Showing Posts For silwolffe.3894:
Hello, Outsider
If you’re still on the prowl for a guild, I would like to offer you a spot to join Wolfsong. We’ve created a thread on these forums, and you can take a view here –
We’re not aiming to be a large guild, and are currently taking a rather leisurely pace with the game (as it seems the game is more about leveling and experiencing the story than end-game).
If you would like, talk with me in-game and we can hash things out.
Good journey!
Wolfsong is a tight-knit, multi-game, North American guild. With the release of Guild Wars 2 we’ve found ourselves enjoying the game to the point where we would like to establish a firm grounding, as we have done in World of Warcraft.
- Server: Tarnished Coast
- Guild Name: Wolfsong
- Interests: PvE, WvWvW & Roleplay
- Guild Leader: Silwolffe
- Current Members: 30
- Voice Communication: Ventrilo
- Website (new!):
We’re focused on quality and not quantity – you will not see us with a bloated membership.
We have a mixed group of ‘casual’ and ‘hardcore’ gamers – and feel we strike a nice balance between the two. We schedule events and pull things together, especially for those who have crazy life schedules.
If you’re looking for more than just a guild to participate in, I invite you to talk with me. We’re beginning to launch a new website, where members can socialize, organize, and share their characters and engage in out-of-game roleplay.