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What to do with Scepter/Focus...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


So my Ascended trinkets are Celestial and my Ascended Armour is Keepers ( Power with Precision/Healing) I’ve started working on getting into staff yet since it’s Bifrost I can swap my stats so I’m not worried. I also don’t feel dagger suits my character concept, so I don’t use it yet I welcome comments on what stats for it…

My main question is about S/F. I find very little info on using these two together sadly. I’m curious what stats I should go with for them, or sigils. As it stands, I use Exotic Berserker, yet with the nerf to crit coming, I wonder if I should.

My goal is to basically be DPS yet have heals that are decently effective when I use them. I mean, I wish I could heal more yet that’s probably not going to work, so maybe a nice DPS/Optional healing build.

So yeah, I am curious what stats for my S/F, tips on them, heck even traits. I’m currently running 20/20/0/30/0. Spell Slinger, Infernal Fire, Soothing Wind, Bolt of the Heart, Soothing Disruption, Cantrip mastery and Soothing wave.

In short, I want a build that uses S/F and Staff, as I dislike daggers yet I want to keep to my trinkets/amour as I don’t feel like making them again, being ascended. Also, I’m talking more PvE. I am open to PvP yet I don’t do it much. If anything, maybe a PvE build that wouldn’t make me an utter mess at PvP if I want it as an option.

Thank you.

Starter town clothing regain after deleted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Has anyone long ago deleted their character’s starter race town clothing and found a way to get it back? Could a dev help or what should I do if I’ve regretted deleting my Sylvari town clothing

Ascended Trinket (Infused) Do I keep slot?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Well, that’s a bummer. Although, I also don’t plan to do fractals above level 30. Will 25 resist to Agony be enough?

Ascended Trinket (Infused) Do I keep slot?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


My question is, say I have Quiver of a Thousand Arrows, the celestial stat version and at some point in the future I create the “Infused” version

If the original one I had I put into the infusion slot a Mighty Infusion (+5 to Power and Agony Resistance) would the Infused version of the back item keep the Mighty Infusion I had or would I need to create a new one?

Staff - Scepter/Focus - Build help sought

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Basically, I’d like to play with Scepter/Focus and also Staff yet in PvE mainly. I’m wondering what armour/weapon stats and traits/utilities of what I’ve posted of my current build should be altered at all if it’d make me work better. That and I’m curious which ascended trinkets I should buy to be good at damaging yet also handy at healing when need be.

Staff - Scepter/Focus - Build help sought

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


I do apologize if this help is elsewhere, I’m never good with wandering forums.
What I seek is advice/aid on a build for my Sylvari Elementalist…

What I’d like as a goal is to be useful in combat in two ways. I’d like to use Staff, and when in that mode, do decent to great damage yet also, when need be, be able to heal allies. Sort of a combo of damaging and healing.

When in Scepter/Focus mode, I would like to focus on again damage, yet with these two perhaps also weakening? Such as bleeds, burns, that sort. Basically, with these two weapons be all about the murder- I mean defeating of foes.

I would also like to… you know, not die a ton when soloing PvE and teaming. Not, I’m not asking for much PvP advice, I focus more on PvE yet if a build idea could also be useful in PvP, so be it. Still, it’s all about the world and events, dungeons and the like.

Currently, this is my Armour and equipment:

Armour: Exotic Cleric’s Winged of Altruism.
Weapons: All Exotic ..Dragon Jade Quarterstaff of Water, My Scepter and Focus are Power, then Precision/+5Crit with Sigil of Fire and Earth. My trident is the Cleric’s Pearl trident of Air.

Power: 1,798
Precision: 1,497
Toughness: 1,694
Vitality: 1,257
Con Damage: 0
Boon Duration: 15%
Crit Damage: 20%

Attack: 2,909
Crit Chance: 32%
Armour: 2,614
Health: 14,215
Condition Duration: 20%
Healing: 1,069

My back item is Exotic with Heal/Precision/Vitality (Exquisite Azurite Jewel )
2 Exotic Accessories: Emerald Orichalcum Earring of the Knight (Exquisite Emerald Jewel)
2 Exotic Rings: Emerald Orichalcum Ring of the Knight (Exquisite Emerald Jewel)
Exotic Amulet: Orichalcum Amulet of the Knight (Exquisite Emerald Jewel)

If anyone has any advice on what equipment would better suit my desire, let me know. Note, I know I could use Daggers yet I prefer not to. They clash with my character concept.

I would also welcome greatly what sort of Ascended trinkets would be good for what I seek since I could use my Laurels.

Below are my traits: 20/20/0/30/0
I have Eternal Fire, Spell Slinger.. Bolt of the Heart, Soothing Winds… Soothing Disruption, Cnatrip Mastery, Soothing Wave. My Utilities are Healing Seed, Mist Form, Lightning Flash, Arcane Shield and Fiery Greatsword.

Thank you everyone who can help me. I’m simply silly and bad at these things since I feel I am slow at understanding builds and how everything works together. Also if the idea of Staff working on damage/healing and Scepter/Focus working on damage/weakening is a silly idea, let me know. I wouldn’t mind having all three be a nice combo of damaging and healing. All in all, I simply want to be able to do good damage, help healing myself/allies when I want to yet also not be a “Glass canon” as in I don’t die -that- much.

(edited by Zyxith.9328)

Upgrades to Backpack and Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


So a few days ago I bought a Guild backpack from WvW, It was the “Guild Defender Backpack” level 80 Rare. I then bought and added an “Embellished Brilliant Sapphire Jewel” level 80 Rare. This made it into a “Guild Defender Backpack of the Cleric.”

So that was maybe a week or little less ago.

Now I have a “Guild Caregiver Backpack” level 80 Rare. I bought and tried adding an “Exquisite Sapphire Jewel” yet it wouldn’t let me add it, the icon was red. I even tried adding an Embellished. I even tried a Crest of Magi since I figure Vitality, Healing, Precision might be what I want.

Issue is, none of those could be added. Am I just not using what can be added to that pack? If so, why did it work a week ago on my other backpack?

I’ve also noticed this similar issue about a day or two ago when I tried placing a crest or sigil on my level 80 Rare weapons. They are transmuted, is that what’s wrong? Because when I tried adding a crest to then to replace what I added to them a week ago, the icon was red.

Deciding between Mesmer and Elementalist...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


I started playing and my character is influenced by a Fae I played in a different game. Said character used powers based in plants/nature and a healing set. In GW2, I created a Sylvari based on her.

To start, my character would probably use magic-y weapons such as staff, scapter, focus… -maybe- daggers yet daggers might not suit my character.

My question is, what would be some of the main differences between Mesmer and Elementalist? I’m more wondering for PvE since I don’t do much PvP in games. The reason I find it tough to decide is elementalist seems to fit my nature theme yet Mesmer I’d pick because of it’s mysterious, trickster sort of vibe my character would have.

I tried Mesmer, yet I noticed I died a lot. I might have been playing wrong. Elementalist, I notice I die less. I’ve simply played a lot of characters in games with elemental powers so I thought Mesmer might be something new but… can Mesmer be soloed decently? I know it’s a silly point to bring up but… I don’t like dying over and over >.>

Thanks for any tips or advice.

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


My issue is I cannot go follow my friends as Tarnished Coast and Dragonbrand are full anytime I check.

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Since my friend was kind enough to buy this for my Birthday, I’ve been trying since Sunday. Even to the point of staying up and checking every 30 minutes up until around 4AM Mountain time. If this continues, I might give up on trying to play for a while.

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Those on TC will leave to another server? Wouldn’t staying on the most populated, therefor most likely to win server be an advantage or does winning somehow reset their tier?

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


I don’t understand how that is a positive concept. It seems everyone will always want on the populated servers to best PVP and thus Tarnished Coast will continue to be difficult for others to want to play on.

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


If I understand this issue correctly, Tarnished Coast has a full population due to World versus World? Am I correct i guessing, this is player feeling if they are on the most populated servers, there are more of them to fight with? If that’s the case, that reminds me of how PVP in The Secret World is a bother because there are more in the Templar faction which leads to more players leaning toward the creating a Templar.

I simply want to RP and enjoy the game yet this WvW seems to be disturbing my right to pick the server my friends are on.

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


One of the reasons I wanted to play though is to roleplay which I’m told is on Tarnished Coast. That is where my RP friends are too. I also worry, if I start on another server and try to transfer at some point, that by the time TC isn’t full, the transfers won’t be free any longer.

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


I can understand if this sounds like whining yet this inability to let me pick what server I want to be on due to WvW is annoying. I know I could pick a different server yet in a way, it’s basically that a friend bought me this game and I cannot play it.

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


…my point is I cannot access either of those servers as my home. They are full anytime I check. Well, rarely I’ll find Dragonbrand available. I’d like to go to Tarnished Coast more then the other to RP yet -that- one is full anytime I check. I don’t much care for WvW, I simply want to play the game and perhaps role play.

Issue is, Tarnished Coast is always full.

I’m seeking how to get on it. It’s a bit frustrating not to be able to play after getting the game Sunday. Any tips?

Tarnished Coast full - I want in!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


A friend recently- As of Sunday- bought this game for me. Issue is, being a new player, I need to pick a home server and both ones I would want are full. Tarnished Coast, where my RP friends are or Dragonbrand, where my offline friends are.

My question is, is there a trick to finding Tarnished Coast available? Since Sunday, I’ve tried and tried. Even as far as to staying up until 5AM and checking around ever 30 minutes.

Is there ever any server downtime, maintenance or such where I could try before or after when the population would be low?

Honestly, I know there are a lot of server homes to pick from yet the fact the two I would want to use are always full is a bit of a bother.