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Can we bring back fun builds?

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542



AKA the best mes

That is all I have to say

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[Video] Got to Legend as a F2P Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I didn’t watch 3 hours of it but I still didn’t see him one shotting people in 1 second. He even had difficulty 2v1. The reason I’m saying this because I played against thieves all last season, even core thieves who tried to do what the OP did going pure zerker. They simply can’t do it.

Is a zerk mesmer’s burst better than thief? Yes. But keep in mind that they have better mobility, more access to stealth, and better cleave. I’m giving up moa for stealth and oftentimes giving up portal for burst dmg.

I have a couple burst combos that are gimmicky and can be fairly predictable. “Hey that mesmer was running at me and went stealth! Gee! I wonder what’s going to happen???”

Also please keep in mind that my burst patterns are a minimum of 4 skills chained to go off simultaneously. (usually it will be like 5 or 6 sometimes even 8 ) Do i feel a thief should be able to achieve the same results with a steal to backstab combo? No.

If they had to sacrifice the same number of CDs that I do then sure. (they do get pretty similar results though)

Also did you watch the whole thing? A thief totally stealth bursted me at the end of the video.

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

(edited by joshmossas.6542)

[Video] Got to Legend as a F2P Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


TBH, the enemy players he showed us were trash, and he knows his bursts.

Great video btw. I commented, liked and subbed.

Thank you! I appreciate the support

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[Video] Got to Legend as a F2P Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I don’t get the complaint about HoT builds being overtuned, on the video you basically implode anyone with a mind wack xD

My main complaint is the lack of trade off. Sure my burst dmg is really high but I also explode if someone so much as sneezes on me. I’m also sacrificing Moa for stealth and sometimes portal for burst dmg. I feel like many HoT builds do not have this tradeoff. I.E. Revs having evades for dayz, stab on dodge, that stupid taunt trait, mobility, and some of the best teamfight dmg. Scrappers doing really good dmg despite being super tanky (they nerfed them recently so idk exactly how they stand now)

This says more about mes than anything. Thieves can’t stealth one shot kill at range.

This makes me feel like you don’t understand how mesmer bursts work

Build link is fudged

Sorry it seems like the GW2 build editor website is down. Hopefully it’ll be up later today.

For those curious tho I’m running:

GS+Sw/Torch (Sigil of impact and sigil of air in both)
Zerker amulet (swapped to maurader sometimes depending on enemy comp)
Scholar Runes
Trailines – Dom (1, 1, 2) Duel (1, 1, 1) Insp (2, 2, 1)

OP showed a fun troll vid of him playing a troll (bad) build and wiping newby players late season.

^ this. As I said in my original post the quality of players I fought late season was vastly inferior to the ones I fought climbing at the start of the season. Had I been fighting equally skilled opponents it would have been more difficult.

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[Video] Legend with F2P Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


but I also die if someone so much as sneezes on me. (I’m looking at you power revs)

“I’m looking at you power revs, dragonhunters, condi-chronos, thieves, and bristlebacks.”

Sorry had to fix that. :p

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

[Video] Legend with F2P Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542



like the whole thing music, fun parts, and gameplay (bit to boring same combo over and over) but great

Given that I love mental anguish, lockdown burst, there’s no reason NOT to do this over and over XD

Basically this. To be fair though every class has their bread and butter combos.

Oh, and what video editing software do you use?

I use Sony Vegas Pro 9. It’s an old version but it still works well.

Hey, that’s me at the very end of the video.

I think I remember him in spvp a few days ago – you forget how incredibly powerful the build is but also, very vulnerable in today’s meta comps.

Are you the thief that inta-kitten me? xD
Yea the trade off is part of what makes it fun IMHO. Yes I can get some crazy bursts off, but I also die if someone so much as sneezes on me. (I’m looking at you power revs)

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

[Video] Got to Legend as a F2P Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I’m glad you liked it! xD
Yea I would have liked to get it out before the end of the pvp season, but real life stuff tends to slow down the video editing process. Pesky job and commitments.

Lol most people who complain about mesmer don’t understand the class or mechanics.

I do feel condi chrono is really strong right now which is why it’s so boring to me. Leading up to HoT, mesmer was always fighting for a spot (only to get ganked by thieves) now with condi chrono I can just kill people without even trying.

Pretty boring if you ask me, but then again I’ve never liked playing condi so…
(remember PU condi? yea screw that crap)

Oh well at least it isn’t “Bunk-Mes” boring that crap made me wanna gouge my eyes out.

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

[Video] Legend with F2P Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Thought I’d make a mirror post here in the Mesmer forums

People said it couldn’t be done. I proved them wrong! ALL OF THEM! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA

Power Mes is back boyzzzzzzzzzz. Behold as “Moa Op” fights his way from amber to legend!

Here is the link to the awesome espurts mlg pro montage documenting the journey:

Link to my build:

API Key:

All in all I had a lot of fun doing this. It was a nice little challenge for myself.
Feel free to give me feedback on the vid or ask questions about ma build (or not y’know whatever…. you do you… you do you…)

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

[Video] Got to Legend as a F2P Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Hello! I’m a crazy masochist who thought it would be funny climbing to legend as a free to play mesmer! I know this is late to the party but for your amusement I put together this totally pro, esports, mlg, montage documenting my journey. Watch it and be amazed! :p

You can find the video here:

API key tracking my conquests:

So what would lead someone to do something so insane? Well I’ll tell you. So I played season 2 like everyone else. I got to legend fairly easy, but I got bored. Condi chrono just doesn’t do it for me, so I decided to do it again, but as a shatter mesmer (which is like 50x more manly). Part of the way through I thought it would be fun to record my matches and edit them together, so I started recording when I was in sapphire.. (Although I wish I had started sooner because some of the stuff that happened in amber and emerald was hilarious).
This is the build I used. It’s an old build I came up with pre-HoT when mantra mesmers were more popular. Watching the video though you will see that I swap things around depending on the enemy comp. I’m going to avoid explaining the build in detail for sake of keeping this post short. (Unless someone specifically asks me)

Overall these are some of the things that I learned while climbing:
1) There is an obvious skill difference between divisions.
I didn’t notice it so much climbing on my main account because I was moving up at the same as other decent players. However the second time around the skill gap between divisions was painfully obvious to me. This include my teammates and the enemy. I spent most of my way from amber through ruby farming the enemy team at far. I ran into outnumber fights without consequences and was able to carry pretty reliably if it started going south. I am aware that making the divisions more representative of skill was one of Anet’s goals, so even though I do not feel this season was perfect I do feel they at least partially succeeded in this aspect.

2) Climbing late in the season is wayyyy easier.
This is because of the first observation. Since most the decent players were in legend at that point getting through the other divisions was easy peasy. I took me 201 ranked games to hit legend as apposed to 270 games on my main account. The climb would have been faster if my internet didn’t start going to crap making some days completely unplayable and resulting in multiple losing streaks (shout out to Time Warner Cable!)

3) HoT builds are overtuned
This bit has been talked about alot so I’m not going to expound upon it. I did find it pretty dumb that I had to go zerker amulet just to have similar impact on a fight that a pally Revenant has.

4) “MMR Hell”
I did get the impression that the people who were “stuck” in emerald and ruby deserved to be there, especially if they had been queuing for the whole season. I am aware of the simulated experiments stating that a small percentage of the playerbase could possibly be stuck due to queuing with certain mmr at certain time periods, but I highly doubt that every scrub complaining in map chat and on the forums is actually in MMR hell. I hope Anet doesn’t overreact to the outcry concerning this topic. Matchmaking isn’t perfect but I think I would be multiple steps backwards if Anet were to revert to the season 1 league system.

Anywho discuss! Debate! And feel free to give me feedback on the video!

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