Showing Posts For igneous.8153:

Ele is strong, I'm here to help you.

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


I’m not sure if any of you played rift, but when that game first came out the EXACT same thing was said/thought about the mage class. I’m not sure if its group thinking or ppl brought up on crappy games but I really couldn’t get it because I thought it was great. So it was kind of crazy to see all the noobs cry again.

to be honest, I kind of wish you wouldn’t share so much info :p

The difference is, a Defilemancer Mage in Rift, while being the hardest spec of all classes to play, will also net you the highest DPS possible. That’s how it should be: difficulty must be rewarded. Elementalist’s reward for being the hardest profession to play is lowest DPS and survivability.

So far...

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


Clearly you’ve never seen them balance GW1, pretty much daily balancing til they got it sorted.

And who’s going to return my time leveling up a broken class?

I guess that’s what I expected when I rolled elementalist in GW2. I knew the profession was recently nerfed and thought it would be fixed in a matter of days after GW2 launch. But it’s been 3 weeks now, we are still just as kitten and all we hear in response to our please and complaints is silence.

It’s all very fine to talk about profession synergy and balancing, but I don’t think elementalist has any problems with that. We work great with others, and we don’t have any obviously overpowered or game-breaking skills like Heart Seeker or 100 Blades. We are simply weaker than every other class, both DPS- and armour-wise, while being considerably harder to play.

Go figure.

Whatever happened to 1 armour piece per 1 explorable run?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: igneous.8153


I remember reading somewhere a few months before the game’s launch that the dungeons will work like this:

1. You get the first armour piece (helmet) by completing the Story Mode
2. You get one additional piece for every Explorable Mode run

I thought that was a pretty cool way to do it, not grindy at all, yet gives players an incentive to repeat dungeons a few times and developers an excuse to make them hard.

So what do I discover after GW2 goes live? I have to grind dungeons literally dozens of time for some kitten tokens to get a full armour set? All the while money rewards being virtually non-existent and difficulty and repair costs so high that I end up with less gold after each run than I had before it? Why should I bother with dungeons at all?

Whatever happened to GW2’s philosophy of no grind?

So far...

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


Of the things the OP listed, only #5 has happened to me, but there is no way I (or you) would know if they chased you just because you’re an elementalist, that’s just silly. Regardless I ran a good 10-15 of them all the way to my base without dieing, was sorta funny, in a sadistic bloodthirsty kind of way.

Elementalist’s flashy skills are a dead giveaway to anyone who has even half a functioning brain hemisphere.

If anything, I have become very adept at running away in WvW thanks to being able to maintain 100% uptime on swiftness while wielding a staff.

So far...

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


Odd though, it appears to be one of the most popular professions, based on what I see levelling. If I encounter a caster, it is very likely it is an Elementalist instead of Mesmer or Necromancer.
Though I’m only at 40 so can’t speak for higher levels, and it is my unscientific observation at that.

Elementalist still prevails in lower level areas. Though admittedly there is still fewer of them now than there were at launch. In higher level zones, however, elementalists are nearly extinct. I guess by then most players realize that if it takes 30 seconds, 15 skills and a whole lot of dodging and kiting to kill a something, while getting two- or three-shot by most mobs, when a warrior nearby can charge in and kill the same mob in a quarter of the time using 2-3 skills while ignoring all the incoming damage, something is very very wrong.

(edited by igneous.8153)

So far...

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


The most worrying thing about the whole situation is that ANet spent no time at all to ponder the implications of nerfing elementalists into oblivion. It didn’t even take them that long, everything happened in a matter of days between two stress tests. One day elementalist was fine, the next it was not. But now that the elementalist population has dwindled to an all-time low (and the decline continues every day) and every other profession is laughing at us, we hear nothing from the devs and no changes are even on the horizon because apparently they want to “let the basic meta-game stabilize before making too many changes”.

(edited by igneous.8153)

So far...

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


Today’s patch notes – absolutely no mention of the Elementalist … Documented Fixes since launch:
Signet of Air: No longer has infinite range.
Whirlpool: Now works underwater in PvE.
Glyph of Renewal: Resurrection effects of Earth, Fire, and Water now surround the caster, not the target.

There are only two logical conclusions I can draw from ArenaNet’s actions:

A) They are looking into Elementalist class synergy and have a large rebalance in progress and will let us know when they’re ready to release it (this is my hope and the only reason I’ve stuck with mine since BWE3)

B) They agree with the 3% “L2P noob” crowd and don’t give a rat’skittenabout the other 97% of us, don’t care about the perception of the class as a whole and feel justified with the hard nerfs that hit us during the beta cycle although realistically we were as effective as the warrior is today without the extra survivability that they possess now.

ArenaNet why the silence?

It can’t possibly be B because then, like I said, it won’t be long before there won’t be any elementalists left playing. And short of getting rid of the profession altogether, ANet can’t just leave it as it is. Even shiny spell effects won’t save the profession if it’s

a) much harder to play than every other profession
b) squishier than every other profession
c) does less damage than every other profession

I already see a dramatic decrease of elementalists running around in PvE from the first week. My sPvP-savvy guildmates report that they see elementalist in maybe 1 or 2 matches out of 10. Sure, there may still be eles in WvW, but their current status as “free kills” will eventually turn the players away.

I remember when Turbine made some changes to Minstrels in LOTRO that caused a mass exodus of Minstrel players from the game. And Minstrels being a healing class, the whole player population whined up a huge storm when they found themselves unable to do dungeons and raids.

Now, Elementalists may not be as crucial to GW2 gameplay as Minstrels are to LOTRO, but something tells me ANet still don’t want to see their game where one of the core professions is virtually unrepresented because of the way it was designed by the developers.

So far...

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


If you stop playing elementalist and start playing another class = ANET “oh fine no need to fix he just plays another class”

If you stop playing altogether = ANET “kitten we gotta do something people playing class x stopped playing our game altogether”

I either play my ele, or don’t play at all coz I am not interested in other professions.

I highly doubt that ANet will see the dramatic decline in elementalist playership as the reason to ignore the problem rather than fix it.
And it’s much easier for me to jump ship to Mesmer because it was always my second choice.

Ironically, I chose to play elementalist knowing they were a kitten class (since BWE3 nerf). I just expected ANet to fix them in a matter of days like they would in GW1 days.

So far...

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


So far I’ve:

1. In quite a few cases needed to ask for assistance from other players to do skill challenges and jumping puzzles with multiple mobs because I just couldn’t handle them
2. Seen people openly gloat at elementalists’ horrible survivability and damage in map chat
3. Seen people point out, repeatedly, how I should have chosen another profession to play (again, in map chat)
4. Had people jump onto a veteran I’ve been killing for half a minute, finish off its remaining 50% health in 2-3 seconds, say “lol ele” and leave
5. Seen People drop everything they were doing and chase me half way across the map in WvW because I’m an elementalist.
6. Had people oneshot (Warriors) and twoshot (Thieves) me in sPvP
7. And I saved the best for last. I’ve had people refuse to take me into their dungeon groups because I’m an elementalist, and they are apparently “useless”.

Now, for the record, I really enjoy playing elementalist. But those kind of things really make me question my choice.

Elementalists’ kittenness is probably the worst-kept secret of GW2 these days. Everyone but a small crowd of “L2P elitists” seems to agree that we are a weak profession with very low survivability and ridiculously bad DPS for the effort it requires, easy targets in PvP despite our seemingly good utility, and just generally a waste of party space. And I would not even care about any of that in any other case because after all, I’m playing to have fun and not for someone else’s amusement. But when I was told to shuffle off due to my being an elementalist when I asked for a dungeon invite… I guess it really put things into perspective for me.

For now, I think, I’ll make a Mesmer and wait until Elementalists are fixed. I suppose the valid question here is “what are ArenaNet waiting for?” Soon there won’t be any eles left playing for those fixes to apply to.