Showing Posts For ginzo.8792:
in europe we have at present 5 of the top 6 servers as french or germans, the exception being far shiverpeaks. no idea why they are holding out. doesnt that tell you that the servers with specific language designations who will attract a global community of said language are clearly getting an advantage.
make all the servers GLOBAL let us fight it out even. global english speaking servers would be fine , I’d happily play on a global server and let my american cousins carry the torch while i slept and vice versa.
end this idiocy before it’s too late.
Personally, I have the opposite opinion of many in this post: I think people playing at off-peak hours should gain more points, not fewer. This will incent more players to stop playing at the exact same time. This reduce queues and makes the game more interesting / competitive at all hours, instead of just a few each day.
I don’t think I live in the same world than you. There is a reason I play at evenings. It has mostly to do with the necessity to earn a living which tends to have a very string timer going on.
Most of the people telling us to play at different hours or to stay up all night are kids who don’t have to sleep so we wake up for work and then work all day to afford shelter and food.
They’re totally ignorant to real life and don’t understand logic. The point is, ignore them you’re just arguing with a child.
I’m done replying in this thread because Anet has made it clear they don’t care about the majority opinion and will continue to protect the very small minority from the “evil” majority.
You cant claim to be the majority opinion.
Nor is everyone here disagreeing with you is a kid, thats arrogant and equally ignorant. The game is what it is, if your an adult this shouldn’t be hard to grasp.
he never said everyone dissagreeing with him was a kid , he said everyone who proposes as a solution “just stay up all night” (or words to that efect) probably is a kid. simply because if you have a job or wife/kids etc then staying up all night to “win” at a video game is a one way ticket to not having a job/wife/kids any more.
so they really put this subject to bed eh?
821 posts and counting means there is no problem …. right?
if ever conclusive proof was needed that WvW is all about who can pillage during the night when the competition sleeps its in our battle , gandara V abbadons mouth (german) and underworld.
gandara had ammased a 60k lead since the start and all of a sudden it seems the germans have a bank holiday today so could stay up all night and this morning control 500 points owrth of the maps. so far at 2pm UK time all we can do is get back our are of EBG for 85 points and same with underworld.
so either suddenly the germans became uber or its conclusive proof that skill and tactics mean jack and its all about who doesnt need to go to bed on your server.
so anyone else wake up to find the germans have suddenlt became “uber” this morning? if so its just more weight to the evidence that this system downgrades skill and tactics to meaningless except at a small portion of the day while night crews rule the world…….
Ps i,m pasting this in here cos the moderators obviously closed down another thread talking about this isue .
yes and so far its a very expensive day for all non germans who face them cos we got to grind down fully upgraded keeps all over all maps…
As i said conclussive unarguable proof that it,s simply all about who doesnt need to sleep when others do.
so all the chest beating about tactics and skill mean zero against folk who dont need to go to work for wahtever reason. be it unemployment, holiday or living on the other side of the planet.
and dont get me wrong i,m not hating on the germans. i’m simply using this as evidence of whats wrong with this system. if we had a holiday it would be the same.
if ever conclusive proof was needed that WvW is all about who can pillage during the night when the competition sleeps its in our battle , gandara V abbadons mouth (german) and underworld.
gandara had ammased a 60k lead since the start and all of a sudden it seems the germans have a bank holiday today so could stay up all night and this morning control 500 points owrth of the maps. so far at 2pm UK time all we can do is get back our are of EBG for 85 points and same with underworld.
so either suddenly the germans became uber or its conclusive proof that skill and tactics mean jack and its all about who doesnt need to go to bed on your server.
so anyone else wake up to find the germans have suddenlt became “uber” this morning? if so its just more weight to the evidence that this system downgrades skill and tactics to meaningless except at a small portion of the day while night crews rule the world…….
Zireael did not mean to type your name wrong meant no offense.
Here are some of the things any guild can do to have a chance at being number one.
Require your members to que when online for WvW.
Don’t allow alts everyone get on their best toon to WvW.
Staying up when you need sleep in order to win.
Getting up early to play when you do not feel like it.
Recruiting players that can play when the main part of your guild is not on.
Maybe having to change servers to even out que times for 24 hour coverage.
Understanding Casual players have no place in a guild that wants to be number 1.
Double teaming the server above you in order to win.
Do not allow jump puzzles in your Warzones, everyone is there to win not screw around.
Use your money and tokens for siege and upgrades.If you want to be number here are the things you have to deal with.
Sitting in Que when you want to play.
Playing later than you want too in order to win.
Everyone following someone elses directions even if you do not agree.
Having the majority of players think you win becuase the rules do not favor them.
Having players and guilds join your server that do not feel as strongly about winning as you do.
what you describe here is a job and your obvious lack of understanding of that would lead me to assume you dont have much experience of a job or it would be obvious to you.
far too much “doing x that you dont want to” in order to win is work. most folk have real jobs and play games to have fun , they tend to stop playing games in their spare time when it involves doing things they dont want to.
cos in my life I like to be paid for doing things i dont want to…
what i think we can agree on is that there IS a problem. this official thread was clearly meant to put a lid on it, and end disscussion. however what it does do and can’t be questioned is show thhis is an issue that needs action not words from ANET.
let me be clear i would have no issue with global 24/7 coverage if that was the norm. however since it’s only a select few serveres who have this currently ( a large portion of the french and spanish speaking servers with a few added international ones , then the rest are simply fodder when matched against them.
so either change to everyones on region free servers or only pair the 24/7 servers against each other. I’ve no objection to everyone playing all night as long as the ability to do so is equal. as it is half empty european servers would be better to en-masse move to an american server to give them a full night shift.
if the game is global then global servers should be the norm.
yes that would be more suitable and less insulting
Hi Everyone,
All is fair in love and war – and as love, WvW is a battlefield.
There are exploits, I’ll give you that – but then there is coordinated effort to ensure your world or your team uses each and every resource they have to their advantage..
except we,re not fighting a war PLAYING A COMPUTER GAME. and this response is actually shamefull from an ANET official. ive been in a real war where real people died and it’s NOTHING like your fecking game mister german community manager!!!!
for one thing you dont res at a convenient portal once your dead
have you experience of a real war ? if not i think you better re-think comparing anything to it except another real war.
i expect idiots to try to use the “its war” cop out , but someone employed by ANET? shameful sir
(edited by ginzo.8792)
It’s because they’ve already answered the question numerous times and are probably sick of answering the same question over and over again.
Wv3 is meant to be 24 hours, they will not do anything to prevent this. Learn to search…
actually thats what you say
ANet’s stance on this couldnt possibly be clearer.
they made the servers region based.lets let this sink in
even tagged some of them based on nationalities within the same region.that alone is all the proof required to conclude they never intended all servers to hold 24/7 international playerbases.
noone sane would tag a server as “french”, “german” or “spanish” if they intended it to have a healthy dose of around-the-globe players. the message that anyone with an IQ above single digits get from it is the polar opposite.
so please, if your gonna be so dead wrong, save us the pain of reading your nonsenses and dont post ever again
this , if htey wanted 24/7 coverage on ALL servers then why not just have them all be global , and we would indeed have had 24/7 coverage .
as it is now we have a few select servers who dominate simply because they have 24/7 coverage while most dont. i would have no problem playing on a US server in fact i used to in both SWG and EQ2 , it didnt bothere me at all. but the fact they offered REGIONAL servers meant they wanted regional players to play on those servers
it clearly is for lots of folk , however that isnt the point , any sort of censorship of what we can discuss is an issue. If you dont mind them stopp ing folk talking about this , then what happens next time you want to talk about soemthing that “isn’t allowed”
fair enough if its abusive or just flaming… but proper debate being locked?
thats lame regardless the subject
thats not the point , if folk think theres a problem they should be allowed to express that, locking down discussion is anet saying there is indeed a problwem and they have no solution except silence those wanting to talk about it.
i dont mind folk saying stuff i dont agree with , and if you do then thats something you should examine.
just look at the heavy moderation going on about this subject. Not only do we get no response from the dev’s now the moderators are locking down all discussion on the subject……. seen this before and expected better from Anet.
looks like we have our answer then … there is no problem if we stop folk saying theres a problem right?
very bad
well for me blood feuds are just a few idiots on forums with inflated eog’s thinking they speak for their server.
for me it’s due to getting points for second place and also the night cap issue means one team begins every morning with complete control of the map and has its upgraded stuff intact . so after the other servers claim back their own stuff the choice is attack the guys who are sitting in full upgraded keeps from the night before or attack the guys who just got their keeps back.
usually this means attack the guys in the weaker keeps. After all they will have less time to react to your attack and so the likelyhood of success is greater.
but it doesnt have to be night for the majorioty on the server you choose to play on. it’s a choice to avoid the mainstream of players and do the nightcapping, its not a forced situation.
I had the idea that 3 server matches were better than 2 because it would enable the 2 weaker servers to focus on the strongest and thus keep matches competative.
what is happening in practise however is the 2 stronger seem to gang on the weakest making matches completelly crap.
what is going on? is this some facet of gamers minds that wasn’t counted on or is it something i’m failing to get?
for me the explanation is linked to the stronget server in the match up being due to it’s nightime capping ability and thus having perpetual fully pimped keeps, making it a hard choice of attack. ( i go into this effect in detail on another thread)
Either way it’s kinda making 3 server battles even more lopsided than 2 server battles…. such a pity , in theory 3 server battles should work.
last night was another example of the form I outlined in my OP. the 2 stronger servers spend the night attacking the weaker one as it’s the easy target.
It’s crazy cos to my mind 3 server wars were to enable to 2 weaker to help counter the stronger not the 2 stronger to simply crush the weakest.
if you are typical of hoD’s player base i’m glad i don’t play there. I would venture that most of their population would opt for someone less arrgoant and immature sounding as their spokesman
i never used the word respect in any sentence , i did however say we should not cater to the few at the expense of the many.
and can i just add this ; to those who would argue that off peak or night crews do so cos it’s their primetime.
french canadians if they want to play with folk in wvw can play on NA servers and play in daytime prime if they so choose. playing on euro french servers is an active choice , they choose to play during the servers nighttime.
same with south american spanish speakers , they can play on NA servers if they choose , but actively choose to play on eruo spanish servers knowing they will be fighting against nobody in wvw.
if you choose to play at a time where you will face no opposition in wvw then you don’t deserve to be catered for at everyones expense.
i want to highlight a side effect of nighcapping crews that hasn’t been touched upon which adds to the weight or argument as to why it has to be addressed.
it’s the effect that makes those who suffer from being matched against nightcappers have no real chance during the day, or at best need to be that much stronger during the day simply to counter the effects of nightcapping.
firstly you have the effect that after about 10pm on servers who know they are going to be nighcapped in a few hours nobody wants to spend money upgrading keeps only to lose them while empty. this makes taking those keeps from 10pm till 2am (or whenever the server dies off for the night) that much easier for those who play during this timeframe.
secondly come the morning when the nightcappers have taken everything and the daytime servers begin to try to re-take their own keeps the night cappers area is all fully upgraded from the night. worst case scenario is even their own territory is fully upgraded by the night crews.
so lets say by mid afternoon they day server manages to reclaim its own territory on the maps and the fighting is even, unless the day servers population is willing to spend large amounts of money to upgrade their keeps to make them easier to defend for the next 12 hours they are always going to be the easiest target for the other 2 servers to push.
so already you have daytime servers faced with the costs of
1/ re-taking their own keeps daily (which might cost lots of siege if they have been pimped during the night
2/ having to upgrade their own keeps EVERY DAY simply to be less attractive during the next 12 hours and enable them to take the fight to the other 2 servers.
thirdly if you have permanent upgraded keeps with siege inside you by logical conclusion have more spare income to spend on attack siege this means that during the day you can use that extra funds to make your attacks that bit more effective all day long.
the over all effect is that even during the daylight hours where populations are balance what you get is the 2 weaker targets fighting each other far more than the nightcapping servers area. Why? because most folk want to take keeps and towers rather than defend all day, which means the other 2 servers will do most of their fighting against each other rather than try to re-dress the night balance by spending the whole day destroying the night cappers territory forcing them to spend money re-upgrading their keeps.
simply cos it’s easier, the end result is most of the daytime fighting goes on in the 2 daytime servers areas which simply compounds the effect of the unbalanced match every day.
something has to be done about this, currently anet is allowing the few to ruin the experience of the many , a business model that is doomed to failure. even in the next couple of months you will have maybe 4 NA and 4 EU servers viable with the rest as ghosts if this isnt addresed.
for me the simple answer is combine some NA servers with euro ones so you have 24/7 players on all servers or re-set battlegrounds daily at midday so even the mightcapping servers lose all their upgrades every day same as those who don’t have night crews.
(edited by ginzo.8792)