Showing Posts For kagejuin.4713:

Why was the lab Champions nerfed?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


I agree. they nerf stuff that is about playing, but buff stuff when it comes to grinding. so awesome. BLC says hi

Clock Tower suggestions

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


If you are fast enough to have to wait for the second explosion, you are rewarded with a chest. You should have time to open it if you’re that quick.

are you attempting to deceive me? why?

Clock Tower suggestions

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


My problem is that being forced to wait while acid is chasing me is the cheapest way to make the game hard. it’s called artificial difficulty.

Go play a mario bros game to learn how moving levels should be done.

Maybe also for how jumping controls should be done.


Having to wait while death is chasing you is a very huge deal when I have to time jumps while fighting both the camera and huge players.

make it solo and remove the wait time.

Clock Tower suggestions

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


As it stands the clocktower could use some help. if you want to keep it as is, I suggest make it a solo instance, like a dungeon. that way nobody gets in my way. I can tak buddies with me fine.

Secondly, the option I prefer, stop forcing me to wait for the acid to rise. I did part 1 so quickly, just so I can wait for the acid to rise again? Then it is followed by a succession of quick jumps and a small jump down….into the acid presumably, unless you had insanely quick reflexes.

I understand it is supposed to be hard, but hard doesn’t translate to excrutiatingly frustrating!


fix it.

I like difficult things, but not if I can’t learn from my mistakes and get better. As it stands I can’t get much further than the first clocktower explosion. Simply because people get in the way, I have no time to adjust my camera for the following jumps because the acid is too quick after the forced pause and some people grief by stacking speed boons.

For a holiday event, I dislike it. I loved the art, but the actual tower is annoying.

And I did not even mention the camera issues.

Vanity items - is it really what people want ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


I don’t like the “souvenir” argument. You have the horns and the book. Why isn’t that enough? Why do you also need the uber-rare weapon skins? To the people referencing the GW1 event hats, it’s not like those were difficult to get, you only had to be logged in at the correct time. The book requires you to actually do something and participate in the event, and rewards you with a cool “backpack” skin for any character to use. And of course the horns fill the role of GW1’s hats.

But apparently that’s not good enough.

The event so far has been awesome. The handling of the cash shop skins has been objectionable. They’re not mutually exclusive positions to hold.

At this point I hope the backlash 1) doesn’t get ArenaNet down too much but 2) does makes them re-examine how they implement and market holiday items in the cash shop for future events, particularly if they involve RNGs.

Ingame Mail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


Thanks again! I love the community for this game

Character Appearance Changing item

in Suggestions

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


thank you! you made my day

Character Appearance Changing item

in Suggestions

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


I think it would be a great idea to give us an item to change our appearance ingame.
Ofcourse keeping the original race, but I would, like many others, love to have an item to change out appearance in the gem store. heck. I would pay real money to change my looks if it can keep me from having to reroll my character

Ingame Mail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


Dear Anet, for some reason I can send ingame mails to my friends, but can’t receive any. What is up with that?