Showing Posts For skream.3964:
new mini vid:
isnt the best, but I try to upload daily videos
now I’m editing and rendering 2 new videos, the first is only 1v1 fights vs all class, the second video is with my last updated sPvP build
probably in 5 or 6 hours will have the 2 new videos.
Thanks for commenting.
If you like, you can try to modify the build and together work on it.
About 49% accuracy, is for bleeding with trait stack (skirmishing, II) and sigil of earth 60% chance to critical bleeding on enemy)
for this reason I have a 49% chance of critical
remember to follow my youtube channel youtube/elfota
I prefer to have more toughness because the class that kills me the most, are power and critical damage. vs damage condition class i have heal cooldown 20s for 6.2k hp if it were 1v1
remember this build based full condition damage with good tougness and presicion
actually. I’m looking every day to improve this build with all my items enough to try to make the best build of spvp / tourney for ranger.
thanks for the tips and comments.
thx for comment
this build is for structured PvP and tourney, actually frost trap is imba utility when you are in trouble. in WvWvW maybe in tight quarters or caves can be very important when it comes to 10v10 fight
Thanks for commenting I appreciate it
- for me is very imba that you use lynx and jungle stalker, because the goal of the build is to have the maximum dps in damage condition. (and stacks condition time)
- have passive skill of (normal hits), and F2 skills (+175 damage condition and another bleeding skill 5k damage )
- have passive slash (vulnerability 5s) >> nice for short bow and beasmastery trait (5)
- pet have 2111 presicion is amazing (you got perma bleed When They attack target)
- pet with damage condition 4704 condition damage
pet without damage condition 2300 condition damage
edit: september 19
changed: viper’s trap x flame trap
changed : marksmanship 10 to marksmanship 5/beasmastery 5
added: new video DPS COMBO test (damage condition)
edit: september 18 pets runes and sigils
edit: september 17 (comparison of damage with / without damage condition)
remember to rate,subscribe and comment. your comments are my motivation to continue with builds, videos and more things
watch my video and remember if you like rate, comment and subscribe
I would really appreciate it
enjoy 1080p and 192kbps audio
Hey Guys, what’s up? pOdo here!
come to show my build that is being very popular in
can see all the information at the following link:
also my youtube channel: (ranger videos)
if you like my videos and build please rate, subscribe and comment
PD: my new pvp set
new: september 17
- 1910 tougness (2974 armor)
- 916 vitality (15,082HP)
- 1860 presicion (49% critical chance)
- 1015 power (2016 attack, 1502 condition damage)
with condition damage = bold
without condition damage = normal color
- spike trap: bleeding 5 ½ 1754 damage / 863 damage
- viper’s nest: poison per pulse 3½ 703 damage / 342 damage
short bow:
- crossfire : bleeding 3½ 353 damage / 173 damage
- poison volley: poison 2½ 2342 damage / 1140 damage
- crippling Shot: bleeding 6½ 706 damage / 345 damage
- splitblade: bleeding 6½ 3528 damage / 1725 damage
- entangle: bleeding 8 ¾ 18.816 damage / 9200 damage
Lynx and jungle stalker:
- rending pounce: bleeding 22s 5175 damage / 2530 damage
- maul: bleeding 11s 5175 damage / 2530 damage
traits and sigil weapons:
- skirimshing 10(II) : chance to cause bleed on critical hits. (not known)
- sigil of superior earth: 60% chance on critical: bleeding (5 sec) (not known)
- sigil of superior geomancy: inflict bleeding for 7s when you swap to this weapon in combat (not known)
ESCAPE and SLOW skills (very effective in 1v1):
- frost trap (utility): -66% slow 5sec
- winter’s bite (axe): 3½ -66% slow
- call of the wild (horn): +33% movement speed
- entangle (elite): immobilize
- quick shot (short bow): 3s +33% movement speed and evasive retreat.
- double-tap movement: dodge and evade attacks.
(edited by skream.3964)