Personal Story Journal missing last parts
If anyone happens to know please, I searched through google but most had no advice on what caused such. Wish I could speak to a GM or such. Note: I’ve been told it could be due to the personal story getting rearranged, but wasn’t that many months ago? I actually completed the personal story on this character from start to finish within the past few weeks. I made said character Dec 29th in fact.
Hmm, I wanted to try and add new information:
I -might- have finished Battle of Fort Trinity before the Jan 13th patch, could that have effected it?
Also, during Forging the Pact, I talked to the Pale Tree and answered her question about what am I most afraid of. I’m told the “Fear” arc was totally removed, which I do recall doing it two years ago and it being absent during my run of the whole personal story during this month… so, so maybe the fact I answered the Pale Tree’s question have been the cause of the bug?
It is possible, the my greatest fear arc has been missing since the second feature patch.