons while making gold.
So you could afford 20k bags? Sounds fishy. Try that right now and tell me how it works. A side note: It would take you a VERY LONG time to farm those bags. AND it took you 20k bags to get just 89? Holy wow that must have sucked to click those all open.
And now silver doubloons have reach over 1.8g/ea they challenge charged lodestones as the costlier legendary ingredient. BUT you need 250 silver doubloons and not just 100 of them. Plus, there is only 203 of them on the market as of this post. To buy them all would cost you 600g and still not have the 250 you need.
If you think I’m complaining, you’re right but this is something that needs to be addressed. I would like to make my legendary before the end of the year but that seems impossible now. The amount of time to “gather” these silver doubloons is just atrocious. Gold farmers are hurting us players bad here and something needs to happen from Anet to ease our pain.
Only those who need these doubloons know the pain of trying to afford/attain them. Good luck and good hunting!
I have posted this in crafting but it is more of a suggestion than anything else.
Long post short, silver doubloons would be better off as a rare drop than secondary loot. I will also add my other post here. Thanks!
From crafting:
To be honest, this is bad. A level 20 item that can only be found in chests, bags, and RNG Mystic Forge is stopping people from making a legendary. At first, I was like this is okay and I’ll buy them when I get a chance but now it has turned into one expensive ingredient. Let me take you on a trip here…
To buy 250 silver doubloons will cost you roughly 325g(1.3g x 250 as of this post)
The silver doubloon can be found in 6 different bags found from level 20-35 mobs.
The mystic forge has a 5% chance to produce 1 silver doubloon from 4 tier 1 upgrade components.
Or a 3ish% chance from tier 2 upgrade components.
As of this post, tier 1 components cost roughly 1.25s/ea.
As of this post, tier 2 components cost roughly 1.45s/ea.
The cost of tier 1 components to 250 silver doubloons in the forge is 62.5g to RNG’s mercy. This means it will more than likely be much higher than 62.5g.
The cost of tier 2 components to 250 silver doubloons in the forge is 217.5g to RNG’s mercy. This also means it will more than likely be much higher than 217.5g.
The Gift of the Juggernaut is 1 out of 4 pieces of the forge material for The Juggernaut.
The Vial of Quicksilver is 1 out of 4 pieces to make the Gift of The Juggernaut.
The 250 silver doubloons is 1 out 4 pieces to the Vial of Quicksilver.
This means 1/16th of The Juggernaut is the defining piece of the legendary at 411g on the market as of this post, 62.5g if you’re lucky with RNG, or free if you have enough time/characters to farm them from chests.
Most people have leveled up their characters past level 35 which is the tipping point for almost no chance to collect random silver doubloons from chests. (You can still get them from chests found in level 30 or below areas at any level.)
So what’s the big deal? Here’s that trip…
These are the prices for the same part of the legendary as The Juggernaut. The cost is the cost of the materials off the market.
Twilight’s total cost for the Gift of Darkness is 115.75g off the market as of this post.
Sunrise’s total cost for the Gift of Light is 225.75g off the market as of this post.
The Bifrost’s total cost for the Gift of Color is 93.15g off the market as of this post.
The Dreamer’s total cost for the Unicorn Statue is 35.65g off the market as of this post.
Kudzu’s total cost for the Gift of Nature is 71.9g off the market as of this post.
Bolt’s total cost for the Gift of Lightning is 131.5g off the market as of this post.
Howler’s total cost for the Wolf Statue is 101.75g off the market as of this post.
Kamohoali’i Kotaki’s total cost for the Shark Statue is 169.25g off the market as of this post.
The Juggernaut’s total cost for the Vial of Quicksilver is 524g off the market as of this post.
And I checked the price of every legendary part equivalent and the closest was Sunrise’s Gift of Light. The precursors are a different story with Bifrost’s being the most at 800g but the Colossus sits at 569g. Total for the gift part and the precursor puts The Juggernaut as the most expensive legendary to buy and put together off the market. Popularity only increases the prices of the others.
But why is this? I showed you the numbers but the fix is quite easy. Have silver doubloons as rare drops much like everything else you can farm for the legendaries. Silver doubloons are ALWAYS a second drop such as found in bags, a chance from the mystic forge, and from random loot chests as secondary loots. There is always one more step to get to them than any of the other ingredients. They are rare with the only legendary ingredient not to total over 1k of them on the market. The argument that charged lodestones are just as rare is wrong. The price on the market reflects they are used in more than just the legendary and they still number in the thousands on the market.
Anet may have over looked this but something will have to change for people like me so close to getting my legendary hammer but stopped by a level 20 item costing over 400g to get enough. There’s is no denying the facts. I feel for you all looking to get your hammer and here’s to hoping Anet sees this! Good luck and good hunting!
Edge Stone
Just as a heads up, Silver Doubloons are currently more expensive than any lodestone but Charged.
To be honest, this is bad. A level 20 item that can only be found in chests, bags, and RNG Mystic Forge is stopping people from making a legendary. At first, I was like this is okay and I’ll buy them when I get a chance but now it has turned into one expensive ingredient. Let me take you on a trip here…
To buy 250 silver doubloons will cost you roughly 325g(1.3g x 250 as of this post)
The silver doubloon can be found in 6 different bags found from level 20-35 mobs.
The mystic forge has a 5% chance to produce 1 silver doubloon from 4 tier 1 upgrade components.
Or a 3ish% chance from tier 2 upgrade components.
As of this post, tier 1 components cost roughly 1.25s/ea.
As of this post, tier 2 components cost roughly 1.45s/ea.
The cost of tier 1 components to 250 silver doubloons in the forge is 62.5g to RNG’s mercy. This means it will more than likely be much higher than 62.5g.
The cost of tier 2 components to 250 silver doubloons in the forge is 217.5g to RNG’s mercy. This also means it will more than likely be much higher than 217.5g.
The Gift of the Juggernaut is 1 out of 4 pieces of the forge material for The Juggernaut.
The Vial of Quicksilver is 1 out of 4 pieces to make the Gift of The Juggernaut.
The 250 silver doubloons is 1 out 4 pieces to the Vial of Quicksilver.
This means 1/16th of The Juggernaut is the defining piece of the legendary at 411g on the market as of this post, 62.5g if you’re lucky with RNG, or free if you have enough time/characters to farm them from chests.
Most people have leveled up their characters past level 35 which is the tipping point for almost no chance to collect random silver doubloons from chests. (You can still get them from chests found in level 30 or below areas at any level.)
So what’s the big deal? Here’s that trip…
These are the prices for the same part of the legendary as The Juggernaut. The cost is the cost of the materials off the market.
Twilight’s total cost for the Gift of Darkness is 115.75g off the market as of this post.
Sunrise’s total cost for the Gift of Light is 225.75g off the market as of this post.
The Bifrost’s total cost for the Gift of Color is 93.15g off the market as of this post.
The Dreamer’s total cost for the Unicorn Statue is 35.65g off the market as of this post.
Kudzu’s total cost for the Gift of Nature is 71.9g off the market as of this post.
Bolt’s total cost for the Gift of Lightning is 131.5g off the market as of this post.
Howler’s total cost for the Wolf Statue is 101.75g off the market as of this post.
Kamohoali’i Kotaki’s total cost for the Shark Statue is 169.25g off the market as of this post.
The Juggernaut’s total cost for the Vial of Quicksilver is 524g off the market as of this post.
And I checked the price of every legendary part equivalent and the closest was Sunrise’s Gift of Light. The precursors are a different story with Bifrost’s being the most at 800g but the Colossus sits at 569g. Total for the gift part and the precursor puts The Juggernaut as the most expensive legendary to buy and put together off the market. Popularity only increases the prices of the others.
But why is this? I showed you the numbers but the fix is quite easy. Have silver doubloons as rare drops much like everything else you can farm for the legendaries. Silver doubloons are ALWAYS a second drop such as found in bags, a chance from the mystic forge, and from random loot chests as secondary loots. There is always one more step to get to them than any of the other ingredients. They are rare with the only legendary ingredient not to total over 1k of them on the market. The argument that charged lodestones are just as rare is wrong. The price on the market reflects they are used in more than just the legendary and they still number in the thousands on the market.
Anet may have over looked this but something will have to change for people like me so close to getting my legendary hammer but stopped by a level 20 item costing over 400g to get enough. There’s is no denying the facts. I feel for you all looking to get your hammer and here’s to hoping Anet sees this! Good luck and good hunting!
Edge Stone
Too much backlash for something that just came out! I too thought this event was great and the server tried so hard to beat him. It was hilarious! Thanks Anet!
IoJ failed but we got him down to 80%! Was a good try but something was amiss…
W1Z3 Difficulty in targeting toad/necklace
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Zorric.5704
I felt your pain here when I face the king frog the first two times. This was different then last time I’m sure because the necklace was untargetable when the frog did his head turns. Now you can target both… -_-
Pro tip:
If you throw this fragment on the necklace, it still stun the frog.
Not exactly true and have experienced this over and over not working.
Just click on its head when it looks left to right.
This works for me.
Regarding Lyssa – Which profession/elite are you using, and is that elite affected by any traits you have selected? (Elite Supplies for Engineer, for example.)
I have seen this issue on my elementalist using the tornado elite. However, I do not remember if any traits were affecting my elite. I have changed runes since then…
This. Thank you. Still laughing…
Since I’m sorta burning out on GW2 and started reading the forums(what has happened to me) I guess I’ll fill this out.
Also, Bobby is awesome and you all should feel the same way. Follow him on Twitter.
You are:
[X] Married for now but 50hours/week of GW2 is bad.
[ ] Have Girlfriend
[X] Employed, sorta want to write some books but GW2 is there.
[X] Have Pets, the pile of laundry growling and eating the clean clothes counts.
[X] Have Children which is just my stuffed Charlie shrug
[X] Are an Adult, at least I think so but my wife says different :/
[X] Have a Life called Guild Wars 2
[X] Have no Manual Dexterity only when I haven’t had any Mt Dew for 15min
[X] Getting Fat
You Think Living World is too:
[ ] Hard
[X] Time Consuming
[X] Temporary, Dear God give us 3weeks or something that will be there in 6 months
[ ] Full of Jumping Puzzles
[X] Grindy and not entertaining enough
[X] What about me?!
[X] Call me the Hero of Shaemoor one more time…
[X] I’m a Commander of the Pact dammit! Treat me that way!
[X] I killed a Dragon for God’s sake!
[X] Character development
[X] Can I actually kill the bad guy? Tired of them coming back…
[X] Achievement/Reward driven
You are Currently Threatening to:
[X] Quit until Halloween events are back
[ ] Uninstall <—- Does this even exist?
[X] Kick Colins’ Face… Have you seen him smile?
[X] Tell the Internet That You are Upset
[X] Troll more than I have and that’s a lot of trolling
[X] Sleep
[X] Go back to PvP and WvW (I miss them so…)
[X] Not let Mike O’Brien have his coffee in the morning
Thank you and good hunting!
But in all seriousness, this game has done a lot of good for the gaming community. I just want some time to do the other content and focus on my other characters. My legendary hunt has come to an end until two days ago but now I’m just feeling I have to play more and more to keep up with the game. Thanks to all that make this possible and to the players who keep at it!
I had completed my daily while finishing story quests but did not claim the chest on that character. I wanted to wait and claim it on my main. Upon completing another part of my story, I was forced to patch but when I returned in game the daily chest was GONE. I tried changing maps and switching characters but to no avail.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and how do I report it. I don’t see a good place to file it under the bug report section. Thanks to all who can help and good hunting!