ill have 5-6 more videos coming out asap. We have them on the BLs fighting guild groups , we have them everywhere.
so lets have it What FA guilds aside from REt and HOPE want a gvg , time and date please. Lets go guys , tired of getting called out when we never had official times . . that’s not fair to our guild whose been in WvW fighting hard since we xferd
go look at the anacondas of ret names that pop up in the video , youll see. Outside of QL 100 names rolling out
Didn’t want to drop the 4th name but Hope was there with 12-15 as well yesterday. They were running a random ranged build and I know they wanted even fights and not do as the others did. Regardless they were part of the mayhime. So total 35-40 RET, 15ATK , 15RAM , 12-15 hope , even on your numbers that’s 15+15+35+12, going with the lowest in each case. that’s 77 people, plus those who are from others guild that arnt running.. and map que is 120players.
Also Craig has your info not our whole guild , so I apologize if you feel offended. But we are offended by this post because you never posted a time on the official thread we had on FA’s site. How come NV,PRO, and NERF had 0 issue with us. We had open communication we got it done. We set up a 5v5 team for NERF seemless no problem we meet up and fought. If I have a actaual time we would have no problem. CORE , RAM , ATK,CL none have answered us on the forum. APS doesn’t run. Its just HOPE and RET left to GvG
The RET GvG was never scheduled either. That night was DIE vs HOPE , I don’t know what happened cuz I was working till late . Craig was banned that day , we have the email receipt from Anet showing the date and the reason for ban and the length. We had a driver , drive his first gvg with many new players cuz our core logged off early after they found no Craig , they figured no GvG. Bass from RET along with RETs main team decided to pm our Driver and ask for a “friendly” GvG. Our taem figured good exp. against a solid team let them go and learn.
RET turned it into RET beats DIE, without either of the 2 main drivers, that’s weak.
No gold cuz that wasn’t the deal .
EDIT: tired of FA’s new faces and Stawker trollin and blobbing against our teammates on Ehmry. Its not right, at least do it, but do it in silence.
You know we love having a good laugh, and we love a brawl . If people are called out and shots are fired. We will jump in
We got love for u homies too , let us know a time raelly my man. Its long overrdue
Na Krueg my man, all the guild RET RAM ATK have come uot, all 3 at once 100v30 . We have videos wiping em so that’s been established. EB blob mindless group , been wiped, frapsd .
We had 3 gvgs already with FA , were 3-0 but not boosting cuz we said its for fun with all 3 groups. Of the 3 we had a 5v5 something we never do , but we figured wed cater to our friends we faced , and have the team ready for you guys. We were excited to have our sunday morning fight with you guys. We can do our 5v5/8v8 tonight or tommoorw . Post the time here so everyone can see, we will show up .
This CORE GvG was never , ever, established. That’s why we will pay and hunt them down cuz they don’t come after us. We don’t expect FA to be afraid of us, we love the 100 man 3-4guild combos we wipe. We only started chest thumping as of late , cuz these blob hards got a little too happy with themselves. Ehmry Bay has the same fighting spirit of old FA, with the same cool people. The new age FA has a lot of people that arnt a correct representation of the warriors of the past.
Drigan, you, Higgins, zoel, Alaric, z , me, craig, hayb, delune, silo, novus, vindico , chaba, berrylia, Malose
@CORE what BL should we come to you tonight since youd rather make up fake gvg stories , well just come to you open field. South camp, your spawn , our spawn, Lions Arch , doesn’t matter where …the only problem you guys are going to create for us is “Investory is full” . Go ahead and pick a place.
Also @FA , if you know what BL they are on pm me the BL if I find their guild group I will pay you 25g for the intel. This is if they don’t answer.
When judgement comes for you blob hards, there is no running.
Get used to that spawn camp, you will get pushed back with your 100 man blob by 20DIE 20Ehmry all the way into bay, then from bay into spawn. Get your marshmellows and nursery books boys. . gnna be a cold winter.
Ehmry Bay is free from your blobs.
{Superior Rune of Legends Never DIE}
(1) +69 Swagger
(2) +250% Forum Moderated Infractions
(3) +5 QQ respond posts from FA commanders
(4) +2 GvG never arranged we ran away posts
(5) +100% FA Forum Tears
(6) +Over 9,000 kids getting mad irl
(1)1 infused offensive slot
Insert Sigil of Superior Youtube Videos
Add Youtube videos to forum trolling for increased QQ
(1)1 infused defensive slot
Insert Sigil Of Superior Adulthood
Read posts from various people, go to work , pay mortgage ,laugh at posters.
By Friday all the various videos will be out with all the guilds, our one t1 guild can stop the whole server….can’t wait for you guys to maybe come back up there well join our buddies at home on SoR and be waiting for even more laughs
@Tyrion how come you don’t answer my posts? You attacking my guild and my co guild leader , answer the said above the 6 wipes , do I need to post the videos even , or you going to just admit what happened?
Or we can build Arrow carts with a map que and have me push in again into your siege and force you out and wipe you. Those make for the best videos I promise
@tyrion well talk soon when you can watch our videos. Grab popcorn and kleenix…gna be some tears
Naw Craig no more with these kids.
Videos coming out today are Reset night
ATK+RET+RAM blob hard Try hard squad in front of Ebay Garrison on Ehmry BL getting pushed into Bay.
ATK+PPT getting on FABL
IOJbl CL+APS 2v1 against DIE
RET on various bls , the best being the bay fight last reset with RET+NICE two groups one of 45RET one of 25NICE, mega merkd.
And lets not forget Tyrions fights , itll all be over soon guys just hang on.
Tyrion we wiped you guys 6 + times with a 34 man group /supplyinfo’d against your whole blob. You went behind the SMC walls with 4 arrowcarts when we breached, and we pushed in wiped you again. We didn’t post a video cuz we felt sorry for you bro. But since you think your good now im done with you 2.
. We will fight it 25-30v25-30. We wiped you guys with 34 people like it was nothing. Drigan was there. Well post up the videos. With 34 people 22 of it being DIE we wiped the whole FA map que . So that being said when do you want to go open field guild vs guild with livestream so everyone can see the nonsense ?
Why dnt you share with the class all the fights outside of SMC, in front of Ogres, In front of our Citadel? Cmon now kid, get real.
Yo CORE- Next Monday GvG ? My quoted post from FA forums ..Where somebody responded against it. When you wanna GvG Dude?
How do you even dare call yourselves WvW guilds with a 100 man blob that gets mauled I have yet to understand
A lot of posts from [CORE] about this that and another thing. When are we going to get the most esteemed priveledge of fighting you guys?
You can join RAM, RET, and ATK , GLOB and a few others on there 100 man blob crusade…as they become loot bags . Or you can do a guild to guild, we accept either. Thanks for the great footage for the video today guys.
Legends Never[DIE]
Its a god kitten shame too, since there are a ton of guilds we would love to freely face in t1. We could barely get encounters with EP during round 3 , and Jericho and Me exchanged pms but couldn’t bl hop to fight AGG vs DIE , PlX and DIE couldn’t gvg cuz of ques on the BG side , even though noodles was cool and down and I was down we couldtn arrange it. Its just a waste of time imo
We know how to siege, we know how to get through t3 , its just too much leg work that we cant care less to do anymore. Id rather fight the best guild on earth and even wipe 10 times in 1 night but adjust each wipe and get better, then sit on a treb or harvest supply camps to build omegas and port in desiege the 25+AC’s and have to spend another hour trebbing to go back in and get “fights”. Granted fighting inside a keep or settlement has tons of advatanges and doesn’t pertain to a real open field fight. Even in our own guild videos , like the one I am in SMC for 50+ Minutes with SoS and BG and we have 28 guys running around farming blobs is nonsense to a certain degree. You have tactical advantages of each floor , moving in and out of the walls . There are multiple plaaces where you can basically reset the fight mechanics and do it all fresh and from the top. As long as people stay tight and the driver keeps people out of too much heat , you can do it for days. On the open field its not as forgiving and you would have to utilize more cc, more single dodge backs, more movement . More CC rotation, more small and large rotation, melee that over extends would be dead in about 7-10 seconds, youd have to control your ranged aoe on the downed to not blow all the meteor shower etc on one group of downed. Theres just a lot more to it overall.
SoR NA prime which embodies our EST team and bleeds into when our PST time , at least when we played had ques. How its been since round 4 brother I cant tell you. The weekends and reset nights were always qued. Again if there are ques are the level of ques aka the minutes or hours you wait I don’t know. But I don’t care to know anymore we wanted to not have ques. We wanted to log on and just do what we want even on the weekends. A lot of us have families and kids so weekends midday and morning are fun times for us to play as well. With 30-35 of us on a BL we can face whatever we like and have fun, we will get bags, yes like any guild or force we will have our wipes as well . But we can build on our mistakes and build tighter composition and synergy since we play full force more frequently. That’s the whole point for having a guild , open field guilds, and GvG guilds. If you are drought of that play time due to ques , or to defend t3 settlements and play ppt , or to have to tear down t3 walls to go inside and fight the people that are bottled up behind walls, you cant adjust things and grow. Over on Silver we put up a post that were on a BL , we have multiple guilds outside our spawn ready to take a crack at us, its a dream come true
Plenty of GvG And fight hungry guilds in silver as well. Many of the GvG and hardcore WvW guilds in t1 and t2 know that there are fighters amongst the tiers. So you wont be starving for fights, we get fights 24/7 guild groups and map que zergs. Just to through that in there
Gold/Silver/Bronze and Tiers arnt about skill , its about coverage and who gets the most excitement off killing keep lords and building arrow carts and standing next to dolyaks until they get through gates. So be open minded. You can all balance the game by dispersing amongst the various great communities out there.
SoR has put out some great GvGs . Glad to see ONE and CHOO’s performances. Great guys , great players , great commanders. Proud to have fought along side you guys.
I promise you BG when the ques and the nonsense die down we will return . It has been so nice to log on and all my EST and PST guildie can just point and pick any BL (aside from EB) and just log on and play . Where we cant find solid guild groups to find , we can find huge map que zergs. Fighting a map que of people in ppt and ptv gear is still challenging for a 25-35 man guild group so were having a blast. For al havoc and guild groups that are not able to run together without ques or waiting…think to yourselves why you are in your guilds and why you enjoy the game.
For Legends Never[DIE] we play for the love of our guild and our server. Its a thin line between the two and it was a hard choice for us to leave . But our guild was dying in the ques , our EST guys would fight through the ques and by the time the ques popped for PST players EST would be asleep. Our 8pm PST guild runs died out about 2 weeks prior to league due to ques increasing. We would get 15 guys in at 8pm PST because they were east coast players, then at 11pm PST our west coast guys would get in but our other friends were logged off and drained. We spoke of transferring from day 1 of league , it was bound to happen.
On top of that , if you are on a server that has gaps of coverage and you wait in que its the worst of both worlds. If you have a que but you log onto domination , t3 keeps and towers, abundance of supply , you can have a great time. You can build tons of omegas (our favorite past time) and go capture things with ease. But if you have to wait in que to be on BL’s that have forces scattered all around , and multiple guild groups running tagless, all of which are at 50% or less force due to ques, its a waste of time and sucks the fun out o the game, at least for us.
SoR has one of the most incredible communities in GW2 there is no doubt. We love SoR and do miss our friends. I just wanted to make this post because I read multiple posts about guilds and players being stuck in ques and I just wanted to give you my feedback on it .
LMAO! the GIFs are 100% win
I add 2 tbsp. of forum tears with my morning oatmeal , adds nutritional value
LOL so bored at work . I love u all <3 just thought id make everyone laugh for old times sake : }
bust a rhyme
for your laughter
stories of wiping DIE
should end with Happily ever after
Nothing more then a fantasy
or dillusion
Wiping blobs , go watch the videos
our skills been proven
Cling on to your wins
when we only have 10 men
Wipe to us when were 25deep
or just QQ more until then
@Nox ,
Still the same thug as before
Don’t flip it on me
QQ More
Aspenwood aint ready for whats in store
PLease blob more and let the lootbags pour
focus more on the ppt score
run from fights and call us a bore
Forum troll king watch me roar
Everyone in GW2 knows Brutus Rocks
3 piece suit with my checkered socks
Ur just tryna ruin my swag
but u cant
GG Nox.
#stilltheOG LOLL
And to further clarify, all of the forums is FA saying you want Fights . The forum is all QQ we want fights or we karma train were bored. So your gna get called out by a guild who lives to open field. Were just giving what you ask.
our videos are titled fighting zergs , fighting blobs. Nobody is called out . Its a statement of whats the video content
Its sad its all the newer players and guilds on FA that act silly. The FA veterans are still classy.
If you have better coverage, run a more oraganized server with larger guilds that may have a bit more experience. Enjoy your victories, celebrate with your server mates. Continue to find ways to grow and get better in preparation for possibly being in T1. Don’t oppress the people in a less favorable gaming situation and try to push them down or discourage them.
And if you , your guildmates , or those with you blobbing choose that route. Then we will be there to stand for all those who are oppressed. And we will collect our lootbags. The Legends will defend justice. That is why we are in this tier and on Ehmry.
How long until you stop chest thumping get a group of max 50 or less and get merkd by 25 [DIE] and stop harassing people?
LOL . JP I understand why , FA is still semi home for me at times too. Best of lck continue doing what you guys do . Your still the best Engi in the world in our books haha. Goodluck and best wishes to you and the gang.
You would Honor your prior leader Alaric , and us by doing it. Alaric if you read this we play the trumpet for you in honor of the good old days. You were a great commander to follow , and a good friend
#RiP #Alaric2013 #Brother Alaric #Alaric the SIC #Vindico Knights #VK #AlaricReticle #StridentIconoclast#SIC #BeachesGetWet
[SIC]+[WET](DIE before our named got banned ) +Silo Menel=Some of the funnest time in this game weve had
Brothers and Sisters of [SIC] , although FA has roots for us all , and many on FA are great people, I propose you come to Ehmry Bay. Think of the possibilities . Let us fight and collect bags together like the good old days.
Brutus Esaghus
Legends Never[DIE]
And that goes for all FA and IoJ guilds pm us , well let you guys come to our spawn and fight us outside. We prefer it then running around looking for fights. #luxuryservice
Great fights in EBG last night [DIE]! That was really fun
Sorry I had to pull off…I felt to much like we were spawn camping you guys, which I don’t approve of. I was happy when you guys came all the way up to red keep to fight us again
I was really proud of my militia. They stood strong and stayed on tag (though we did outnumber you).
Hope to see you again tonight!
P.S. You guys are really hard to kill Like, really hard :O
P.P.S. Let me know if you guys are okay fighting outside your spawn like that. I would have stayed longer.
Thanks for having a good time. We don’t mind fighting outside of Spawn at all. But we don’t want to have that on Eb or a server with people, we only stayed cuz the BL was outmanned, we don’t want the innocent players to be caught up by it. Also there was only 9 DIE and the rest were Ebay players who were in TS with us, there getting kitten good! Ebay is on the rise.
If you would like pm me in game my brother ill bring the full guild we have like 20 online right now . 20DIE-30DIE vs FA EBG. Its great fun for us to have such a large enemy to fight and its cool to know you guys have fun as we do as well.
Cheers my brother, also I have commanded militia a ton across servers , if you ever want to ask me anything feel free. Not saying im the best or good or stroking my ego. Just saying if you like what you see I can give you what we do and then you can make it your own.
Haha you got the right attitude man
Happy Hunting.
Dude T1 Servers will devastate anything short of it. They have more coverage then a news broadcast channel in Los angeles LOLLLLLLLLL
nothing to do with skill . PPT isn’t about skill. To get PPT all you need to do is kill a keep lord. Whoever kills the most keeps lords and sits in the circle for 10 seconds wins. OR whoever sits next to a keep lord and keeps him alive wins. That has nothing to do with player vs player combat. To all the players here on all 3 servers don’t get happy or sad due to PPT. Just form up guilds and groups and play together, learn . Call out guilds to fight evenly in set areas. Film it, watch the films learn from your mistakes. Watch others films see what they do good, what makes them strong. LEarn how to do it yourself, then learn to counter it. Don’t stop enjoying the game due to ppt. I cant care less about PPT its pointless , I promise.
Find a guild, get a set group of players. Run comps, play together as a team. Build cohesion and synergy …itll reach a point if you face enough enemies and fight outnumbered enough that your guildies will know your commands and be doing what you ask as your asking it. Its really beautiful. We will always fight larger group and guild groups as it is what makes us enjoy the game and better.
I am honestly really happy IoJ enjoyed the fights and your morale is up. Im sorry you guys deal with blobs and senseless chest thumping from blobs. Many top PPT servers blob, just find the players and guilds that don’t. Play clean and respect clean fights without cheating you should get some.
We are definetly looking at open field fights vs IoJ we will fight guilds or blobs. Just have fun enjoy play hard. If you find a FA blob and you have outmanned buff on your bl pm us as well, we will port and fight it.
Brutus Esaghus
Legends Never[DIE]
1.DIE is not a FA guild. We’re on Ehmry
2. We were killing FA and fighting the IoJ blob
3. There were 15-20FA from NV and a few others we were training and working with who we took turns fighting that blob with. It was for fair fights so we don’t 2v1
Legends Never[DIE]
Got my jars dusted off….
And here come the tears! Fill er up boys
we came here for great fights thanks to all of you for coming out and providing many good fights overall. Also at the guilds we want to GvG its not chest thumping or calling you out. We want challenging fights so its a respect thing to fight you.
HOPE v DIE next Thursday
RET v DIE , with both craig and me there this time rematch coming soon.
BOMB v DIE, Friday at reset according to Tyrion . Please Confirm
@CORE @RAM when are we going to GvG
Im proud of the Ehmry community for today. We rallied hard and fought the good fight across BL’s.
To IoJ many of you guys should good sport and good times.
Yo mandalore , im sorry somebody did that to you. We don’t stand for things of that nature.
So from one of the guild leaders of DIE, sorry.
Ty Kruegs. Were here to play my brother, that’s about it.