Showing Posts For silwolffe.3894:

Looking for a guild - Ehmry Bay

in Guilds

Posted by: silwolffe.3894


Hey, Roxy

It wasn’t stated, but would you and your friends be willing to transfer servers if the prospect is tempting enough (while they’re still free and readily available)?

I created a quick thread on these forums, but unfortunately it’s drowned out. I’ll give you a quick link here, and if you’re interested, I encourage you to talk with me!

I would like to reflect a bit on your listed ideals, so here’s a quick mirror list.

1.) Our general age range fits; we’re all around low-20s to mid-30s.

2.) We’re active, but usually in the evening (when work and classes have calmed down). I’m on every evening. Guild Wars actually makes this a little tough, with their multi-guild system, which has proven to be quite frustrating. It’s not uncommon to see 20 people on, but only 7 people representing. I’m trying very hard to gather folks who want to stick and participate rather than trickle away.

3.) The game is beautiful; and I’m sure once more of us are level 80 (and when the game isn’t so buggy), we’ll do more scheduled events together such as zone-wide sprawls, roleplay (if you do that thing), level 80 events , and explore-mode dungeons. I’m big on establishing events.

4.) See above; a lot of us (me in particular) enjoy many aspects of the game… I’ve been exploring and checking out every nook and cranny.

5.) I’ve been building and establishing a new website for the guild, and while we’ve been around for quite awhile – we’ve never really had one. Actively building for Guild Wars2 has proven to be rather tough (for one guy), so the fact that you’re willing and looking to help build and participate is very appealing.

Anyway, I think I’ve covered the basics… If your interest is piqued, I would love to talk with you (over vent or something) to discuss our options if you think we may be a fit for you and your friends.

Good journey!

Tarnished Coast - Looking For Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: silwolffe.3894


Hello, Outsider

If you’re still on the prowl for a guild, I would like to offer you a spot to join Wolfsong. We’ve created a thread on these forums, and you can take a view here –

We’re not aiming to be a large guild, and are currently taking a rather leisurely pace with the game (as it seems the game is more about leveling and experiencing the story than end-game).

If you would like, talk with me in-game and we can hash things out.

Good journey!

Tarnished Coast - [Wolfsong] Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: silwolffe.3894


Wolfsong is a tight-knit, multi-game, North American guild. With the release of Guild Wars 2 we’ve found ourselves enjoying the game to the point where we would like to establish a firm grounding, as we have done in World of Warcraft.

  • Server: Tarnished Coast
  • Guild Name: Wolfsong
  • Interests: PvE, WvWvW & Roleplay
  • Guild Leader: Silwolffe
  • Current Members: 30
  • Voice Communication: Ventrilo
  • Website (new!):

We’re focused on quality and not quantity – you will not see us with a bloated membership.

We have a mixed group of ‘casual’ and ‘hardcore’ gamers – and feel we strike a nice balance between the two. We schedule events and pull things together, especially for those who have crazy life schedules.

If you’re looking for more than just a guild to participate in, I invite you to talk with me. We’re beginning to launch a new website, where members can socialize, organize, and share their characters and engage in out-of-game roleplay.
