Showing Posts For silverhawk.4039:
Hiya! I recently reached level 80 on Revenant. I haven’t really done any dungeons or fractals but I would like to learn. I’m reviewing the dungeon guides this evening and tomorrow but I’m sure experience in the field is going to be most beneficial.
This sticky post caught my eye. If you guys are still up for inviting a student like me I’d greatly appreciate it. I’m on NA (Blackgate).
Thank you =)
(edited by silverhawk.4039)
Hiya all!
I’m looking for a guild. I’m somewhat new (I played when the game came out and I hadn’t found time to play until recently). I’m playing a Revenant (level 50 currently and I’m doing my best to get to 80) and I’m loving it.
Once I’m ready I’d love to do PvE related content with occasional WvW. I currently play on Blackgate. Most importantly I’d love to just meet good, friendly folks who won’t mind answering a occasional newbish question.
Thank you for taking the time to click this post =)
Hi everyone! I’m looking for a casual PVE guild on Isle of Janthir. I have a ranger who just hit level 80. I am looking to do mostly PVE and some WvWvW.
Please message/mail me in game or reply here if your guild is recruiting.
Thank you! =)
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Posted by: silverhawk.4039
I also deleted my character first day and now I don’t get that mail with the miniature rytlock. =/ I only got the ring and the elite skill mail.