Whatever happened to 1 armour piece per 1 explorable run?
Ever heard of PR?
All companies lie to get what they want, to get you to play into their hands.
Arenanet is no different from these liars,
and they proved it with their latest change to dungeons, especially the rewards.
1 piece per explorable run? Are you kidding? I think the amount of tokens needed to buy gear at the moment is fine, but I just think it should be a general dungeon token and not dungeon specific. If it only took me 6 runs to get all my gear, I would find it kind of pathetic to be honest.
i really dont think the way Condescend does, if the dungeon is hard why not give the good player his cool gear piece and be done with it?
instead of letting him farm hours for tokens not even having a subscription fee makes it in my eyes even more hilarious, it doesnt help them getting money its just time dump for players who are good enough to beat it, that’s something i really dnt understand, especially because like OP said, they mentioned something like 1 gear piece at end of the dungeon per run (best thing imho would be 5 paths each for 1 piece (with helmet for story mode) but what ever this will never happen iguess, just me having too much time
tl;dr : igneous agreed =)
I’m currently planning my first trip into the Ascalonian Catacombs and tried to figure out what the rewards would be:
According to the wiki one exploreable mode run through Ascalonian Catacombs yields 15 (soulbound) Ascalonian Tears and I need 210 for a complete non-exotic armor. Hence 14 runs for one armor, which is (according to the wiki) level 35!
Can someone confirm this? Besides sounding extremely time consuming, didn’t you outlevel a 35 armor in 14 runs through a dungeon by far?
It’s more like 30 for the first run then 20 for each afterwards. Also, non-exotic armor doesn’t even have the SKIN for you to transmute. It’s literally useless to buy anything but the most expensive items.
It used to be that you’d spend 210 for a non-exotic armor which had the right skin for the dungeon that you’d transmute onto your exotic armor and make it have the right skin you wanted for your effort. Arenanet decided that grind is great and now makes it so that you have to grind for 65 runs or so just for your skin.
God kitten it.