Personal Story Journal missing last parts

Personal Story Journal missing last parts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Does anyone else have this issue, or hopefully know how to fix it? Basically, my Personal Story Journal stops mid-way through part 7 and has nothing for part 8, yet I have fully completed my Personal Story. I even did Arah Story mode.

So… I’m missing;

Part 7: Against the Corruption >> Romke’s Final Voyage >> The Source of Orr
Part 8: Temple of the Forgotten God >> Through the Looking Glass >> What the Eye Beholds >> Estate of Decay >> Ossuary of Unquiet Dead >> Further into Orr >> Hunters and Prey >> Air Drop >> Blast from the Past >> Victory or Death

I know this isn’t like, game breaking, but I really want my journal to update and show my full story as I both have fun reading about it and it’s also me being OCD about not wanting it bugged.

Anyone able to help would be deeply thanked. If any devs or GMs or such know what’s wrong also, let me know please


Personal Story Journal missing last parts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


If anyone happens to know please, I searched through google but most had no advice on what caused such. Wish I could speak to a GM or such. Note: I’ve been told it could be due to the personal story getting rearranged, but wasn’t that many months ago? I actually completed the personal story on this character from start to finish within the past few weeks. I made said character Dec 29th in fact.

Personal Story Journal missing last parts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Hmm, I wanted to try and add new information:

I -might- have finished Battle of Fort Trinity before the Jan 13th patch, could that have effected it?
Also, during Forging the Pact, I talked to the Pale Tree and answered her question about what am I most afraid of. I’m told the “Fear” arc was totally removed, which I do recall doing it two years ago and it being absent during my run of the whole personal story during this month… so, so maybe the fact I answered the Pale Tree’s question have been the cause of the bug?

Personal Story Journal missing last parts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546



It is possible, the my greatest fear arc has been missing since the second feature patch.