Showing Posts For siyah.1082:

Need Help/Tips: WvW Map Completion

in WvW

Posted by: siyah.1082


I think I can’t understand your “thinking perspective”.
Actually “Been There, Done That” is a Tag that means you have been in every aspect of game and you have Done every kind of style of it. WvW includes it! If you don’t do it properly, you can’t say “Been There, Done That”… (:

Looking for WvW Guild: Blacktide EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: siyah.1082


Yeah, been more than a year that Im playing gw2, basicly necromancer as support... I registered to Blacktide, and i got no idea about why i picked it, just because it’s name looked cool i guess. Nowadays as I’m married, got only 1-2 night in a week playing WvW for 3 hours at most. And I can understand that nobody around in my old guild anymore.

I Want TeamSpeak supported, some serious WvW guild and a leader to recharge my daily life troubles for a little amount of time...

Please advice me, should i change server? Or i can find proper TS Supported proper guild in Blacktide (EU) server?

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: siyah.1082


And yeah, here is mine…


Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: siyah.1082


Solved just 10 minutes after.

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: siyah.1082


Country: Thailand
Sever: Kaineng
Build: 29675
Error Code: 42:1000:7006:1323

The GW2 client can’t connect to the sever.
If you can fix this problem, I will be very grateful. Thank you in advance.

Exactly same happened to me right now.
Yesterday I played without any problem. No PC – connection etc settings changed. Today I opened the game, same error here, I cant log in.

Country: Turkey / Northern Cyprus
Sever: Blacktides
Build: 29675
Error Code: 42:1000:7006:1323

I’m adding screen shot also.


[THS] ! The third [TKS] now open!

in Looking for...

Posted by: siyah.1082


Char name is: “Neyzenarafta”
Tried many attemps, even i formed a guild in early names TEQ -Tequalt Killers to do same attemp like you guys, but couldnt reach enough, willing to do anything needed, even changed my build, no precision due to Teq dont take crit etc details… Please invite me also… I Beg you… (: