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Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Yeah it’s working now!

Thanks fam ;D

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Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


@shaogin I already tried that. Feelsbadman.

I actually went into wvw for the first time in months in order to get my pvp fix.

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Help I'm stuck in a PvP Match!

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Stuck with in PvP queue match ready state. Relogging, Restarting, and Changing Maps doesn’t fix it.


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Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Oh it looks like people have posted in that thread for a similar issue to mine. I’ll make a post there as well thanks!

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Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Does this fall in that category?
Since I’m not really stuck inside of a pvp match. I’m just trapped outside of the matches q-q

@beatthedown I’ll give it a shot. Thanks

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Unable to queue for 24+ hrs

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Hey so it seems like I’m trapped in a bug of sorts. Basically I am perma-stuck waiting for a queue that I can’t leave. I’ve tried logging and re-logging, changing characters, changing maps, and restarting the game, but nothing has fixed it.

Every time I enter a map (even immediately after starting gw2) I get a “queue pop” that I can’t accept. When I dismiss it I’m stuck “waiting for queue” but can’t leave the queue no matter what I do. I figured this was just a little glitch that would go away, but it’s been like this for more than 24hrs even after logging and re-logging multiple times.

I’ve attached two images of the “queue pop” that appears whenever I enter a new map. Each photo I’m on a different character. I’ve also attached images of the pvp menu. You’ll see the “leave queue” option is greyed out. I can’t select it.

I’ve submitted a report but it’s been a while with no fix so I thought maybe bringing it here would bring more visibility to the issue.

Anywho Thanks!


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Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


  • 1) What Anet thinks works doesn’t actually work. Meaning, allowing a game mode that’s supposed to be competitive shouldn’t reward losing. You effectively have two different types of players being combined into the same game mode: Those who don’t care about the competition, and those that do. Rewarding losses keeps the players who don’t care about competition around, and that causes problems.

I really disagree with this point. Why should average/below-average players be punished for being sub-par? Everyone should be rewarded for playing the game to some extent, but your progress climbing tiers shouldn’t be tied to rewards. IMHO let them stay in bronze and get their mats it doesn’t hurt anyone. That way they don’t feel like they are being punished for playing pvp instead of doing their daily pve farm run or whatever it is people do to get money.

Besides competitive players don’t play for rewards. They do it for prestige and because they enjoy competition, so why does it matter? If competitive players did care about rewards then why is Ranked play in Overwatch popular? I guarantee you they aren’t playing it for the loot boxes. People want to brag that they made it to the highest tier (whatever they call it). Or at the very least they want to see how they stack against other players. Because of this the current ranked GW2 system is a huge step in the right direction. (The implementation of a real in-game leaderboard is also a huge boon)

Also in reality the current pip system isn’t all that different from Overwatch and their loot boxes. Win or loose you will continue to progress towards the next reward.

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How we actually blink, pure beauty.

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Many people probably know this but when you reverse portal sound you can slightly hear “Fear not this Night” tone behind bunch of tinnitus sound (which I hate)

It’s not actually “Fear Not This Night” but the old Guild Wars 2 theme that used to play during character select before HoT. Still really cool though.

To OP:
Awesome discovery. It really is quite beautiful.

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Make mesmer great again. (Power)

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


It would be nice if we actually had a decent cleave T-T

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Are the devs doing anything about Macros?

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I know some power mesmers use macros. They usually use this setup.
1.) Full zerker, scholar runes, uses mantra. Setup that lets him deal the most burst dmg enough to 1 shot any class under 18000 HP.
2.) Instantly kills anything maybe not a warrior (because of defy pain auto cast)
3.) he uses teleport/invisibility so he can get away and recast his mantras and chooses next target.
4.) Repeats step 2 instantly kills anything maybe not a warrior.
5.) if countered, easily dies bec he/she doesn’t know how to play Mesmer but relies on a macro combo to kill.
6.) Bec his combo literally takes less than a second you would be dead before you can press ur stun break.

Nobody can perfectly execute all those moves in sequence in less than a second every -single – time without using macros.

I beg to differ. With practice it can become easy to execute a mantra burst in less than a second. It’s just muscle memory people. I do it all the time. You hardly even need to think about it once it’s in your muscle memory.

Some people can type insane wpm. I’m sure there are plenty than can hit 5 buttons in a sequence quickly. If you put all your skills in a row of keys, i’m sure anyone can execute a spike rotation. Plus the Mesmer build needs a ground cast. If you are depending on snaps for your ground targets you aren’t going to do well at all in a scramble.

^ This. The mechanical skill cap for GW2 isn’t even that high compared to other games. Also any mesmer who relies on a macro to do the burst would be garbage. Not just at staying alive as mesmer but landing the burst as well since it requires awareness and positioning. Also the timing changes depending on the situation.

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Are the devs doing anything about Macros?

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


The problem is it’s basically impossible for a standard bystander to tell the difference between a macro and a proficient player, unless you are analyzing their system.

I’ve been accused of using macros when I play mantra mes (I don’t). The burst requires a lot of inputs in a short period of time, but I’ve just practiced doing it until I got consistent. It’s as simple as that. Plus a macro honestly wouldn’t benefit me much because the burst patterns change depending on the situation. I’d imagine it’s the same for other classes.

I won’t deny that there is a possibility that there is some macro abuse happening, however I think the vast majority of complaints are just people who haven’t put a lot of time into developing their game-play. As a result they under-estimating how proficient people can become at video games.

There are games far more physically demanding than Guild Wars 2 that people have shown even greater proficiency in. For example Smash Bros Melee with l-cancelling, multi-shining, wave-shining, wave-landing, etc. I suggest you watch this video before you complain about how fast players execute skills in GW2

Also in Starcraft II pro players reach speeds of 10 actions per second (Source:

So I’ll just end is saying I disagree with OP’s comment about “blatant macro abuse”. Especially concerning the speed at which players execute skills.

There were other comments about macros specifically jump-dodging. That likely has some merit I suppose, but again its kind of impossible for the standard bystander to tell the difference between macro abuse and player efficiency. I think most of the complains about macros are just people throwing around accusations.

But meh this is just my two cents of course.

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Recommended Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I’m assuming you are asking about open world pve content?

Really as you level that’s the best time to experiment and get a good feel for your class. There are optimized builds for certain things, raids, pvp, dungeons, wvw, ect. But in open world you can basically try anything and see what floats your boat. I recommend you try out a bunch of stuff until you find something you like. At lvl 18 you aren’t going to be making a meaningful build anyway.

You don’t really need to worry about optimizing your build until you hit lvl 80. (or venture into pvp land)

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PvP Mantra Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


This happened yesterday you say? That may have been me :^)

My in-game name is “Aeryth” this is the build I was playing

Fae had the right idea; the actual combo though was:
[Prestige] for stealth
[Mirror Blade]
Then during the mirror blade cast (as in before I finish throwing the greatsword)
– [blink] into melee range
– [mantra of distraction]
– [mantra of pain]
After mirror blade hits the first time:
– [mind wrack]
– [mind stab]
– Usually [prestige] will explode around this time as well

So it’s kind of what fae was saying but way faster. The burst will usually go off within about a second or less depending on how you time it. This is not counting setup time of course (aka stealth-ing up, blinking into range, etc). There are tricks you can do to give them less of a window to react. I’ve actually been working on closing that reaction window to make my burst even more reliable.

Most people who play PvP are not that great and this build can excel in matches filled with them. There is a reason its still used and used well.

Basically this. Although I usually can carry my weight against a majority of players. It helps that shatter mes has been out of the meta for so long. So most people don’t even know whats happening when I fight them. Or they aren’t expecting it.

For those interested I did make a video playing this build to legend a while ago. So if you want to check it out feel free. #shamelessplug

This video was also before the recent [mirror blade] buff.

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(edited by joshmossas.6542)

Helseth Vs Anet LOL

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Im not saying Anet should be good at the game because clear evidence shows they are not but why are the in the same match as a ESL players when he could literally go 1 vs 4 against them and we would have to take bets/ find vegas odds makers/ or go to fan duel to see who everyone is betting on.

If i can, its hilarious, helseth is always funny to me but it just brings up more questions for me about the game.

Helseth is an EU player, but in this video he was playing on an Alt account to mess around on NA. So the most likely reason is that the MMR on his NA account was fresh and hadn’t been fully developed yet.

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Nerf CC or Buff stability.

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Are you serious? HoT brought a ton of stability (most of which is passive) as well as a bunch of other things that make it hard to CC people.

Seriously try and play an interrupt build (like lockdown mesmer) and see how well you do.

I personally think both need to be toned down. Hot brought a ton of AoE CC and then increased stab access to make up for it. In the current metagame CC-ing someone isn’t so much about timing it’s just throwing your AoE’s on a point and catching whoever you can.

But if they just nerf the CC then stab will be way out of line, and if they just nerf stab access then CC will be over-the-top.

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after cast weapon tricks

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Yea I wish he had actually showed that bit in the video. If I have time I’ll experiment with it later tonight and see what I come up with.

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Abjured Confirmed No Good Without Cele Ami

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


You’re talking about their lack of game sense, but I wouldn’t exactly put that label on them because they understand the game quite well. It’s more like lack of experience (for once) in their given composition compared to the contenders.

AA had 2 Ele classes for the longest time until their world was flipped upside down and rightfully so. They’re practically a new team who are not as comfortable as they were before. TCG, R55 etc have been playing with their composition a whole lot longer in comparison. Heck, these teams are using their classes optimally when it’s the complete opposite for the would-be Abjured.

Fair enough. I think the experience thing is valid.

When I spoke about “game sense” I wasn’t referring to Guild Wars mechanics. (i.e. Teamfighting, creating comps) I was referring to their instincts and decision-making when fighting another team. Understand I’m not saying that they have bad instincts or decision making. They are world class Guild Wars players so obviously they are strong in that department. I just think that overall EU has a much stronger mental game and because of that Astral’s playstyle comes off as more mechanical and predictable. This is not generally speaking this is in comparison to the top EU teams. What Astral does works against every NA team that’s why they have never had to adapt like EU has.

Why is it wrong to say that the meta is crap that there strongest assets are no longer viable int he current meta? Have they adapted as well as EU? No they havent but wouldnt that mean that Anet has catered to EU for these last couple patches?

Nothing wrong with that. Although I believe that this is probably the most balance the game has been since HoT hit. Also I know you don’t mean it literally but I don’t think Anet is catering to anyone. I mean they are all playing the same game. I also don’t think that Astral’s comp is as bad as people are making it out to be. They’ve shown that they can win multiple team-fights and maintain map control with what they are running.

As comment above “toker beat misha in a 1 vs 1” but yet he cant help the team in any way. Is that the teams who play fault or the company who puts out bad metas which we both agree is bad. Eu has always been the better PvP server but AA has been the team to keep NA relevant.

I included that as evidence that thief is still in a decent spot and can be relevant. Mesmer is considered the best roamer, but Toker still beat Misha (currently considered #2 mesmer?). Did you even watch the VOD that I linked? Toker was doing plenty to help his team and create rotations. So no I disagree that thief can’t help their team in any way.

They are still good just not dominant.

This. Anyone who tries to say they suck is fooling themselves. Or perhaps trying to make themselves feel better. Idk

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Sticky and pvp Streamers

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Helseth of the “The Civilized Gentlemen” now known as “Denial Esports”. Probably the most popular Guild Wars 2 pvp streamer. Really good mesmer gameplay. Also will analyze pro-league games after major events. Some people are put off by his personality. I personally find it entertaining but yknow to each his own.

Pro-League Engi for Astral Authority. Good gameplay, pretty chill dude. His GF also streams. She used to do a lot of Guild Wars (Necro), but I think she’s been doing more Overwatch…?

Never really followed his stream but he streams regularly enough and seems like a pretty good player. I think he’s an alt for team PZ.

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Abjured Confirmed No Good Without Cele Ami

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I found the VOD. Here is Helseth’s analysis of the “Ranked 55 Dragons vs Astral Authority” set in June. You will see that AA is dominating most of the game.

EDIT: If you have trouble with the link it’s starts at 1hour 55minutes

DOUBLE EDIT: Okay so I realized some of my analysis was incorrect (it’s been a while so meh) but overall the main idea I believe is still right. Astral’s game sense just isn’t as strong as TCG’s and R55’s. They play really well and teamfight really well, but there are little things like R55 getting rezzes off, or in the the most recent tourney Nos dying on temple when Toker was nearby to help.

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(edited by joshmossas.6542)

Abjured Confirmed No Good Without Cele Ami

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Wall of text incoming. I have a TLDR at the bottom.

Guys look Astral Authority isn’t losing because of their comp or the meta. They are losing because of two reasons:

1) They have no good scrimming partners. NA just doesn’t have the same level of competitiveness as EU
2) Astral is the least adaptive team in the proleague. I’m not referring to comps they run or multi-classing, I am talking about sizing up your opponent and altering your play style mid-match. TCG and R55 both have very fluid play-styles (I think TCG slightly more than R55). Astral on the other hand has a specific way they like to play and will consistently do it over and over again. I honestly think that TCG and R55 have started to figure it out and have been exploiting it.

So what is it that Astral likes to do? They like to team-fight. They use Toker to create favorable situations on the map where they can team-fight efficiently and then hold whatever they have. It’s a simple strategy but it works. They are one of the strongest team fighters in the pro league, and toker is one of the strongest roamers, so it makes sense. But R55 and TCG know this so they rotate in a way that doesn’t favor teamfighting. They will also find ways of turning what is supposed to be an unfavorable situation into a good one. Problem is that AA will just stick to their plan without shifting, even though R55 has actively adapted to it.

I missed most of the last tourney so I will use the June one as an example. During AA’s set against R55 they had two matches where they had a strong advantage, but I’m going to focus on the Foefire match. AA had won multiple teamfights and was able to maintain map control during most of the match. Toker even beat Misha in a 1v1. I don’t know why anyone isn’t talking about this but TOKER BEAT MISHA IN A 1v1! (Seriously Toker playing thief isn’t the problem. Dude plays like a madman and does a lot to create plays and rotations for his team) Because of this AA had a point advantage putting R55 in a bad spot. So because of this what does R55 do? They stop focusing on teamfighting and instead op to drip in points and set up a portal play for the lord. Astral SHOULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING but they didn’t. You can say maybe it’s inexperience against mesmer comps but I don’t think that’s an excuse because TCG has been playing mesmer for forever. AA tunnel visioned map controlled which allowed misha to set up a play. Some other stuff happened that shouldn’t have like R55 getting off some sneaky rezzes.

TLDR: The comp isn’t the issue, the meta isn’t the issue. Helseth even said on stream after the June tourney that their comp was good. I believe that AA’s game sense just isn’t as developed as TCG and R55 – partially due to the lacking NA and partially due to their own inability to adapt mid-game.

Helseth did a really good analysis after the June tourney. I’ll see if I can find the VOD.

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Sticky and pvp Streamers

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I thought leet0 stopped streaming Guild Wars

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in Thief

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


More like this is the worst topic header in the forum. Vids ok but it’s not 2005 anymore bruh. Enough with the click bait headers plz.

Fair enough.

I made a “forum post” at the end of the video so I thought it’d be funny if I actually posted it. So in this case it was less about clickbait and more about continuity ;D

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Why don't mantras interact with CS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I actually prefer having CS not affect with mantras. Mantras are a core mesmer skill line, they shouldn’t require chronomancer’s CS to be viable (and even if they did work with it I don’t think they would be viable).

I disagree with your reasoning for why mantras shouldn’t work with CS. CS interacts with every other skill line so why not mantras? I do agree that it probably wouldn’t make it viable, and that would be because of your second point.

Just overall mantras are underwhelming except for MoD. And even then its really only used in 1 build

Yea this pretty much. Only build mantras actually work well with is lockdown burst and that those builds aren’t even viable. Basically all mantra viability is tied to a single build. It’d be nice if mantras were worth taking in general so they could see more usage.

I don’t think Mantra of Distraction should be buffed though (aside from possibly a mantra-wide recharge time reduction) since it’s already pretty strong how it is.

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New to to survive?

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Don’t get hit ;D

Edit: In all seriousness though as a thief it’s not your job to fight on point especially not against a guardian. Your job is to decap open points, pick off weak opponents, and +1 your teammates. Basically you never want to take a fair fight.

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(edited by joshmossas.6542)

Why don't mantras interact with CS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Resolve got a CD reduction and it was already quit nice for solo play in W3. I’ve always disliked mantras. I’d love to see them replaced with standard style utility skills.

What would you suggest? I think the concept of mantras is kind of neat. There isn’t really a skill type that has a similar style of play. So I like how unique they are I suppose.

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in Thief

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Thanks xD

Yea my time on Overwatch might have bled over a little bit.

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Why don't mantras interact with CS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


True, but I don’t think it’s because people didn’t notice and rolled their eyes at Anet about it, but simply the fact that our expectations regarding Mantras are so low, that we simply were not surprised that they forgot about them.

I won’t lie I was a little bummed by it. It was actually one of the first things I tested, but when I saw that it didn’t work I just kinda went “welp”. Not sure why I haven’t posted about this till now tbh.

Not quite everything resets when CS ends. Boons and Condis don’t revert to where they were and neither do effects. I think that mantras are coded in such a way that when you channel it you get an effect that gives you access to a certain number of charges of a different skill (which makes sense considering we can trait for an extra charge), in which case it makes sense that effect doesn’t reset when CS ends since the other ones don’t either.

This is probably it. Mantra charges are treated as boons and therefore are ignored by CS. The fact that they don’t interact with CS still irks me though. xD

I think CS could possibly cover for one of mantras biggest weakness being having to recharge. Although I guess having access to quickness does cover for it a bit.

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in Thief

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


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[Video] 5 Man Thief Premade

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Behold my pro-esports gameplay as I pvp in a 5 man thief premade! What could go wrong right?


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Do you really feel like a CHRONOMANCER?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I mean lets face it though if we actually felt like a chronomancer we would be pretty OP xD

Time manipulation is by nature overpowered.

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Why don't mantras interact with CS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Real talk why is it that continuum split will reset any skill (utilities, elites, heals) but completely ignore mantras and mantra charges? This inconsistency has been bugging me for a while, and was wondering if maybe a dev or somebody could shed some light on it.

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Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


OP obviously doesn’t play mesmer because if he did he would realize that none of these buffs affect last season’s condi build. The only one I see from a quick skim thru is:

“Phantasmal Defender: This utility skill now applies protection for 4 seconds in a radius around the mesmer. The damage reduction from this illusion has been reduced from 50% to 33%.”

Which is actually a nerf to the trait, and a buff to the utility skill (which the meta build did not use)

All of the buffs are aimed at boosting power mesmer and lesser used abilities.

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Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Like I said queuing outside of Heart of the Mist is awesome. So thank you Anet for implementing it.

The only qualm I have is there is currently no way to update my pvp build while I’m outside of HotM. If there was a way that anet could implement this that would be awesome.


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I have a simple solution for PVP/PVE

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Now it just needs to give basic tips like about combo fields or something of that sort. ;D

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I have a simple solution for PVP/PVE

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


This is a bump to an old topic

but basically I logged in for the first time since the patch today, and look at what I saw during the loading screen!

I’m glad my suggestion got implemented in some form or fashion!
I know my forum post may not have had anything to do with it, but I just wanted to say thanks.


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New mesmer/player

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Mesmer has low DPS but that’s not why people take mesmer. Mesmer has a spot in all three gamemodes including spvp where for years it was previously left out of the meta.

- One of the best solo roaming classes due to stealth, blink, portal
- Also good in skirmishes due to portal, veil, mass invis, alacrity.
- It loses effectiveness in large zerg battles due to mesmer’s lack of aoe’s and your inability to keep your clones up in all the chaos. Still finds use though again due to portal, and aoe stealth. Usually when I fought with zergs I would skirt around the outside and pick people off (I don’t wvw much anymore tho). Or if I was in TS I could cordinate portal bombs with commanders.

(FYI portaling a zerg into an enemy keep is without fail one of the most satisfying things in this game)

- Condi Mes is one of the strongest roaming classes
- Portal gives exceptional map control and the ability to move teammates around the map
- Almost every pro-league team is running a mesmer

PVE: (don’t pve much)
- alacrity is still pretty strong. I believe most raiders want mesmers in their squad mainly due to this.
- Mesmer also has reflects, and distortion sharing to protect your squad.

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I have a simple solution for PVP/PVE

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Good idea. No idea why they haven’t done this already just for general game info. It just seems like common sense to add it.

That’s true they could use it to inform newer players on different things they might not learn so easily

For example:
“Using a blast finisher inside of a fire field will grant might”

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I have a simple solution for PVP/PVE

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Okay so I don’t really follow the forums, announcements, or anything like that, but I have been hearing people say that a pvp/pve split may be coming in a near patch.

I know in the past Anet has chosen not to do that for fear of confusing players. I have a solution to make this transition easier and it’s as simple as updating the loading screen. See I play a lot of fighting games and many of them display tips and tricks while loading. All that Anet would need to do is just add a message to the HotM loading screen. Something to the effect of “some skills and traits may operate differently in pvp”.

This would be cool because players would be immediately notified of the difference. They already update the loading screens to display when the pro-league is happening so I can’t imagine it would be that difficult a change.

The next step would be just to make sure tooltips are up to date with pve and pvp stats. You could even say “be sure to check your tooltips to see any changes”

Anywho that’s my suggestion. I attached a screenshot of a Smash4 loading screen since it was the first game that came to mind.



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A Letter to the PvP Community about Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I disagree with your assessment that making leagues skill-based will reduce PvP pop, and the inverse that putting shinies will increase PvP population.

I honestly believe all that Anet needs to do to increase the pvp population is just making the gameplay skill-based and as polished as possible. (balance would be nice too) Then players will grow the community themselves.

Look at freaking smash bros melee. Nintendo made a really enjoyable and technical fighter (although the technical part came by accident). However Nintendo never pushed melee into being competitive. They actually actively fought it because it was supposed to be a “party game”. However the playerbase was so passionate that melee ended up exploding.

Why is this? It’s enjoyable to play and it has a high skill cap. (It’s also a lot of fun to watch)

Overwatch is the same way. Literally the only content they have is online multiplayer but the game has exploded. Why? It’s clean and polished and it’s a lot of fun to play. (Blizzards huge marketing budget prolly helps too)

I honestly think guild wars has the potential to grow into a stronger more prominent pvp community. The combat is really fluid and feels unlike anything else I’ve played, but there is a bunch of stupid stupid holding it back. Skillful play is not rewarded enough due to passive crap. (Passive invulns, Passive CC, Passive heals) You can land a perfect burst on someone only for them to get away due to passive nonsense. Many meta builds lack a sense of trade off. You should never be able to get super high dmg with high sustain and mobility. I feel that a sense of risk and reward is important for any competitive game. All of this on top of the fact that there are a bugs that continue to persist despite being in the game for years. I’m looking at you stuck bug. (I swear if i have to /dance in the middle of combat one more time………)

TLDR: Polish the game. Make it enjoyable. Then the pvp community will grow by itself. Also PASSIVE PROCS DO NOT MAKE THE GAME FUN.

(Btw you don’t get “shinies” in smash bros, still people play the game for hours on end to get better. YOU DONT NEED SHINIES TO ATTRACT PLAYERS. The only players you’ll attract with shinies are ones who will be fickle and not invested in the game itself)

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Simple thing will never allow "balance"

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Could you imagine thief and mes with a warrior’s toughness?
That would be so dumb xD

Okay so let’s think of example; if Ele got the same armor as a Heavy, yea that would be stupid as F* but from there you can EASILY regulate the skills balance vs trying to adjust for each class, heavy,medium,light. same with ALL!!

This wouldn’t work because the classes are very much designed around these differences. You won’t be able to just tweak a couple numbers here and there to balance it.

Thief and mes for example have evasiveness ingrained in their design, but it’s counterbalanced by the fact that they are squishy. If you just make toughness the same for everyone it’ll take more than just number tweaking but complete revamps to balance it.

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What the leagues are for?

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


This is actually the main issue. It seems like they tried to make a “competitive” ranking system while simultaneously using it to try and get people into pvp (with rewards like the back piece)

As a result they left both player bases unsatisfied. The league system is not competitive enough for pro players (for example it lacks division dropping) but it’s also too difficult for casual pve players to grind out.

So now we just have this blob of pvp “meh”

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Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Haven’t wvw-ed in a while, but in my experience power shatter isn’t optimal but you can still run it. I’ve been running it for a long time in wvw. Even when even when every mesmer roamer at the time played PU condi (they prolly still do idk)

What you said about the matchups against HoT specs is pretty accurate. A lot can out-sustain shatters and you have low sustain. However I’ve found that the average wvw player isn’t very good, so it’s fairly easy to outplay them

Also yes it’s probably possible to play PU chrono. You’ll have to drop dueling or domination though. I’m not familiar with a PU mantra build, but I’m sure it’s possible to make one.

The most common pvp mantra build pre-HoT was GS and Sw/Torch. Traitlines were dom (Confounding S), duel (Empowered Mantras over Deceptive Evasion), insp (Mental Def)

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Put ICD on Chronophantasma and IR

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I am against anything like this unless things are buffed in other departments like something TO MAKE POWER MES DECENT AGAIN. What you are suggesting will hurt the chrono trait-line overall (condi and power builds) and kill mesmer build diversity even more.

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Power Build suggestions

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


In general you shouldn’t be 1v1ing a tanky class on a capped point anyway, unless you have moa up or your spec counters theirs but since we are talking about fighting them…

The only ones you have a chance of killing are the warrior and ranger. Forget about the ele (to be fair though there are very few classes that can reliably kill eles in a reasonable time frame).

The warrior the key is just to kite like mad, and not get stunned. Not getting hit by one of their stuns is basically the most important thing cuz they can pretty much one shot you with condis when that happens.

The ranger is much more difficult. You need to be build for as much dmg as possible. When you engage you have to basically land a perfect burst, and then interrupt their heal, and then land your burst again. This of course isn’t factoring in signet of stone, which you will have to watch out for and work around. Not to mention the fact that their pet can basically take 70% of your health (esp if you are running something glassy)

In all in order for you to even have a chance of being effective on power mesmer it will come down to a combination of you playing perfect and/or them playing pretty poorly. AKA just reroll condi Q_Q

(Just an FYI i still play zerker shatter for lolz because apparently I like tormenting myself…..)

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Spvp Devs Poll

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Interest in polls for PvP is noted.

I’m not sure seems like we don’t have enough data…

Can we have a poll deciding on whether or not we want polls?

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My take on the Chrono Meta

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I take pleasure in dominating my own class (every true mesmer does). Double for doing it on the kittenty war.

He’s right if the other team has a mesmer you can be sure as crap that I’m going to assert dominance. Unless the enemy has a thief. I have a personal vendetta against all thieves >:D

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[Video] Got to Legend as a F2P Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


As for the video, it must be either the timing I have played or the system literally put people in different group or I have terrible luck for me to keep seeing some common faces, worst part is i never see any familiar name in your video.

What division were you in? And what time of day did you play?

I usually played late at night (central time)

What combo/abilities are being used to blow people up in this video?

I’m more familiar with the “can’t be killed” chronos of last season.

Then you haven’t been around very long my friend xD
The tanky mesmer is a phenomena that came about with HoT

The standard shatter mesmer combo is [Mirror Blade] > [Mind Wrack] > [Mind Stab]. However I supplemented it was mantras so it was usually [Mirror Blade] > then mid cast [Mantra of Distraction]+[Mantra of Pain] > [Mind Wrack] > [Mind Stab]. Of course that’s just it broken down to it’s most basic form. There’s alot of other fun things you can mix into the combos to make it even crazier ;D

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Can we bring back fun builds?

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Turret engi.



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Can we bring back fun builds?

in PvP

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


…Nerf precision strike for real or at least so that it requires a target and strikes in a cone instead of seeking anything regardless of relative position and stealth

This a million times over. Seriously precision strike is literally the most braindead thing ever. Does really good dmg, doesn’t need a target, tracks in stealth.

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[Video] Legend with F2P Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Lol no, the Mesmer who had a clone near you named Phokus.

Reading is hard :P

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