Showing Posts For Zyxith.9328:
I don’t know if this topic is closed or not, and hopefully a dev or GM or whatnot sees this question…
Once this goes live, those that have done the Personal Story 100%, finishing the Victory or Death Arah mission, what will become of our Journals?
Will our journals reflect the new order of missions? As in will the parts of chapters be put in the original order? I know this isn’t a major question but as it’ll effect… a BIG amount of people, I and hopefully others are curious to know! Thank you.
Know what’d also be a nice change to the PS? Make the missions/instances with Lion’s Arch look like the OLD Lion’s Arch. It just makes way more sense. If people ask like “Why isn’t it ruined by Scarlet?” just let them know the PS is meant to take place BEFORE Scarlet. Please, fix this. Having Lion’s Arch look destroyed by Scarlet and then fighting off a Dragon who attacks, it just looks… wrong.
The difference is “The Personal Story was not designed to be replayable.” (other than by joining someone else’s run). The current LS was so designed. Season One of LS is not replayable at all.
I’m willing to take Bobby’s word for it in the FAQ answer you quoted that they worked on a way to reset PS and found game killing bugs beyond the scope of feasible correction.
I can still hope though, because I’d love to play it as my main in it’s intended form if it could be reset somehow.
I still wouldn’t mind just having all progress in my Personal Story erased and have me start out from scratch honestly, since I’ve already done 100% and want to have played it in it’s true form.
I know games are tricky and such, and I don’t fault a lot of mistakes.
Honestly, playing this game over 2 years the only things I can’t forgive Arena Net for is fragging up the Personal Story and the way they ruined town clothing. Fixing the Personal Story is great and all but still sucks for those that completed it in it’s “Broken” state and sort of unfair, but I guess I’ll just hope one day I can do it on my main in it’s meant-to-be form.
(edited by Zyxith.9328)
Ah, well I hope this patch will also fix my bug, one that a few others seem to have where the Personal Story Journal stops at points. For me, I have completed 100% of the Personal Story on my main character, but the Journal doesn’t show -anything- after “Battle of Fort Trinity.”
I’d at least like this bug fixed so I can have my journal complete. As OCD as that sounds.
Wait, this hasn’t been implimented yet? I thought that’s what today’s patch was. When does it hit then?
Part of me feels like rerolling my character all over again to enjoy the story as IT WAS MEANT TO BE but then I realize I’d have to re-do all the other stuff my main has, like world map completion and unlocked traits.
I would really, really, really, really like to see some way that you all at Arena Net could somehow let us ..not so much “Re-do” as that seems a wrong wording, more -erase all progress done and start from scratch.- I’d be perfectly content to just do 100% of the personal story all over again. Instead of it being “Repeatable content” just erase my all my personal story progress.
I’m not sure how much work that’d take or if it’d break my game but Shrugs at this point I’d be perfectly find having to redo it all over again to enjoy the full personal story as it was meant to be. That or at least start all over from the point of A Light in the Darkness or such.
I am curious, how much trouble/work it’d be to just clear a character’s personal story and start from scratch.
Bah, was hopeful that this patch would maybe fix my Personal Story on my hero window. I finished the Personal Story 100% back in December of 2014, but for some bugged reason it stopped showing progress on the written story part of my hero window. It just stops at “Battle of Fort Trinity.” It’d be really nice if this bug was fixed and it fully listed all of my completed story for me to enjoy/read/not be OCD over it being incomplete.
Heck, I wish we could just re-do the Personal Story now that you re-added the Fear arc. Sort of feels bothersome. Wish we at least had some way to go back and do that re-put in content, especially since you removed it before. It’s nice that you all reverted something to it’s previous way that players preferred and enjoyed but now those that did the Personal Story in between this miss out.
I’m not trying to tell you all at Arena Net you are bad, even devs make mistakes but I feel bummed that I and others miss out because of this mistake you “fixed.” It’d be nice if you could at least find some way to allow people that finished the Personal Story between that Sept patch and now to maybe do the fear arc or at least maybe just do everything all over maybe?
or at the least, hopefully fix my story to show what all I’ve done after Battle at Fort Trinity. Thank you.
P.S. I’m wondering if the reason this whole time since December that my story doesn’t show anything after Battle at Fort Trinity, could be from me picking a fear? I do recall picking a fear back in December so maybe that’s what bugged the game to not list everything I did after Battle at Fort Trinity.
(edited by Zyxith.9328)
I’m level 80, so I’m trying to pick my finalized gear and a lot of those achievements seem difficult solo. I made it through them as a whole solo aside from that kitten ed ghost statue. I personally feel the LS stuff as is is a bit too tough, let alone the acheivements
Bah, my issue is I’d go for those sinister trinkets but kitten if I suck at the living story episodes as is, but doing all achievements I highly doubt I can do them all Somedays I just wanna bribe someone with gold or such to do them for me XD
Xyonon what is your build exactly that you get that much Con. Dam.?
Wow I am way off from that range. I’m guessing them 700-900 isn’t good?
So for Crit chance, 40%-50% is good but about what should be my range for Condition damage? I currently have around 700-ish I think. I don’t want to like go for min-maxing but what’s a good round about number to aim for?
Hmm, now I am wondering then if I went conditions or such, what other stats to go with. Like which stats should be my highest?
What might you suggest I aim for as a build with those weapons?
So basically condition damage would be better then power for those weapons?
Hmm, why Rabid in particular?
As a start to my question, I’d like to point out I’m not trying to argue the usefulness of these weapons in dungeons or PvE, I simply like them and my question is simply this…
Exactly what stats do Staff, Scepter, Focus and Torch use. If not all together I mean individually. Like does staff take advantage of condition damage or power more?
Basically trying to figure out what stats/attributes each or all of those weapons use most/best. Not sure if my question makes sense but figured I’d ask.
What if I did Celestial armour, and Berserker trinkets?
Sometimes I get confused as to how many say to go full berserker but then I see people in other threads talk of using other stats for their mesmer too.
So I’m not looking to be min/maxed, or to be uber, I want to above all else just have a useful option with my gear. Like able to swap my traits/weapons to suit my need. Mostly PvE and solo, also some WvW.
So… my current ideas are:
Armour/weapons/trinkets all Celestial…
Celestial Trinkets, berserker Armour, Sinister weapons (Like Staff, scepter/focus/torch)
Out of those two ideas, which seems the best for me wanting to have the option to alter my traits to suit most situations?
As simply asked in the title, I’m wondering what stats get used by illusions. I was told by a few that my clones/phantasms aren’t effected by my Condition Damage. Others say it is.
Anyone know exactly which stats are and aren’t going to effect my illusions?
Yeah, I’m level 80. Still, my question remains. What stats for my armour/weapons?
Does Shatter or Phantasms really have that different styles that I’d not be able to just have one set of armour? I mainly just want to know what stats for my gear using those weapons would be best. Even a list of possible options.
That’s just it, I don’t know what I’m looking to do yet. I’m asking what can be done well with those weapons in mostly solo PvE.
If you’re saying I should go shatter or phantasm, what stats for my gear would I go with because again, traits I can swap anytime.
Well, like I said, I’m talking mostly PvE. More or less soloing, not dungeons. For dungeons I can just swap to whatever weapon is needed but I still want gear that’d work for most situations since if I go ascended I don’t wanna make two sets. It’s too costly. As for trinkets, it’s because I already have a full set of Ascended celestial trinkets I rather not have just sitting in the bank.
So here’s what I seek advice/help with…
-As a character, I like the idea of using (Not limiting myself to) Staff, Scepter with either Focus and/or Torch. They suit my character.
-That said, I want to note I also have celestial ascended trinkets and I’d like to keep these, if at all possible.
-I mainly do PvE, but from time to time do a lil PvP/WvW and if with friends, I do dungeons.
-Many people tell me those weapons are useless in dungeons, so if I need to, I can go with other weapons if any of you suggest but I want to mainly figure out what I listed.
Now then… I’d like some help picking what stats/runes/sigils for my armour/weapons. I see a lot of people saying build types but I’m not savvy on what everything means. I’m open to most any build that could use those 4 listed as my mains. Since traits can be changed anytime, I mainly need to figure out what’d be best for my armour/weapons.
I mostly would like any details on what I can work with using those 4 weapons. Thank you
Like I said, I did 100% of my personal story already. it’s completely done. I’m level 80, I completed my PS fully within this present month.
I will be free anytime after 5PM EST Saturday.
Oh sorry, NA region.
Hmm, I wanted to try and add new information:
I -might- have finished Battle of Fort Trinity before the Jan 13th patch, could that have effected it?
Also, during Forging the Pact, I talked to the Pale Tree and answered her question about what am I most afraid of. I’m told the “Fear” arc was totally removed, which I do recall doing it two years ago and it being absent during my run of the whole personal story during this month… so, so maybe the fact I answered the Pale Tree’s question have been the cause of the bug?
So I’m asking for some help. If anyone is currently at this step in their personal story, I’d like to come along. See, I have a problem where my personal story journal isn’t updated. I have nothing after this mission but I’ve done all the personal story.
I want to test out if doing the mission again might snap my journal out of the bug. I know it’s a real long shot, but I’m desperate to try and fix this as no one seems to know why it’s bugged and how to fix it.
I know it’s not from the April changes, as I did 100% of my personal story this month.
If anyone happens to know please, I searched through google but most had no advice on what caused such. Wish I could speak to a GM or such. Note: I’ve been told it could be due to the personal story getting rearranged, but wasn’t that many months ago? I actually completed the personal story on this character from start to finish within the past few weeks. I made said character Dec 29th in fact.
Does anyone else have this issue, or hopefully know how to fix it? Basically, my Personal Story Journal stops mid-way through part 7 and has nothing for part 8, yet I have fully completed my Personal Story. I even did Arah Story mode.
So… I’m missing;
Part 7: Against the Corruption >> Romke’s Final Voyage >> The Source of Orr
Part 8: Temple of the Forgotten God >> Through the Looking Glass >> What the Eye Beholds >> Estate of Decay >> Ossuary of Unquiet Dead >> Further into Orr >> Hunters and Prey >> Air Drop >> Blast from the Past >> Victory or Death
I know this isn’t like, game breaking, but I really want my journal to update and show my full story as I both have fun reading about it and it’s also me being OCD about not wanting it bugged.
Anyone able to help would be deeply thanked. If any devs or GMs or such know what’s wrong also, let me know please
Since I’m getting mixed answers from friends ingame and then here people mostly saying I’m hindering myself…
What -exactly- are my options sticking to those 3 weapons? What can they -do- for me and anyone have any build options, stats to focus on, can I still use my ascended celestial trinkets? Thank you MailMail for some info, although know sure what PU, DD or EI mean.
I’m trying to sort out who’s telling me info based on min/maxing (Which I don’t need to be some uber, perfect build, just useless and not broken) and those that can honestly, 100% tell me if my choices w-ill- do anything good and useful.
Hmm, yeah this is where I tend to get confused as to what people say because “The build you created isn’t for PvE” puzzles me because I used it for over a year and it worked fine in PvE, aside from some particularly annoying enemies like Aetherblades and a few tough moments in LS season 2 like that spinning plant monster and the ghost statue. I heal myself well enough when swapping to water to do so or I drop Healing Seed.
Dagger/dagger is suboptimal. Staff is the highest dps, but the lowest offensive support.
Build isn’t for pve.
Lowest offensive, like it does the least as far as heals? Also what do you mean by Build isn’t for PvE? Like, the build I mentioned isn’t good for PvE?
What I basically would be doing is map completion (As I made this Mesmer like, 3 weeks ago and stupidly deleted my 80 Ele with 100% map completion) I’d do dungeons here and there, most dungeons I’ve done were like CoF to get some gold here or there. I might want to do some fractals, but mostly I’d be doing like.. guild missions with the guild. Bounty, rush, puzzle, those sorts.
What about Dagger/Dagger or more importantly to my taste, what about Staff?
I do in fact use my combos to keep up might stacks and I swap between elements to keep my own as I have Bloodlust and Battle sigils on my weapons. I use water actively if I see people are getting hurt a lot but I get back into the earth and fire for the DPS portion.
Thank you all for the replies and such, although please don’t bring arguements to this thread. I don’t know Pyro, I don’t know any of you so I have no opinion but rather people not go back and forth saying rude things.
I guess all I have left to ask about all this is, so my Ele was being played decently? Because maybe I should just remake as an Ele again
That’s why I curiously posted about my Ele build on the Ele section Because that build seemed to work and teams/dungeon peoples had me so I thought I’d toss it up and see if the forum viewed it as a decent or bad build idea. To see if these Mesmer questions are true that I’ll be bad in PvE or if it’s just not been constructive replies
Curious what others thing of the build my past Ele had.
My armour were zealots/keepers with the stats of Power with precision/healing. I used runes of exuberance with such. I mostly used scepter/focus with zerker stats and my staff with either that or zealots/magi depending on my mood. I went for something that could dish out decent DPS but have the option to heal allies or myself well. My trinkets were all celestial.
My traits were Spell Slinger, Infernal Fire, Soothing Winds, Bolt to the Heart, Cantrip Mastery, Soothing Wave and Aquatic benevolence. Ran with utilities such as Arcane shield, Mist form and lightning flash. Either using the fiery greatsword or frost bow.
So yeah, curious on how this build seems to others. I mostly did PvE. A lil PvP here and there.
@OP, If you could tell me about the importance you place on weapon cooldowns I’d love to help you figure out a build for this weapon set. Personally, I run Staff and Scepter/Sword with Sinister stats and it works out pretty well, even in dungeons.
Well, from what others are saying, it seems like the 3 weapons I’d want will make me troublesome to team with. Perhaps I should just go back to Elementalist.
This is one reason I feel iffy asking stuff on forums, because it’s tough to sort out who actually knows for a fact what something can or can’t do, and those that are the elite sorts that are “Zerker only!” but it sounds like Mesmer might not work for me. Although, makes me wonder how the forum would view my past Ele’s build which I had for DPS and the option to help heal when needed. Which was basically Celestial trinkets, Berzerker Scepter/Focus, Zealot/Keepers armour which was power/precision/healing and used Staff with either Zealot or Magi stats depending on my mood. My traits being Speel Slinger, Infernal Fire, soothing winds, bolt to the heart, soothing wave, cantrip mastery and Aquatic Benevolence. With my utilities being arcane shield, lightning flash, mist form and either giant flame sword or ice bow.
What if I went with Staff for PvE and Scepter for PvP? Peeked in the game and some guildmates said I should be fine teaming, I just won’t be all about DPS. Surely there are other roles one can play besides DPSing stuff.
I guess I got confused then, because I had a friend say I would be fine. Is Mesmer that difficult to play with a simple set of weapons? I had a level 80 Ele and I only really used Staff and Scepter/Focus and I only had one set of armour and seemed to have done fine, so are Mesmers really that different from like.. Ele?
I’m not merely talking about starting out really, I mean post level 80. I don’t mind using anything I have to get to level 80 but after that, I want to only use Scepter/Torch and Staff. Will I be able to have a decent PvE build using only those 3 weapons after I hit 80?
Basically, I’m curious if a good build can be made using only the three weapons I mentioned; Scepter/Torch and Staff. I know it’s silly, but I have a preference based on what weapons suit my character. I don’t see her wielding a pistol, or swords, or even a greatsword. I also am picky in that I dislike the phantasm that Focus uses, as it uses axes. So yeah, I’m weird and picky.
I don’t know what type of build I’m looking for, since I’m new to Mesmer. A friend said I could make a condition build, something giving buffs to allies and conditions to foes. So yeah, I guess my questions are if I can even have good build options sticking to only those 3 weapons and if so, what are my options.
Anywho, thank you for reading and any helpful info you can give
Now here’s something else I want to know, if I go with Nvidia, I notice mostly all the cards say Superclock/overclock. I know they come with software to monitor temp and to overclock them however I want..
Thing is, I don’t want to overclock. The idea scares me, and I don’t want to screw something up. Would this program have a default that’s safe/good for those that don’t want to overclock or don’t want to? Could I just use the program to monitor and -not- tweak stuff I don’t understand? If it comes with a nice factory setting by default I’d feel safer.
I know it sound lazy but I rather put the card in, install drivers/programs the disk comes with, then not worry about fiddling. Aside from updating drivers.
Only experience I’ve had with graphic cards has been PNY GeFroce. Namely the 8400, 9800, 630 and 650.
Trying to pick a good card for my newly built PC. Trouble is, I’m trying to figure out which card would be better. I would mostly play GW2 yet I play a few other games, well own them… like TSW, Batman Arkham Asylum, a few games on Steam I might get like the Ghostbusters game from 2009.
I keep getting conflicting info though, like that the 280X from Radeon causes bugs and such for GW2.
If I picked the 770 from Nvidia, most seem “Superclocked” with programs that can let me fiddle settings. I rather not fiddle with settings out of fear I’ll break something. I don’t really overclock.
Anywho, if anyone has tips or advice. Also, my PC is built with…