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My opinion: utility abilities lackluster

in Ranger

Posted by: spoodigity.4321


Rangers are a pretty great class when it comes to its weapon attacks, but I find that our utility abilities are lacking in quality compared to other professions. Lets talk utilities:


Our signets are overall pretty poor compared to other profession’s signets. The passive effects are lacking (stone only gives 35 toughness, hunt’s 10% run speed is barely noticeable, especially so in combat. Doesn’t seem to stack with swiftness) Renwal and Wild aren’t too bad though under certain conditions.

The active abilities are mainly the problem. They only affect your pet unless you go deep into Marksmanship for Signet of the Beastmaster. They have very long cooldowns as well at up to 2 minutes.

Compare them to their guardian and warrior counterparts and there is no question that we received the short end of the stick.

Please consider revising the active effects of our signets and reducing the cooldown. Make them affect us as well. Not just our pet without heavy traiting.


They used to be awesome but were nerfed not long ago. The main problem is their health pools are entirely too low and they will die within seconds in any kind of group fight even when traited. They require heavy traiting to be effective with the trait that allows them to follow you only available at the end of the Nature Magic line. You’re not promoting build diversity when you pigeon hole rangers into using required traits for utilities to be worth using.


I don’t know what went wrong here. With how long they were delayed in beta, I’m guessing you ran out of ideas on what to do with them and just put in what you had. Protect Me is the only shout I could potentially see being used as an alternative to a traited stone signet. The problem is its almost guaranteed to kill your pet when you use it unless its heavily traited or tanky. This is especially true if its taking hits for both you and itself when you’re fighting near it.

Sick ’Em is a pure damage utility that frankly sucks in comparison to Quickening Zephyr and Sharpening Stone.

I can’t think of a single good use to warrant the use of Guard in a utility slot. Or really much of a use if it was even a pet command.


Here’s some basic testing of different utilities to give you an idea of how helpful they are:

This is using a lynx. No f2 abilities on a heavy training golem in the mists. Traited for high pet damage including Rending Attacks and Pet’s Prowess. I let the pet solo with different buffs to see how long it took to kill the golem over an average of 10 times per buff.

1. No Buffs: 16.1 seconds
2. Sic ’Em: 15.3 seconds Cooldown: 1 minute
3. Wild Signet: 14.7 seconds Cooldown: 2 minutes
4. Quickening Zephyr: 14.2 seconds Cooldown: 1 minute

As you can see Zephyr outperforms the other utilities that only affect the pet. Zephyr affects the player as well, so you’re getting much more damage output. Sic ’Em barely helps your damage at all!

All said and done those utilities account for 12 of our 20 choices. The Survival and Trap skills feel more thoroughly developed.

Please consider doing a review of our utility options, thanks.

(edited by spoodigity.4321)

1H Sword and Responsiveness

in Ranger

Posted by: spoodigity.4321


Its annoying in PVP as well. Not being able to dodge or use abilities because you’re locked in the attack animation can cost you. If they could somehow make dodging or using a different ability break the animation, it would be perfect.

Pet F2 skills STILL don't work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: spoodigity.4321


I haven’t checked it since the update, but I know the issue isn’t so much responsiveness as it is animation time. Many of the F2 abilities go through this long attack animation process that either takes too much time, or the target has already moved and the ability will miss.