Showing Posts For ginzo.8792:
honestly more and more i hear crap that reeks of guilds fooling themselves into believing wvwvw is a private playground where they can blob around the map and treat anyone not in their blob like pariahs…. if this is where wvw is headed it’s the road to empty maps and a dead game.
good guilds should be measured by how well they treat and intigrate with EVERYONE in their map and not how well they ignore everyone else and zoom around as a blob and then make videos to stroke their egos afterwards in threads like this.
every thread about these dailys asking is it fun all you get are the same folk telling you how easy it is.
They seem to missunderstand the question utterly. its asking are they FUN not are they difficult.
It’s like they are protective of them cos they are easy and are scared they get replaced by soemthing more difficult. So choose to ignore the aspect of " are these repetative chores fun"
or perhaps the folk who are so used to having to run around doing their chores in game are so mentally conditioned into thinking thats what games are about, they no longer grasp the concept of what FUN actually means.
after all if you find it acceptable that you are cohersed into doing chores in a game thats supposed to be nothing but a Fun passtime isnt that proof enough that your missing the point?
Ah, but the dailies are driving perverse behavior, thus changing the norms in the community, and more importantly causing confusion about what the norms should be.
This is a community, I’d like to think I’m a caring part of that, but it gets confusing when perverse incentives cause players to want to die, or drag out combat trying to extract imperfect recognition of dodges from the game engine (the moas work really well because that breath of theirs is long enough that the server recognizes the dodge as having occurred during the spell, when for most mechanics like a sword swing the server can be a second or two off of what’s happening on my screen).
The old dailies amounted to random reinforcement of what we were already doing. These require behavior changes — and just like WoW taught arena players to use LoS exploits instead of actually playing better, these dailies are teaching players to do far less than optimal combat and far less than optimal teamwork. (BTW I detest WoW arena because skill should be more important than exploiting the weaknesses of the game engine.)
this is exactly what i said was wrong with the dailys. They are forcing players to modify how htey do stuff for no other reason than to tick a box on some arbitrary checklist.
It’s kitten And heaps of folk dont seem to get where this is a problem. Any game system that encourages you to not help other players or die/ let others die is counter productive to fun and friendly community.
yet another step in the wrong direction from a game thats actually regressed rather than progressed since release imo.
It is a choice to decide to do the dailies, no one is forcing you or anyone else to complete them.
Just like it is a choice to acquire Legendary weapon skins.
I do not feel forced into doing any of these things, if i want the reward for there completion then i will work on completing it.
Oh stop it around with ‘its a choice’ arguments. They are old and overused and a logical fallacy since a game should not be considered a chore now should it?. This game should be fun not a chore, don’t forget the OP main point.
Man once said: “If you can eat all the biscuits, where’s the fun in biscuits?” That man was an idiot. But he was right. Perhaps their parrents are letting them play too much.
Daily IS by choice. Saying anything otherwise would be denying reality.
The only reason why you consider daily a chore is because it’s giving a reward to doing things you don’t want to do. Never did you stop and think maybe fun is subjective. Or maybe daily aren’t meant to be fun “For everyone”.
And why should they be?
All i ever do is pvp all day. Do I complain about not having enough pvp related daily? No. Because I understand what dailies are meant to do : Anytime I decide I’m too bored to pvp anymore the dailies are there, giving ideas and rewards as to what to do.
Do I have to do them? No.
Do I do them all? No. I hate pve that much.
Do I find them chores? No.Why not? Because I didn’t do them – instead I just do what I want and play how I like, and I’m never ever punished for it. Once or twice I finished a few mob killing ones. I did them when I’m bored of pvping and I’m happy to say they provided adequate distraction.
As for saying everything in a game is supposed to be fun, that’s pure utopia. name a game that is 100% fun, and I can guarantee you there will be someone who doesn’t like it.
i dissagree EVERYthing in game should be fun. sure there are parts of games i fine less fun that others , but if i find i’m doing the same non-fun things everyday i’m onto another game rapid. Why is it in MMO’s people like yourself feel its acceptable , even normal to have to spen time doing non fun things. I think you need to re-examine why you play games.
I do know that the more spare time you have the less you value it, i used to play severe amounts of vanilla wow , raiding through BWL and MC but that was before marriage and kids , i would do things less fun in games cos i had time to kill in abundance. nowadays I value my spare time much more and feel much less enclined to do anything that isnt 100% fun.
as soon as a game stops being fun its no longer a game , its then a chore or habit.
well part of the problem is all these guilds want to play in the same 4 hour time slot so unless you get a server to yourself its gonna be hard to find maps empty enough to mean several full guilds can all insta-join a map as a unit. then if you leave to a very low pop server to enable just that. you destroy the other low pop servers and climb up the ladder and find yourself back in the same situation in a month or so.
hence why i say you have to either adapt and accept the new reality or find yourself in a cycle doomed to repeat the same thing over again. you kinda are victims of your own success. things will settle down i think, people will drift from GW2 in time , all mmo’s become stale or get superceded by the next MMO. Elder scrolls online will be out in summer and neverwinter some time around then , after that you can be sure queues and getting your guild into a battleground wont be an issue.
ive been on piken a long time , long enough to remember dranul as the only commander running around , (the first i think on PS? very early anyways). however I am invisible in wvwvw, I dont join guilds , cos i’m a 40 year old grumpy scottish bam. so i dont usually find guild chat too much to my liking. Voice coms also wake the kid and/or annoy the wife.
I understand Wam,s point howerver i think Piken needs to do what it does best and mobilise the numbers of pugs in the battle not slam them for joining the server. most pugs will follow commanders and learn , cos they want to win. If your guild cant get all its guys in one BL in prime time thats annoying for sure , but then they could be taking the lead whereever they get in and making the diffrence rather than whining about bandwagoneers in map chat and blaming them for wanting to play on “their” server.
I understand the complaint you make it respectfully , but at the end of the day I think you have to just see it as another part of the meta-game and make strategy fit the new circumstances you find yourself in.
I know when i find myself in maps with commanders i follow them silently to see what they do, and most work well. for example some of the new commanders you have aquired are pretty effective imo, the commander from Xaoc ( bal-something i think) is like a machine when you follow him around hes constantlly reacting and moving , must be very hard to catch if your the enemy. excellent small unit tactics.
while some of the others like yourself and dranul excel at the larger planned siege breaking moves. you guys are strong , strong enough to adapt i’m sure.
the arguement i keep hearing is “its easy , i just do it then get on with what i want to be doing”
but this kinda validates my point. gaming shouldnt be about doing your chores before being able to have fun. maybe this is coming from folk who are under the control of parents etc that make them do some chores before being allowed to game. So they accept it.
I mean i have to go to work , pick my son up from school , get him to bed etc . before i have time to game. So i dislike then having the game make me do chores to tick off the daily before i can just get on with how i like to play.
nothing in game should feel like a chore , everything should be fun , and while i accept fun is subjective. I’m not hearing much " i find the dailys fun" feedback.
if you find doig the daily fun then thats cool. none of this debate applys to you.
my point is that the daily should be 100% organic a by product of having fun the way you like to play. Not a chore that makes you stop what you like to do cos you want to complete random chores in a set time.
but why should they feel they need to encourage, coherce, force (call it what you will) any of us to do anything we dont do out of fun?
if i dont feel like i want to go to lowbie zones to rez folk or that, why should they feel they need to artificially make folk go there?
the dailies should be done by playing the game your way 100%
even if it takes longer than running round like a good little boy getting all their checklist done.
If i play wvwvw for 2 hours a night my daily should be done by the things ive done while there.
same goes for folk who run dungeons every day but not much else , that sort of time investment for them should be enough to earn a daily.
doing chores is doing chores , no matter how simple .
(edited by ginzo.8792)
this is the problem when u dont have mounts. mounts are an out of combat passive speed boost. without them or signets + high waypoint costs make it a chore just moving round the world.
so they added these so it becomes a bit more bearable.
Sooooooooo, dailies are FORCING you to play in a certain way until you do them and otherwise you cannot play?
If it bothers you then ignore them, if you CHOOSE to do them, then stop complaining.
see once again its lucky you dont work for anet , cos with that attitude you would get fired pretty quick. You dont add stuff thats meant to be fun and find that lots of folk dont find it fun and go " meh they can always buy another game"
even most of the folk who chime up defending it arnt saying “its fun i enjoy them” they are saying " its easy so i deal with it" EASY but NOT FUN see the problem?
I’m not saying its hard i,m saying its a failure if folk dont find it fun .. period.
It is a choice to decide to do the dailies, no one is forcing you or anyone else to complete them.
Just like it is a choice to acquire Legendary weapon skins.
I do not feel forced into doing any of these things, if i want the reward for there completion then i will work on completing it.
this sort of response is puerile tbh. EVERYONE knows they can choose not to do any given part of the game. it doesnt need repeating and offers nothing to a discussion.
I can choose to not go to my work i can choose to not even play the game etc etc.
now do you think a succesful business model is based on the ethos that " ach if they dont like it they can go do something else" ?
Stuff is added to the game to be fun and DESIRABLE to take part in , and if for any reason people feel its UNDESIRABLE for them to take part then perhaps there,s a problem.
folk enjoy daily rewards they just arn’t so keen for time to be taken up by doing stuff they dont enjoy to get it.
after all if i do 40 events in a day then havent i earned my daily as much as the guy who slavishly runs all over the map doing what the boss man says ticking off random tasks to get his?
the dailys new and even old are dictatiing how we play the game. I think the system only servers to make the game feel like a chore.
heres why;
for example i pretty much only log to do some wvwvw. this makes my kill count tally fill very fast , no problem, that gets ticked off the daily while i enjoy my chosen way to play.
I can usually do the events part very fast while spending my time how i choose.
farming nodes again usually pretty fast with out stopping what i want to be doing.
reviving , sometimes this is fine as a static battle will serve up folk to revive. However if the only map u can get on is empty then its a problem and i have to find another solution. So i can stop what i want to be doing and go to some npc event in a place i dont want to be simply to tick a box. THIS is me having to alter how i enjoy my game to fill a quota.
The kill variety again difficult to fill in wvwvw without changing maps or leaving altogether which once more means I’m being dictated how i spend my time.
you get the idea , some things i can fill by doing what i want while some are a problem.
Some folk will find others are the ones that make them stop what they CHOOSE to be doing and fill some requirement to complete the daily.
now the fact that its relatively simple to more to a zone where npc’s die just so you can res them is not the issue.
it’s the fact that you cant complete the daily by playing the game exactly how you choose. Those amongst you who have the time to spend doing your daily as a prelude to doing what you want to be doing might not see this as much of a problem , but if you have less time to play you feel its more valuable and resent having to stop your choice of fun to meet arbitrary requirments.
I think the dailys should be able to be completed by a flexible system for example, at present if i do 5 events thats 20% of the daily done. however if i do 15 events then its still only 20%. while to me it should be 60% of it done. same goes for any of the other requirments , if you complete any part multiple times playing the game YOUR chosen way it should count.
So for me this would mean i could complete the daily by doing lots of events and killing lots of enemy in wvwvw and not be reqiured to stop and go looking for random things to kill or npcs to revive in some lowbie zone ive no interest in being in.
or some guy for example could complete the daily be doing 5 times the required harvesting or whatever. The point being we are not then forced into doing activities not of our choosing.
After all theres a name for an activitiy where you are forced to carry out tasks not of your choosing for reward, its called work and I do it to pay the bills , I dont enjoy feeling like my gaming time is feeling like a second job.
(edited by ginzo.8792)
its a poor and condescending way to get girly girls to feel like playing tbh. everytime the gaming industry comes up with ideas to “encourage” more females to play video games they come up with trash like this.
If i was female i’d be insulted that they assume females all go gooey for rainbows and stuff.
even mini pets are junk to me, i,m not playing the sims or farmville I dont need “cuteness” to make me buy into my toon.
guess i,m the only one who feels a test server would help then …..
tbh ive long been sceptical of the wisdom in the lack of a proper test server and the disconnect that it brings between the player base and devs.
This latest patch highlights the issue once more, a proper test server would have enabled them to test ideas and get much needed feedback b4 going live and looking frankly amateur in terms of what the players want and enjoy.
the glaring mistake with the new dailies is making folk do activities they dont want to , plain and simple thats a stupid move. Nobody wants to be forced into grouping and trying to spam combos.
Very few folk enjoy underwater combat, so again why force people to do so?
some folk have zero interest in crafting, so again why force people to do so? (even given the task is simple)
Now before the forum appologists pipe in with " you arnt forced to do anything, you can simply skip the dailies" that point is completely moot since anyone with a modicum of sense is well aware that in the grand scheme you arnt forced to do anything , but if non participation is the preffered option of lots of people then as a dev you make a serious mistake .
What dev adds new content with the aim of putting folk off participating?
so once more the lack of a test server is glaring as more changes go live that seem utterly moronic.
define NEED in terms of a game meant as simply a recreational activity
Really. Some may say overpower or too hard to kill, I say they are the most challenging race you can fight!
Whoever programmed them, congrats, they are really hard, most notably when grouped (SE, or dredge fractal), and overall in the game the hardest mobs to kill (I’m not counting Orr, risen are just annoying).
So, what mobs do you find hard to deal with?
Not counting “PvE is too easy” kinds of posts, please, step back.
the onlt thing about dredge areas that makes them hard is re-spawn timers imo. which is poor design not great mob creation
Orr is fine. Lack of players in the area is the problem. It was all fine till the kitten fractals were added…
o really? thats why their were multiple epic threads about how horrible and un-fun it was . even while it stood as THE place to farm it was hated.
as a Dev you should never ever create a zone thats not fun to move around in. cos forget lore etc , this is a game and soemtimes you just need to get around fast or hassle free or be able to answer the phone and know you can leave your guy standing somewhere he wont die in 20 seconds of AFK .
the devs made that mistake with a couple of zones in LOTRO and ended up completely re-designing them from scratch so they were fun places to spent time , while still maintaining the grimness and evilness lore required.
its funny for as long as I’ve played MMO’s (long time) the folk as you say who are rich in time ( students, unemployed etc) have been the kings of MMO’s. with the subscription model it was largely irrelevant how much time you played each month to the game, as you all payed the same sub.
So in effect the rich in time folk were free to lord it over those of us who are not so rich in terms of spare time to sink into a pastime. ( or even turn it into a virtual job)
One consequence of this was the growing hostility from the Rich in time (hardcore) towards the casual gamers who reacted with utter contempt when the devs would be seen to make any adjustment that would negate their supremacy over the casuals. For example by nerfing a massive time sink (grind) for a certain item .
now the whole dynamic has changed, The market has realised that those with plenty money are willing to pay in order to nerf the massive timesinks themselves and this should be harvested.
after all If I was very wealthy I would pay someone to do the jobs I dislike wasting my time on IRL thus leaving me more free time to enjoy something fun. (for example hiring a house cleaner )
now the market has decided it’s better to cater to the folk with money rather than serve the folk with nothing but spare time.
now where this becomes bad is where they essentially price folk out of the game. where they keep shoving things into folks faces that are highly desirable but very expensive either in terms of time or cash.
when EQ2 went free they offered heaps of very cool armours (cosmetic) for reasonable prices and i bought a few but never felt i was being gouged, I also spent money on mounts for low level toons etc. one off deals. I had no issue spending money like tht.
conversely the F2P release of SWTOR has me uninstalling in 5 mins due to them instantly trying to gouge me simply to unlock all the parts of my UI setup I had used while subscribing.
well here are the facts as I see them
the forums are a large sample of the players/customers ( obviously how large is up for debate) hence without a larger sample to use to gauge opinions the forums are a valuable yardstick.
Taken that MASSIVE amounts of very angry/dissatisfied players have been ignored , infracted , and opinions deleted from this forum and yet STILL the annoyance is very clear. Then i would say ANET has a huge problem of its own making.
now we can argue about how big and how relevant the sample size is, but what cant be debated is that as a sample its very real and to ignore it is utter folly.
the greeks should be powerhouse guilds tbh. nobody has jobs over there anymore thanks to their German overlords
the patronizing and smugness is strong in this thread young padawans.
i sense large ego’s hiding behind false praise and smileys…
" oh grats to you guys from vis that was a great effort you put in , we nearly never wiped you out 2;1 .. keep up the effort you,ll kill some of us at some point i’m sure "
(that sort of stuff is just dripping condescention imo)
sort of like when my 8 year old son comes home with a crap drawing from school, you tell him its wonderfull and put it on the fridge.
(edited by ginzo.8792)
I’ll preface this with I don’t like gear grinds either. Someone probably has already brought this up but how is something you don’t need a grind? You don’t have to do it. You only need ascended gear to do the one optional dungeon at higher than base difficulty. So you are not locked out of doing any game content. In fact you don’t even need it to have the dungeon be harder. It is only there for those players who “NEED” to have some reward given to them by the game for doing something more than once that they feel is better than they had before.
It is no better than any gear already in the game when used outside of the harder modes versions of this dungeon’s mechanic..
except your wrong it IS better for all aspects of the game. its the new best stuff period.
so pretty much the best stuff in WvW means soon your gonna need it or find yourself kittened in there.
Just because you think they’ve reversed their philosophy doesn’t mean they have. Clearly they don’t feel the same way, and in the end, it’s their philosophy, not yours. It’s not ArenaNet’s fault that you fail to/refuse to understand their design goals. They know what they’re doing with their game, you do not, no matter how much you want to believe that you do. Just because you think they’re going down a road of endless gear-grinding and player-ignoring doesn’t mean they are.
But, if people can’t accept that, try thinking of it this way:
Prior to this patch, I bet you thought ArenaNet would never introduce your idea of a gear grind, right? But then they did. Therefore, going purely by past precedent, you have terrible judgment. Now you think they’re going to add an endless gear treadmill, right? Chances are, you’ll be wrong about that, too. So calm down!
A ridiculous argument? Yes. But then again, so is most of the rage over this issue.
By your own logic, you have called them Liars. They have told us on several occasions they would do one thing, and now they have done another.
If I tell you I am baking you a cookie and you get excited for a cookie, then I hand you a carrot, does that mean you should not have gotten excited for the cookie? Are you going to eat the carrot when you were told you would get a cookie? Or do you look at the person giving you the carrot and ask why?
Except they haven’t. Incrementally adding a single new tier of gear is not something they never said they’d do. Just because people say this is going to result in a philosophy-shattering chain of more and more new tiers, despite the fact that ArenaNet said this isn’t what they intend to do doesn’t make it true.
so hold on we,re to accept waht they done simply cos they never assured us they would never do it…. however we should also carry on believing what they tell us there after ?
in other words your sage wisdom is we,ll just bend over and say thanks for anything we get and blindly accept any and all changes in direction cos Anet never expressly told us they wouldnt do anything.
ye ok, problem is I dont feel that loyal to any game/brand/company.
if you keep saying one thing , or even hinting strongly , then do soemthing else entirely once you got my money then i tend to say get Fecked and not listen to you any more after .. thats just me tho
ye it was something they used to believe , an ideal….
now its just a joke cos they sold out on their ideal
i got this from Mark kasbach as explaination for closing my thread about his closure of the massive ascended thread
Quote "
The closing of the ascended gear thread was not done in order to silence people. The thread, in its iteration, had run its course.
People are welcome to provide constructive feedback on any aspect of the game, ascended gear included. … end Quote
make of it what you will.
however he can take the time to end my thread of ONE post and discuss it but Won’T actually take the time to discuss properly the 11000 post thread he closed….
what people want to know is what is the new direction of the game, is the manifesto dead and buried ?? was the new treadmill and all its ramifications a mistake or planned ?? etc.
yes could everyone left in game please lavish praise on anet please?. clearly thats why the forums are in opperation.
any deviation from this new guidline will be dealt with swiftly.
planetside 2 here i come … once the nubs on the euro version actually sort their mince out
So you’re saying they never ‘promised’ it if they even put it up in a blog at june 19th, 2012? Barely 6 weeks before the game has released…
Forgive me if I missed something from that blog, but Yes… nothing in that entire body of text was a promise. He’s also talking about the game in it’s current state and makes no assurances that these principles a guaranteed to remain constant. He also doesn’t lie about the loot. He says that the gear grinds aren’t mandatory and I don’t see fractals being mandatory even though there’s a clear incentive to do them. choosing to willfully misunderstand the intent of what is being said.
nobody is saying what was wrote was legally binding. That isnt the issue
the intent and inferrence was clear.
he knew what he was asking us to believe .
and as a side if a manifesto isn’t an actual promise as you say, then why does the kittene hit the fan so bad when a politician breaks a manifesto commitment?
because they get elected on a manifesto which is understood to be the principles and pledges they will operate by when they get elected.
(edited by ginzo.8792)
Is there a reason why it shouldn’t?
I mean that honestly, because I can’t think of one.
of course there should , its been a long held tradition of MMO’s that time invested = win. hence the jobless man is king in the online world.
now these unemployed folk or students or kids etc , who have limitless time to throw at a game demand recornition for their sacrifice ! we should bow down before our online overlords.
but rejoice as we can afford cars and stuff while the best they can achieve is to flip a burger for me and the wife when i take the kids out for take-away.
( i,m being cynical yes, but to make the point that other than the extreme version above , it is pointless to gate things and reward extreme play types)
well hes recognising the eltitism and segregation thats rising in the game , however hes not really accepting that they actually incentivised this to happen
i,ll keep bumping this till we get a proper response by the devs
It is just a question to the public. I am not going to take sides here.
I am interested in your opinions.
define easy?
for me easy is repeat dungeon x amount of times and you get it. theres nothing difficult about doing the same dungeon 50 times , its just borrrinnng .
while killing a hard mob solo or having to craft something with very rare mats can be called difficult.
easy and difficult are subjective terms.
only “hardcore” will whine about difficult simply meaning they have to devote their lifes to repetative mundane tasks. Where to me the only difficulty i have with that is finding the will to persist rather than go play another game out of pure boredom.
Why do prople cry that the game has some elements that they dont like and say it suck, i played alooooot of mmo but this one is one of the greatest
yes why not simply add your voice to the official feedback thread or soemthing? if all you want is to add your opinion.
but no you start your own thread , cos you feel you need to try to counter balance the waves of people who obviously are upset.
either that or you feel you,re a special snowflake who needs the attention of their own special thread.
the reason the angry threads are at 10500 posts a week after it started and your thread will be gone in a few minutes with a handfull of folk agreeing with you is beacsue their is a problem whether you agree or not.
Guys, we get it…They turned their back on a lot of what they promised, but please can we stop making 1000 new threads all linking the same quotes, videos and complaints?
The first few were warranted, but it is getting annoying now.
Please at least try to attach your feedback to existing posts so that people actually giving constructive advice or seeking it don’t get their posts thrown off of page 1 with the spam of just complaints.
I know the game is far FAR from perfect….but it’s still pretty darn good.
I will continue to haunt these forums whenever I like, on all accounts that are not refunded.
They need to hear our outrage. Everyone who visits this forum needs to see the entire front page filled with anger, disappointment, and sadness. Gamer news outlets need to have a rich plethora of complaints to draw from. Players who don’t know what’s going on need to be stunned when they first visit the forums by the sheer number of complaint posts.
This is what the forums are for. If you don’t like it, don’t participate.
There is a point where your protest stops being seen as members angry and begins to be viewed as the vocal minority of users on the forum who wine over everything.
I agree that some posts are valid but when you keep on and on and on and on you become a nagging little annoyance that people just roll their eyes at and keep going.
You are also hurting the community more by hiding constructive posts aimed to help people or people asking questions. Do you not care about that aspect or do you only care about yourself?
well i find forum appologists a nagging annoyance. they seem to feel duty bound to come and defend their beloved game from any criticism like some unpaid lackey looking for some extra magic find for being “loyal”
however i still have to accept that they are always gonna post so i deal with it.
Why do prople cry that the game has some elements that they dont like and say it suck, i played alooooot of mmo but this one is one of the greatest
why do folk make puerile threads stating blindingly obvious things like this?
it’s because if they force everyone to go kill 200 karka, they can force them selves to believe the new zone is a great success cos everyone likes to play there.
I have to say I am surprised that we have a Next Gen MMO without a subscription model. I think the industry is starting to catch on with the releases of Hawken, Planetside 2, Mechwarrior Online and Guild Wars 2 all following the F2P format.
Bugs aside, you have to admit that GW2 has the best PvP and PvE content in the MMO market right now, and all this while being a recent release.
If they could just nail the annoying bugs it would be almost perfect (aside from constantly adding new content as every MMO has to do after release )
The main bugs that are tarnishing it from my standpoint are Culling, endless load screens at times, CTD at times, that never ending and very annoying catapult sound in WvW, sometimes if you are moving your character will get bug and keep moving backwards or forwards (using a movement ability usually stops it from continuing).
Other than culling, they don’t happen often enough to be game breaking (although that kitten catapult sound needs to get fixed pronto)
I don’t understand why when you go in the game you see large amounts of people enjoying the game and having fun, but when I come to the forums I see nothing but thread after thread about how GW2 fails. The forums are recently like this too, I’m starting to think that they are under attack by trolls.
The game doesn’t have a subscription, no one is forcing you to play it. Take a break if you need to, I did and came back a week later and im having more fun than ever.
glad to hear it
i refuse to take part in these one off events. I will never rearrange my gaming time to suit when a developer decides they will allow me to participate in some event.
If they add content it should be for EVERYONE to enjoy.
as to all the gating and treadmill you added?
i’m downloading planetside 2 which starts tomorrow… thats what i think of it
well then i respect iron but RUIN are a joke in my eyes no matter which server they are on.. slinking off the battlefield the moment it becomes a challenge and jumping to a winning server …. its so low
Now they will claim they make balcktide into the eu number one all by them selves belittleing the work of guilds like xaoc and CIR….
yes they locked and closed loads of threads about nightcapping for weeks untill they tried to stop it by having a dev thread .. which has since became the biggest thread on the entire forum by a mile.
in this section orr threads are closed in minutes except the one thread again they deem allowable.
really moderation should be to stop trolling and abuse NOT to censor and control the flow of ideas and opinions.
Orr is bad design , period , they know it we know it everyone knows it thats why they keep deleting threads talking about it.
they don’t want folk to see heaps of threads about how annoying the place is due to over populated mobs . bland boring repetition with 3 zones of the same mobs.
not to mention bugged events everywhere , waypoints permanently in contention forcing you to run through endless amounts of the boring mobs.
if it wasnt for pliinx farmers and folk trying to buy their armour it would be empty except for bots (who love it) then they would see how much its disliked.
oh and to those beating their chest saying its good cos its tough…. its not tough , its just annoying . I can do anything i need to solo there, i just don.t want to take the time to fight every mob on the way to do it safely.
zone sucks
so any discussion about ORR not being peachy and uber fun gets the thread lock.. So my question is are we allowed to discuss why this is so?
why is the moderation on this forum akin to a chinese firewall?
“if we stop folk saying there is a problem, then there is no problem”
wonder how long b4 this gets locked
(edited by Moderator)
orr is horrible i detest the zones . it reminds me of LOTRO when they first designed angmar it was the same , mob density made it so you couldn.t ride through it without getting dismounted every few seconds , however the devs there realised they made a mistake by creating a non fun experince and everyone was avoiding the entire zone . in the end they redesigned the whole zone so folk actually enjoyed their time there.
i guess some will find it fun cos there must be a period of time when ur running through the maps like locusts collecting like billlions of xp/karma , then u can leave the BG and go and do some dungeons or crafting or something.
save you having all that nonsense of playing against folk for hours and hours to make the same gains.
not my cup of tea but some folk want maximum xp/karma per hour and dont mind how they achieve that.
so guild wars fan is trying to become part of the problem not part of the solution.. i would question why that makes you such a great fan.
and to your glib rebuttal to my post i would say this; you obviously are ignorant to how statistics are gathered or are willfully misunderstanding. it’s like this if you gather a SAMPLE of a population and ask them if they think it’s good or bad , you can then be fairly certain they reflect the population at large. depending how large the sample then you can also judge how accurate the mood of the population is.
so my point is if the forums are in fact a representative sample of the population then a large portion of the population isn’t happy.only a fool or someone trying to be blind to reality would judge as you try to that EVERYONE who is unhappy is here saying so , thus everyone not here stating their unhappiness by default must be happy in the game.
i never claimed to know how large the percentage is that are unhappy with nightcapping , but I did say that it clearly must be VERY significant judging by this thread and the multitude tht were closed and deleted by moderators.
however you want to try to refute that by saying unless we have accurate numbers there is no problem.. which is simply delutionalListen, I agree that these population mismatches are problematic and put a serious twist on what WvW could truly be… but this is just wrong.
The forums are not a representative sample, for several reasons. Chief among them in my opinion is the fact that they are self-selected. Only a certain type of person chooses to come to the forums at all, of that set a smaller subset chooses to make posts expressing an opinion. Of those that make posts, only some are coherent. Of those that make coherent posts, many repeat themselves multiple times in multiple places.
Taking that forum noise as representative of the game population is a big mistake. None of us have data that would enable us to do any sort of statistical polling with any type of confidence.
i disagree, i think they are representative , tho how much or how accurate is open to debate. waht is beyond debate is that this is THE burning issue with the game. after all this thread has more views and posts than the entire first page of the WvW section of the forum. So i call that evidence that there is no more important issue in WvW to be addressed.
now if like me you feel WvW is the key feature of the whole game for a large portion of its players , then u simply cannot escape the conclusion that it is the games biggest problem right now.
if this thread has now nearly 1000 posts , if even 200 of them are folk saying they are unhappy then there IS a problem because as a sample of the overall player base they must be mutiplied by a large factor to represent all those who feel unhappy who won’t visit the forums or move server , who will in fact just leave the game .
this is not the outcome ANet wants , and neither should we.
so guild wars fan is trying to become part of the problem not part of the solution.. i would question why that makes you such a great fan.
and to your glib rebuttal to my post i would say this; you obviously are ignorant to how statistics are gathered or are willfully misunderstanding. it’s like this if you gather a SAMPLE of a population and ask them if they think it’s good or bad , you can then be fairly certain they reflect the population at large. depending how large the sample then you can also judge how accurate the mood of the population is.
so my point is if the forums are in fact a representative sample of the population then a large portion of the population isn’t happy.
only a fool or someone trying to be blind to reality would judge as you try to that EVERYONE who is unhappy is here saying so , thus everyone not here stating their unhappiness by default must be happy in the game.
i never claimed to know how large the percentage is that are unhappy with nightcapping , but I did say that it clearly must be VERY significant judging by this thread and the multitude tht were closed and deleted by moderators.
however you want to try to refute that by saying unless we have accurate numbers there is no problem.. which is simply delutional
If everything in war is fair.
Remove – the – queues. Why do we have to fight equally in our prime-time and be underdogs at night (some server’s prime time)?
Why is there an undermanned buff? Why do they get better loot/xp whatever?
I really dont understand this logic.
Yes i know their server cant handle without queue… but you see queue also is an effort in making it equal in numbers. Why? If we have 3x your size on prime time let us zerg it all and enjoy it as you enjoy nightcapping.
Such pathetic excuses.
this is the truth, I want my time spent in the battle to be as easy and as significant as the night cappers and i demand that i get to do it in my prime time, i want to be allowed to over run the other 2 servers in a massive zerg while they can barely reach double figures.
i want to have the whole map upgraded and ready for the nightcappers arrival
cos if i dont get this then Matt fails in his quest to make MY time as valuable as the nightcappers.