Please give us a keyring…
Showing Highly Rated Posts By skullmount.1758:
Please give us a keyring…
I am starting to feel let down and frustrated by and the sad thing is my friends are feeling the same way. Games are suppose to be fun and exciting this game only keeps me around cause of friends who are slowly dropping off.
Yeah, I know my friend didn’t even last a few months. I’m pretty much at the point where I can’t even try (or want to try) to suggest it to people anymore. Its still kinda fun (in an addicts kind of way), but all these reward changes (>10k corn/materials for any Halloween items, any new armors only in gemstore, most weapons being in gemstore behind extreme RNG) are really kittening me off. I don’t mind zerging, it makes stuff faster (usually).
Please give us a keyring…
Yea, 15g is not that much money these days lol. Especially if you want something unique. If it was 2g, everyone would have it.
And here we go again with the unique crap. You shouldn’t worry about what everyone else is wearing. There’s only so many different skins. Even with the gold from the achievement chests, some of us don’t have that much free gold to just spend on something like this. All the other gold stuff is under 1/2 gold (I think backpack is the most expensive being 5g, or at least was).
Please give us a keyring…