Showing Posts For sixtyninetee.9785:

Not finding enough leather. :(

in Crafting

Posted by: sixtyninetee.9785


Or you could just buy it from the TP

Sad but true. Exactly how A-Net set it up… buy those gems… trade for gold… all the leather you want

A-Net has to make money so they can eat and provide for their families… I wish they could do it without handcuffing the crafting system.

The amount of materials you need just to make an Unidentified Dye… Just one example of thousands that make me think every time … "if this was a “sub”…. this would be fun… but it’s more less… “feed the rich”

Professions useless?

in Crafting

Posted by: sixtyninetee.9785


Yes it’s worthless.

Anet’s goal is to make as much RL Cash as possible.

GOLD is Anet’s Meal Ticket.

The system is designed to make Anet Rich.
Not to make those who work hard at their Profession Rich with in game Gold.
Sounds like North Korea… doesn’t it?

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: sixtyninetee.9785


Maw was the hottest thing posted in game.


Let’s see, I"m working at Anet and clearly I see so many gamers enjoying this thing called MAW… yes, I get it… We need to change this… Too many gamers are happy… They like this quick spawn and we can’t have it…. Somehow gamers are happy and talking to each other and we must crush their happiness… must change.


Or was something like this… Too many gamers getting too much gear and it was taking away from the Gem Shop?

Fused weapon drop rate data

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sixtyninetee.9785


Jon Smith,

What exactly is the point of your post?
Are you telling us something we already don’t know?
Are you trying to belittle our efforts to glean some sort of information since we can’t get anything definitive from Anet?
Are you just trying to antagonize us?

Please explain yourself or stop making posts that add nothing to the discussion.
This isn’t the first time that players have tried to figure out the odds. Why didn’t you post this in the other threads?

Where you at Jon Smith?

Now that this thread has some flavor… I think you can taste the truth. You guys are selling Ice Cream Cones in the North Pole in Sub Zero Temps. Only those who are starving are buying.