Showing Posts For Zorric.5704:

Knights of the Rose [KoR] PvX-Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zorric.5704


BUMP! We are recruiting still! Better message and update coming soon.

Knights of the Rose [KoR] PvX-Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zorric.5704


KoR is still recruiting! Returning players are welcome! We take new or experienced, young and mature. We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and some PvP).

Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431

I Found Homestar Runner in Frostgorge Sound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


+1 to this! Great find but I wonder how many more of these faces we can find.

Impossible to switch skills while ooc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Did my research and played Ascalon Dungeon Path 3 and used a work around for not becoming a ghost. My skills could be switched but no one else could their skills(they were ghosts).

So it seems the transformations are the issue. :/

Edited for clarification.

Impossible to switch skills while ooc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorric.5704


I experienced this in Fractals also. The Charr Siege fractal would not allow me or anyone else change our skills once in the fractal but we could once out or in the next fractal.

Hero of the People Collection bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorric.5704


This achievement was removed along with a couple others(brew and wine). But I wouldn’t say it will be gone forever…

New mail warning concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


“Note: This message was sent by another player. It was not sent by the Guild Wars 2 Team.”

Thinking that would be better.

3k hours| 575+days | 850g+ No precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Sit down and stay awhile. I have a story to tell…

(After almost 4k hours of play since early access start and thousands of wasted gold)

I got my first precursor a few months in by buying 2g worth of green hammers and threw them in the forge. I got enough rare hammers for two tries at an exotic or The Colossus. First throw of the rare hammers and I got it. It only took 2g worth of masterwork hammers for my first precursor. I would later make the Juggernaut. (Blasted silver doubloons… mumble…grumble…)

The next time I held such a valuable item was waiting for the Great Jungle Wurm. I killed some nearby boars (level 50-54 I believe) while waiting for the event to start and to my surprise… The Energizer was blessed to me by the great RNG God! I gave it away and was later paid 150g.

After the new PvP system, I was pumped to get my Balthazar backpiece. I began the slow but awesome grind toward a goal I thought was worthy. Sadly, this goal would be dimmed by opening a rank up chest champ bags… The Legend appeared in my inventory! I was working on the Bifrost at the time too. The RNG God surely had blessed me on that very day again.

Lastly, I was playing some WvW with my awesome guildies. The night started well but I had this feeling something grander would be coming my way. We took some towers, a keep, and killed some small guild zergs… all in a normal WvW reset night. My second rank up chest put the cherry on top by gifting me The Leaf of Kudzu! I was truly blessed that night. I gave it away though to one of my guildies.

I have tried all the other ways to get a precursor: Exotics in the forge, rares in the forge, and trying to save up gold. But in the end, I found I could get them just by playing and tossing in the cheapest items. I’ve stopped forging purposely and keep playing every aspect of the game. Is the RNG too random? I think so but also think it isn’t what Anet wants either. I’m told that you are supposed to find a precursor every 1k hours of play and I’m right on par… but I know A TON of other players who are not.

With the story told, I bid you all good luck and good hunting!

Q about the Twice-Told Legend achievement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


IF so, can you equipt two harpoon guns at once?

I know the answer to this is yes. As for the rest, not sure. I’ve heard some legendaries count while others don’t… but again nothing confirmed. :/

New Collection System (Treasure Hunter)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Quite hoenstly just wait a few month, price will drop.

No offense but I’m tired of waiting months… or spending hundreds of gold for what amounts to skins or 2 blues and a green. To each his own I guess.

New Collection System (Treasure Hunter)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Just wanted to say thank you to the OP! This achievement is what I’m working on right now and all I need to complete it are these items: Pendant of Arah, Sam, Commissar’s Manifesto, and Rhendak’s Signet.

Although I will keep farming Rhendak’s, the other ones I’ve given up on getting due to bugs and the fact the Pendant of Arah is almost like a myth in the game. I was severely disappointed when I learned about the Pendant of Arah and was actually so angry I gave up on the achievement for awhile. One can hope…

Failing Coiled Watch for farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Usually I have no problem with these farms and people who want to waste their time farming away BUT today I saw the toxicity it creates when players need to finish the event. This time several players were asking to finish and this group of players would not have it. They called us names, they called us a problem, they said we could go elsewhere, that it was hurting their way of play, and some other things not worth the community’s time. These players needed to finish something for their living story and it was in their right to do so. I had guildies and several others come help just to finish so those players could move on which some people would call trolling but not in my opinion. It is one thing for it to be a random event but this was something blocking character progress. It needs to be fixed.

The way these players acted was of superiority and not the helping hand. I’ve heard several players tell me about this event failing and the toxicity to keep them from playing how they wish. The argument really came when said it was intended for the event to be finished. And that’s just it, THE EVENT IS MEANT TO BE COMPLETED!!! It is not meant to be purposely failed. I could keep the argument up here but I see many believe using mechanics to fill their wallets is the strongest idea. So hopefully Anet squashes your greed and continues spreading the toxicity remedy.

how many dailies should i do/do u do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Do as many as you feel like, dude.
I do a few here and there, some days I finish 5, sometimes I get more, sometimes I get less.
There is no contest if you remember everyone plays at their own speed.
I’ve been playing since launch as well, I’ve been less than 100 points from my 5,000 chest for a month now. I’m in no hurry, and you don’t need to be either.

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted but you got me to jump in here. First of all, dailies are usually pretty easy to do and completing most of them takes about an hour. Second, ALWAYS aim for 5. The extra karma, luck, silver, laurels, mystic coins, and maybe some extra goodies will add up fast and aid you in your AP hunt.

Being a player who has over 20k AP, I can tell you this is not the norm or something you should sink your worry into very much. AP will help unlock new skins, account boosts, and different titles. I am also not one of the top competitors on the AP leader boards but have found myself in the top 1000 easy. All I do is play every day and complete some dailies then move on to other things the game offers. I have not maxed out my daily or monthly AP yet either.

So how can you amass AP quickly? Play everything. PvP, WvW, and PvE all have AP tied with them. In about a year you should have about 10k AP for at least the first 2years of play. Dailies max out at 10k AP and monthlies max out at 5k AP. Finish map completion too, then, above all else, learn everything you can about the game. The top AP boards have some of the best players because efficiency is key to staying up there. How to farm, how to beat dungeons quickly, how to be in a zerg, how and when to sell items for a good price, how to run those high level fractals, how to play well in PvP, and how to make friends with really good players are some of those elements these AP hunters have.

The “AP doesn’t mean anything” and “leader boards don’t mean anything” are poor attitudes to those players who don’t want them to mean anything. But as you can see, they do mean something to a large group of players and we’ll happily have you along for the ride. Play as you will BUT HAVE FUN!

Crippling everything lag : WvW, DR, LA, PVE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Been having the same lag issues. Skill lag in WvW, players jumping around in the open world, the environment stopping then going after 10 seconds, and the awesome game crashes and client disconnects during guild missions.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorric.5704


I have yet to meet a player who has not had this happen at least once.

This popping is the definition of random and can happen with full sound, no sound, while the game is minimized, and even shortly after the game has closed out. It is ambient in nature with a slight echo depending on the surroundings in the game or high pitch pop if the game is minimized. I have tried to cause it on purpose but no matter what I do it cannot be produced by the player. It happens in battles, running around maps, standing idle in cities, falling off cliffs, and just about everything between.

Good luck with those suffering from it more frequently and as always, good hunting!

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Is that a fact?
Tonight, I’ll see if i can prove that wrong.
//Portable Corpse
“Apples from the Trading Post?”
“Yep. Want one?” Nom

What did you find? Any new ways to achieve these doubloons would be much appreciated but I doubt you’ll see any past the data already found.

Ressing Animations....

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Yes to this. I’d like to rub people less and pray to the gods more. Rub rub rub… gah

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


I dont see the debacle. Silver Doubloons are fine for a legendary weapon.

Obviously, you are not reading this thread. Something here is amiss and we are here to DISCUSS this. So why do you think there is no debacle? Evidence?

It wont happen because it would lower the value of Juggernaut by about 400 gold if it happens.

Anet has never been afraid of price change and I wouldn’t expect them too. If you have equipped your legendary, it is worth nothing to any other players. Nothing. It is soulbound and any value you give it is only sentimental. Plus, the value of the Juggernaut is much higher than the other legendaries already so lowering the price would help keep it on par.

20% is a lot in absolute numbers. Just deal with the prices of silver doubloons. I did the same when I built my juggernaut and I would be angry if Anet devalues my legendary. The disequibrilirium was not directed at legendaries.

Again, we are discussing this. Do we have to deal? Yeah, for now. Do all of us want to? Nope. We think it’s a little unfair. OR we think the market will not even out. The disequilibrium was aimed at the whole economy if you missed that. A lot of materials for the legendaries increased or decreased in price and have changed since then. And again, your legendary is worth nothing to the market but the materials to make one are worth much more to the market. Silver doubloons are rising in price steadily and they are not evening out any time soon. Thank you for you time.

Right now I have 3 alts doing the LA Jp every day and doing the Mystic Forge recipe for over 2 months. Right now I have 90 Silver doubloons which at this rate will keep me busy for a good 6 months till I have 250.

In a way I am glad to see that a lot of people have a problem with this but what I find more sad about this, is that up till now and in following all the months of people posting about this, I have yet to see any respond from Anet.

So dear Anet, would you mind giving us a reply to this, since it has been brought to your attention for months now. We would really love a solution.

Thank you.

I would also like to see a response. Good luck to you in your silver doubloon search!

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


I believe the missing transmogrify recipe is a bug or a design oversight, at best. I cannot imagine it was intended game design, particularly because it promotes unintended game play. I have therefore requested that it be addressed as such. Let’s hope this issue will be resolved once and for all.

Thank you Buttercup! Any awareness or response would be awesome.

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


The Juggernaut is now the most expensive legendary weapon to make. I warn anyone who goes after this weapon to be ready to farm with alts and be prepared to pay very high prices. As Silver Doubloons reach 2g each there no sign of slowing the price increase anytime soon.

To those flipping, now is the time to profit well. I watched the number on the market drop below 200 the other night AND the demand at the time exceeded 4600. People will buy at higher prices.

Farmers need to farm to keep the supply up also so if you’re slacking then shame on you! lol

Again, thank you all for your posts. Good luck and good hunting!

GW2 Community Message

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


So what can we do? First, let’s teach. Educating new or old players with the correct information always leads to better communities. When we all know something, we can agree more quickly or create a voice to have it changed for the better. Respect each other and don’t give power to those who are disrespectful to the game, other players, or YOU. Block, report, or ignore those players so we as a community can get the poison out. Debating or discussing are great ways to see what people want and we should do so respectfully.

Arena Net seems to have their focus on too many places. We, as players, thought the Living Story was great but now it seems disjointed against a lot of the game. We expected to have Dynamic Events change over time. Dynamic Events are what many thought was a great addition to the MMO world and Arena Net has sort of put them on the back burner. World Boss events are teaching players not to help each other. Reviving a downed or dead player is too risky so why bother? The game has changed. Why make something mediocre when it used to be great? Focus on something and get it done not just for us players but for the game we all want to play.

WvW has to change. The leadership of any server should not be based off one piece of the game. This has weakened many servers, especially those servers with very low populations. A strong community is formed by being more of “What does the game have to offer? What can we do to keep players having fun?” Simple leadership changes could make you community better overall. Commander titles can be bought but trust and good leadership must be earned. Competition should be a learning experience not a derogatory contest.

PvE is a place for guilds now. Guilds should promote helping their players new and old complete tasks on different maps. Much like the guild missions promote. PvE players must inject themselves into their servers leadership. No server should just have WvW leaders or PvE leaders but well rounded players willing to step up and lead events! Events can be anything from contests or supporting traditions such as Pink Day in LA. World Boss Trains are great for this too, so players can accomplish their goals from getting that certain weapon or making enough money to finish their crafting. PvE is players helping players.
PvP is stale. Different PvP modes and simpler maps may help ease the players’ objections. PvP should be fun and not just a place to get achievement points.
The forums should be an educational tool to all players. Inquiries should override complaints. Discussions should be more in depth and developers should feel more compelled to add their insight or provide missing information. Players should know that Arena Net does listen and are busy. Arena Net should know players love answers and are busy. Be respectful and be patient!

Overall, YOU have to change the community if you want it be something it is not. Players will be players but actions speak louder than words. Good communities have great leaders willing to take the punches while saying what needs to be said. Respect and cooperation go a long way.

Thanks to all the players that make this game wonderful and fun. I look forward to your opinions and discussion on this post. If you feel I’m wrong, biased, or haven’t provided enough information please tell me so but do so respectfully. Good luck and good hunting!

GW2 Community Message

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Guild Wars 2 Community? Where did it go?
(This post was originally going to be a response to a thread that was merged or deleted since written but I felt like I should share it none the less.)

It has been over a year since release and more and more players are coming from other games. Those games have shaped their attitudes and ideas and when they came to GW2 they found the community wasn’t what they wanted or what they’re used to. So we have to shape those players to more of the idea of a cooperative and understanding community where ideas can be discussed and debated but respect still remains for all players.

First of all, we are not all the same. It’s fact. We are all different ages, educated differently, brought up differently, and grew up around different gaming communities and players. This difference is what can make a game community seem fantastic or seem utterly miserable. When Guild Wars 2 first announced, the players were excited and so was Arena Net. The community as a whole was “Let this succeed!” and give us the game we all want to play. We could see players as young as six playing the beta and players older than 70 waiting for release. All the generations of players could be found at the start of Guild Wars 2 and this was an exciting time!

When the game released, players began to form their guilds and their communities on their respected servers. Still, it was exciting to see what was forming and how players were willing to work together to achieve goals and complete the game. WvW was fresh and strategies were forming and players were stepping up to the plate to lead their server to victory. PvP was quick to start forming their own ideas on builds and work toward the highest rank! PvE was a blast because each map had so many players and they were so talkative and helpful and players wanted others to succeed! There were problems but we waited and we wanted a great game and we felt it was already there. We all worked with Arena Net filling out surveys and reporting bugs. The forums were full on inquiry on just about anything.

After a few months, Halloween and Wintersday were a blast for the community and the market. Players wanted to work together and teach each other the new stuff Arena Net had given us. Achievements were abundant and fun to achieve while the rewards were great and, to some, profitable. The introduction to the Living Story seemed genius when Arena Net released it and the Karka Event was huge and very rewarding! Some missed it and Arena Net asked us what we thought and surveyed us. We told them we loved it and the community went into Wintersday as strong as the game could make it. It was fun.

So where did that fun go you might ask? It changed. Players wanted more and more and other players came into the game with even more expectations whether from the hype or from other games they had played. WvW had become the focal point to a lot of server communities and their leadership was based around it. Failure to win that week became infighting and the leadership was blamed. The forums became more of a complain and gain than inquiries. PvP didn’t seem to go where the players wanted it, and others would say it went nowhere. PvE became more of where can we profit or where can we get our next achievement points? Events stopped being completed and World Bosses were allowed to go on rampages with two or three players calling out in map chat for help. Many of the maps emptied out or were filled with farmers of sorts. The Living Story became more fast paced and other players felt it was less desirable to have to come back over and over to play a story they did not or want to understand.

Arena Net seemed to have gone silent besides constant updates and Living Story updates. The surveys stopped and the players found new ways to complain. Communities turned on each other, players thought the game became a chore to do every day, and WvW became stale while becoming poisonous to those who wanted to experience that part of the game. Players have become less helpful or burnt out. Guilds filled up and cliques were formed inside of them. The better players became the tormentors and the newer players became the idealists. Do you remember Pink Day in LA last year? It was great on tons of servers but this year it just seemed there… somewhere.

Sadly, all games go through this phase. That’s right, PHASE! Guild Wars 1 had the same problem for those who played the beginning to the end. The game, however, succeeded and players loved it!

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Thanks for the post Wanze!

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Mystic Forge:
The Mystic Forge converts any four of the same type of item into an equivalent or one tier higher. Since Silver Doubloons are considered universal upgrade components, this means throwing four upgrade components of the same level or one tier lower may results in giving back a Silver Doubloon. (Note: Doubloons can only be put in the forge with this recipe: Copper + Silver + Gold + Platinum = Chance at a level 50 or higher upgrade component; they cannot be put in any other way for a result)
Marks, Pebbles, Pearls, and Nuggets can result in giving a Silver Doubloon. Any combination will work but four Pebbles will give the best results at a 5% chance.

Please read my posts for the information already provided. Rehashing this subject should happen only when something new is found or is not explained correctly.
Any Tier 1 Pebble and Pearl combination can result in another Tier 1 Pebble or Pearl, Copper or Silver Doubloon, or Tier 2 Nugget or Mark.
Any Tier 2(level 20 req) Nugget or Mark combination can result in another Tier 2 Nugget or Mark, Silver or Gold Doubloon, or Tier 3(level 35 req) Lumps and Talismans.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 materials can be combined in the forge for a chance at a Silver Doubloon.
Tier 3 components NEVER result in Silver Doubloons.

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Heavy Skritt bag of Shinies or something (its in my thread is worth 16 s or so per bag, only drops from skritt areas in wvw, and is the only high level option for silver doubloons.

My suggestion was by far the most comprehensive and also made uses for excess blood stone dust (new legendary ideas/new higher level doubloons)

Thank you for this! I could not remember where this was so I could not post the information with certainty.

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


With the two posts above providing the information we need, we can now properly show the difference between the two. Please let me know if I have missed anything or provided the wrong information. Thank you!

*Silver Doubloons and Charged Lodestones are both considered Rare on the Rarity chart.
*Silver Doubloons are considered a Tier 2 material while Charged Lodestones are considered Tier 5
*Silver Doubloons can be found effectively among the levels of 20-39 while Charged Lodestones are found among levels 78-80
*Silver Doubloons are worth half as much to Merchants than Charged Lodestones
*Silver Doubloons are universal upgrade components while Charged Lodestones are a crafting material
*Four crafting professions use Silver Doubloons while five crafting professions use Charged Lodestones
*Silver Doubloons are used in six different crafting recipes with one being a legendary component; Charged Lodestones are used in 13 different crafting recipes with three being legendary components
*Silver Doubloons cannot be found as a loot drop from enemies while Charged Lodestones can
*Silver Doubloons cannot be salvaged from anything while Charged Lodestones can be salvaged from one item
*Silver Doubloons are rewarded randomly from the Mystic Forge while Charged Lodestones have a definitive recipe
*Silver Doubloons demand on the market is twice as much as the supply while Charged Lodestones demand is 5-6 times more than the supply
*Silver Doubloon supply changes by the thousands in a week compared to Charged Lodestone supply which changes by the tens of thousands in a week
*Silver Doubloon prices have steadily increased on the market while Charge Lodestone prices spiked but have steadily fallen to a flat rate
*Silver Doubloon prices have surpassed Charged Lodestone prices in the past
*A Vial of Qucksilver(Quicksilver), made with Silver Doubloons, is worth more than two fully made Gifts made from Charged Lodestones
*250 Silver Doubloons are required to achieve the Gift of the Juggernaut while only 100 Charged Lodestones are required for each of its three Gifts

This post may be an eye opener to some but after writing all this I can say that there are some major differences here. Feel free to debate this but please keep in mind that not all players play the same. So is it fair or honest to compare these two?

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Charged Lodestones can be found in several places and ways. They can be found as loot drops, from chests in Crucible of Eternity, World Chests, from Fractal Chests, Containers, and from salvaging. They can also be made in the Mystic Forge.

Air Elementals and Sparks level 78-80 can drop Charged Lodestones. They can be found in Cursed Shore and Malchor’s Leap when their respected Cathedrals are uncontested.

All chests in Crucible of Eternity may reward Charged Lodestones.
All chests in any of the Fractals may reward Charged Lodestones. This includes the Jade Maw chest.

Completing both Lyssa’s and Dwayna’s meta events will reward a World Chest. Both chests have a chance to give a Charged Lodestone. Also, these events, when completed successfully, are what spawn the Air Elementals and Sparks.

(Salvage) Salvageable Twisted Watchwork Scrap:
Bag of Alchemical Materials:
Heavy Bag of Booty:
Heavy Bag of Skritt Shinies:
Heavy Loot Bag:
(Buy with Karma) Lost Orrian Jewelry Box:
Resplendent Watchwork Box:

The following recipes will make you one Charge Lodestone.
2 Charged Cores + 1 Pile of Crystalline Dust + 1 Crystal + 1 Bottle of Elonian Wine = 1 Charged Lodestone
2 Charged Cores + 1 Pile of Crystalline Dust + 1 Crystal + 1 Mystic Binding Agent = 1 Charged Lodestone

Bottles of Elonian Wine can be bought from Miyani by the Mystic Forge along with the Crystals.
Mystic Binding Agents can be bought from Laurel Merchants.

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Charged Lodestones are constantly being thrown into the Silver Doubloon Debacle due to their price. I believe this argument is missing the information it deserves.

Charged Lodestone:
Type: Tier 5 crafting material of the Lodestone Family
Rarity: Rare
Merchant Value: 48 copper
Game chat link: [&AgHxXgAA]

Since Charged Lodestones are a crafting material they are used in a variety of crafting recipes.
(Crafting level) Item
(400) Gift of Light:
(400) Gift of Weather:
(400) Superior Rune of the Guardian:

(400) Potion of Ghost Slaying x10:
(400) Gift of Lightning:
(400) Infinite Aetherized Tonic:
(400) Watchwork Portal Device (x2):

(400) Superior Sigil of Bursting:
(400) Superior Sigil of Speed:
(400) Superior Sigil of the Night:

(400) Superior Rune of Speed:

(400) Superior Rune of the Air:
(400) Superior Rune of the Scholar:

The Mystic Forge currently has two recipes that use Charged Lodestones and both recipes use the most Charged Lodestones of any recipe. Infinite Light requires 250 Charged Lodestones while Mjölnir requires 350 Charged Lodestones total.
Infinite Light:

Market Information:
To make everything on this post it would cost you a grand total of 957 Charged Lodestones. 600 of which is Infinite Light and Mjölnir and each Gift will cost you 100 Charged Lodestones.

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Ralph, I don’t quite understand what your post is saying. We are not trying to change all legendary ingredients to another more expensive ingredient nor trying to say that legendaries will not be more expensive in the future. We did not miss the new character entry as stated here:

*Silver Doubloon prices are improving the economy
*Lower level players can profit off the market because of Silver Doubloons
*Silver Doubloons are easy to farm if you know how to do it
*Charged Lodestones are more expensive so should all expensive things be cheaper?
*Reducing Silver Doubloon prices hurts my way of playing

The Juggernaut cannot be more expensive than the others because there are zero of them on the market. I believe the prices of Silver Doubloons may have something to do with this. Should players past the range of 21-39 with all characters be punished for not being able to farm them from jumping puzzle chests? Legendaries are level 80 weapons and the ingredients all reflect this except for the Silver Doubloons.

Again, thanks for the posts and keep them coming!

really anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorric.5704


The POI can be reached. The Heart however is a bit harder to do right now but I’m sure there is something more you can do but haven’t found it yet. Good luck and good hunting!

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Lets say someone buys 100 gold worth of silver doubloons, and this patch rolls along. What happens then. Is the 100 gold gone because silver doubloon demand is gone too?
Reimbursing would probably have to take place, and Arenanet doesn’t reimburse people that are associated with the market.

Any change to Silver Doubloons or changing from them will have losses. Players who buy them are already losing money so flipping the market would not be immune either. I understand players play for profit off the market but not all players do. This means players will lose out while others will feel less restricted in this debacle.

With that said, you are opposed to the change but we as a player base need more pegs on the against side to make a more valid argument. The feeling of “I will be cheated” does not argue against the opposing side’s “I feel cheated” debate. As some of the other threads have said, flipping hurts the economy and is a risk while others say(as you have) it is required to make items the true price and build a stronger economy. There will be risk and there will be losses but nothing is stopping you from speculating on the platinum doubloons either. Thank you and good luck!

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Thanks again for the posts!

Flipping is the market verifying the true value of an item. If a flipper jacks up the price and nobody buys or he is undercut, he takes a loss(listing fee) and the market rejects his proposed value for the item. Flippers make money because the effort to aquire the items otherwise is too much for the average person so they prefer to just pay more for the labor of the person who doesnt mind. It all comes back to RNG, if the price is too much for you just go buy up pebbles and get to forging or hope for deus ex anet to add them to some future loot bags the way they did with lodestones and champion bags.

Thank you for this post it as allows me to see this side of the market.

I’ve made this suggestion elsewhere before. I’d suggest implementing the following changes:

1. Add a Copper -> Silver Doubloon transmogrify recipe.

2. Gift of Quicksilver now requires Platinum Doubloons instead of Silver Doubloons.

…Vial of quick platinum? People who’ve been saving up gold by gold with silver doubloons might feel a little kitten ed when it starts requiring platinum instead. Not that I’m complaining of course.

I think the sooner they do this(if they do) the better it would be. How would you feel if the value of doubloons were 3g or 5g versus where they are now? So by doing something like this now the heartache or the complaining would be less.

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Thank you all for your posts! This is really helpful to see what the players want.

I’m flipping these, why don’t you just pay the high price? I invested a considerable percentage of my gold into this asset.

It would be extremely unfair to me and my fellow speculators should Arenanet change the supply IN ANY WAY.

Svarty, can you explain why flipping is important to the market or player base so we can make a fair argument of why it would be unfair for the price to change? I’m sure some players find it extremely unfair to pay your prices just based on speculation and other players’ bottom dollar.

(edited by Zorric.5704)

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


sorry, I had to point it out:


*Add loot drops of just Silver Doubloons
*Transmog Copper Doubloons into Silver Doubloons
*Change it from Silver Doubloons to Platinum Doubloons
*Lower the amount needed to make the Vial of Qucksilver(Quicksilver)
*Make all Doubloons forgeable with all the other upgrade components
*Add more level 20-39 chests to the world
*Add chests to the jumping puzzles in Diessa Plateau

This is more for those who are still unhappy with it being boon duration now and not something else. Also the Solutions can be suggestions but this thread is not set in stone so they may change over time making them unreliable suggestions. Changing how the silver doubloons are acquired or the price of said doubloons among other things is the goal here. Changing the silver doubloon straight up is not what this thread is for. Thanks for the response!

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


We will also use this post to add possible solutions which Anet can use to achieve a better in-game economy, player cooperation, and overall satisfaction of Silver Doubloons. If I miss anything or something seems biased or misinterpreted please let me know and I will do the best I can to change it. Thank you!

*Silver Doubloon prices are driving lower upgrade components prices too high
*Silver Doubloons in general are much harder to farm or receive than other equivalent items
*Silver Doubloon supply is much too low
*Silver Doubloons have caused the Juggernaut to no longer be on par with all the other legendaries
*Silver Doubloons are time consuming
*Players should not have to use alts to achieve Silver Doubloons
*Increasing Silver Doubloon prices hurting player moral
*Silver Doubloons are not end game or level 80 material so therefore should be changed to something else

*Silver Doubloon prices are improving the economy
*Lower level players can profit off the market because of Silver Doubloons
*Silver Doubloons are easy to farm if you know how to do it
*Charged Lodestones are more expensive so should all expensive things be cheaper?
*Reducing Silver Doubloon prices hurts my way of playing

*Add loot drops of just Silver Doubloons
*Transmog Copper Doubloons into Silver Doubloons
*Change it from Silver Doubloons to Platinum Doubloons
*Lower the amount needed to make the Vial of Qucksilver(Quicksilver)
*Make all Doubloons forgeable with all the other upgrade components
*Add more level 20-39 chests to the world
*Add chests to the jumping puzzles in Diessa Plateau
*Add Silver Doubloons to the level 80 drop table

(edited by Zorric.5704)

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


This is where it gets complicated, difficult, or tricky and probably why we have the thread to start with but this is what has been found so far.

Any character level 20-39 can find them from any chest in the world including World Boss Chests, Jumping Puzzle Chests, Mob Guarded Chests found throughout the world, Guild Puzzle Chests, Dungeon Chests, and even Mini Dungeon Chests. These chests will drop 0-4 upgrade components and other items, weapons, and armor. However, level 21-35 characters experience better results to receive a Silver Doubloon, while level 20 and 36-39 rarely receive any Silver Doubloons. Any of these chests found in the level 20-39 map areas may reward a silver doubloon to higher leveled (level 40+) characters.
You cannot get them from any chest that appears on the right side of your screen in which you have to accept the reward such as your daily achievement chest.

Containers are bags and sacks which can be opened to receive some random items. The containers can be farmed; however there is only a small chance to receive the item you are looking for. These bags can contain Silver Doubloons and any bag or sack that gives Copper AND Gold Doubloons have a chance to give Silver Doubloons. Some containers which have been proven to have Silver doubloons include:
Small Miner’s Bag:
Light Bag of Booty:
Bag of Pilfered Goods:
Light Miner’s Bag:
Heavy Bag of Skritt Shinies:
Please tell me if there are any others that should be added to this list!

Mystic Forge:
The Mystic Forge converts any four of the same type of item into an equivalent or one tier higher. Since Silver Doubloons are considered universal upgrade components, this means throwing four upgrade components of the same level or one tier lower may results in giving back a Silver Doubloon. (Note: Doubloons can only be put in the forge with this recipe: Copper + Silver + Gold + Platinum = Chance at a level 50 or higher upgrade component; they cannot be put in any other way for a result)
Marks, Pebbles, Pearls, and Nuggets can result in giving a Silver Doubloon. Any combination will work but four Pebbles will give the best results at a 5% chance.

(edited by Zorric.5704)

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


This is a general but very good question which needs to be answered in full so we as players have a base subject to work from. Silver Doubloons are part of the Doubloon Family which includes Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum and all are considered universal upgrade components. They, like all universal upgrade components, do not have an individual collection spot in your bank.

Silver Doubloon:
Use: Double-click to apply to an item with an unused upgrade slot.
Buff: +2% Boon Duration
Type: Doubloon
Rarity: Rare
Required Level: 20
Merchant value: 24 copper
Game chat link: [&AgG2XwAA]

WHAT IS IT USED FOR BESIDES APPLYING TO ITEMS? It is also a crafting ingredient.
(Crafting level) Item
(175) Minor Sigil of Luck:
(125) Gold Doubloon:
(400) Vial of Qucksilver(Quicksilver):
(125) Minor Rune of the Adventurer:
(50) Minor Rune of the Pirate:
(150) Minor Rune of the Pirate:

The Silver Doubloon Debacle

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


The Silver Doubloon Debacle

Although I will post possible solutions to this supposed problem here, suggestions to change the functionality of silver doubloons should be posted in the Suggestion Forum found here: !

As many know, something is up here and we are here to discuss fact/opinions and opposing facts/opinions. Complaining alone is not constructive and attacking the way people play or what they discuss here will only further the problem. Posting facts and how you feel this affects players or the market in the long run goes a long way. Thanks for your discussion!

These threads have everything to do with Silver Doubloons and the supposed problem. Also, some are suggestions but the discussion still pertained to the problem or may lead to a possible solution. Please merge if you can and thank you!
This post will update any new threads which may come to light or have been missed.

This is some information outside of the forums about silver doubloons.

Please let me know if there are any other good resources out there on silver doubloons and I will add them!

(edited by Zorric.5704)

What's going on in Kessex Hills

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Zorric.5704


A good find. It seems the krait have become restless and deforested the area to build something huge. My guess is a much larger tower for their witch. The force field is an illusionary wall that a group of people would like to remove so they can find out what is behind said wall. Kasmeer and Marjory can be found on the hills to the west for more information and foreshadowing on what I’m guessing to be a future living story update. Good hunting!

Make a recipe for a recipe ? (bug)

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Mother of god…

A dev in the crafting forums… /awestruck

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Before this turns into a flame war between the gold farmers and worried players…

We are trying to get them. I remind myself everyday to try and get one through the various ways we have discussed here and in the previous thread. BUT some players believe silver doubloons are too high in price in general and aren’t looking to get them at all but worried about the overall affect on the market.

Some facts:

  • Silver doubloons are small in number compared to other such rare items on the market
  • Silver doubloons are steadily rising in price much faster than other such rare items
  • The processes which help players acquire silver doubloons are steadily rising in price
  • The way to farm silver doubloons is SLOW, much slower than other rare items
  • Most legendary mats besides ores and logs have dropped in price slowly over the last year and show little to no signs of not continuing to drop in price
  • To make a vial of quicksilver costs well over 400g which is 130g more than its nearest equivalent
  • The ways to obtain silver doubloons is lower than any other legendary mat of its equivalent
  • Charged lodestone prices are high because of the demand, not the supply unlike silver doubloons making charged lodestones an unreasonable argument
  • Gold farmers are the only players against increasing the supply of silver doubloons because it will hurt their bottom dollar
  • Players going after The Juggernaut should have as much as a fair chance as someone going after another legendary

And I could go on and on here…
As other players and gold farmers have stated in other forums and in-game, Anet has overlooked this or ignored it. Just because you have made you Juggernaut or have the money or characters to farm silver doubloons more efficiently doesn’t mean other players shouldn’t have the same chance or have to change the way they play to meet said guidelines. Good luck and good hunting!

Seeking answers and i created a monster. i feel like a mad scientist…. and alittle proud too.

This monster has been here for months! lol

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


So you did exactly what I said not to. Awesome.

The problem here isn’t the price it’s the supply and demand on the market. This is obviously flawed because the price of this lower level rare item is going to steadily rise. People will tire of farming them or move on to the next best thing before returning to increase the supply. Yeah, I need them but so will other people and when the price reaches 2g, 4g, 10g a pop then you will see what we are complaining about. The stuff you guys buy to profit from is steadily increasing in price also and it is becoming unfair to those who need craft in the lower level crafting.

MrO found this to be a problem not because he needed them but it was a red flag for anybody who looks at the economy of this game. Small miner’s bags are worth 11c to sell to a NPC but on the market they can easily fetch 1s or more. It’s price inflation of the worst kind and farming them is HARD when you have no money to do it. This isn’t about devaluing silver doubloons but increasing the supply for the sake of the market.

Wanze, when you fish all the fish out of the sea or buy them all up, there is no more money to be made. Farming will be all you have left.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


These are way easier to farm than Charged Lodestones.

First, completely and utterly wrong! I’ve been farming these faster than silver doubloons since the game came out. Wanze, please add something constructive to forum posts for once. We don’t need to know what your farming or how much you’ve spent doing so, or how you do “research” and then don’t share it with the rest of us so you can keep making your money. None of it provides a valid argument of why silver doubloon prices are so high or why there are so little.

Second, this conversation has been going on here:

This is bad but those who need the gold will fight for the high prices. Silver doubloons are just one of those things either overlooked or ignored by Anet and will continue to be so until more people say something against the price of them than for the price of them. Good luck and good hunting!

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Be glad you don’t need charged lodestones since you can’t MF them with a recipe or get them outta something like light bags. Was even worse when I made Sunrise cause they were about 4g each. they have come down a ton now and are only like 1.25g each. My advice is keep grinding and buying them. About all you can do. And honestly if you are a legendary seeker, then you need to be a gold farmer at least until you get it done or if you don’t mind it taking a year to finish.

While I understand that charged lodestones are expensive(sitting at 2ish gold on the market as of this post) and seem like something to compare to the silver doubloons , they just shouldn’t be compared at all. Why? Because charged lodestone are just easier to get if you want them AND you profit from farming without losing too much time. Let me show you all the ways to get them…

Crucible of Eternity – from the chests
All the fractal chests including the Jade Maw chest
The Dwayna world boss event provides 2 chances(one from the high priestess and one from the final chest) to acquire a charged lodestone
Air elementals and Sparks of high level drop them as rare loot
Bag of Alchemical Materials
Heavy Bag of Booty
Heavy Bag of Skritt Shinies
Heavy Loot Bag
Lost Orrian Jewelry Box
Resplendent Watchwork Box
Salvage Salvageable Twisted Watchwork Scrap
Upgrading charged cores in the mystic forge

So why are they so expensive? Because they are used in large and small quantities to make all sorts of things including: legendaries, pseudo legendaries, potions, runes, sigils, tonics, and even the new watchwork portal devices. The popularity of the weapons also help inflate the price.

Silver doubloons however do not have anyway to be salvaged out of salvage materials, found in Orrian Jewelry Boxes, found out of fractals and dungeon chests, found as droppable loot, or can be upgraded through the mystic forge. Lodestones in general are cheaper and are found more often at a regular pace. I myself used to farm 6 lodestones per day and will again start doing so to sell them just to turn around and buy the silver doubloons which may reach the same price as the charged lodestones soon again.

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


So pretty much you have to have the money to buy the bags to try and profit while collecting silver doubloons. Awesome. So to “normal” players this will be slower to gain because they first have to farm the money then buy the bags and hope for a good return. BUT we still are only talking about opportunist type money making here and not a better chance for those who need the silver doubloon for their legendary.

So we as legendary seekers are being beat out by the gold farmers…

As of right now, silver doubloons sit at 1.25g on the market.
Research is usually meant to be a learning tool I will give you all mine because I do not see the market changing for these for the better. So get it while it’s cheap!

Light bag of pilfered goods, light miner’s bag, Light bag of booty, small miner’s bag (although the wiki states differently but before it was there and I have found them in the small miner’s bag…hmm) and possibly more. In fact, I know there are more but can’t think of them right now.

Ecto to Dust Salvage Lol

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


What you talkin bout, playandchill?

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


I have found them from characters lvl 20-40 but the best results are from around level 30 imo. So from 28-32ish is a good target area.

Tequatl Terror Squad 2: Join Now! (NA)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Awesome guys! Would like an invite for this and future boss destruction!

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zorric.5704


Hey now… no reason to be a jerk here. I’m not asking anyone to provide me with anything but it was rhetorical. I do my own research and analyze the results. The problem here isn’t that I’m looking for a profit, it’s that I’m looking for silver doubloons which are expensive and rare.

it also works for me with a lvl 21 char.(JP) do you find to get more silverdoubloons with pebbles or lumps?

Pebbles seem to have provided me with more silver doubloons but be prepared for a lot of copper doubloons too. Lumps will provide them too but it seems like the forge gives more random loot with the lumps such as higher tier stones and gold doubloons.
Good luck and good hunting with the forge!

Guild ast online Column in roster! ArenaNet!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorric.5704


This. Yes, please!