Showing Posts For slapmesilly.3478:


in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


Oh and not forgetting the most important part……………………/laughing over dead body just to give them ammunition

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*


in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


so I set up duel with one of desolation ranger….. beat hem up to 1% health and he called in hes zerg who veiled in nice job desolation really you sux

this is just the perfect example how things look a bit differently on the other side. please read your post again and tell me you really believe that that guy waited until he got to 1% health, picked up his red phone, that our commanders hand out to all the roamers, and called for backup, and then the whole zerg got there instantly, vailed and blah, blah, blah…

need to remember to pick up red phones from guild bank next time i tag up.

that actually did happen. The QQ alarm bells rang, we decided to wipe his tears together.

Yeah he PM’d me saying “I hear you like 1v1”.

I replied “nope”.

He kept going on about wanting to 1v1 me (obviously as he didn’t like my post in the forum and apparently I make myself sound like a kitten on here :S )

I kept saying I do not 1vs1 as it will prove nothing and it will also interupt me gaining lootbags.

During this time everything was being relayed through TS.

We made a collective decision to use him as a door mat by meeting him at the windmill.

Straight after I got the QQ “Imma put a pictured on Forams because yous is a naughty man”

I then endured a further 5+ minutes of QQ about Silver League and the “rules” that it has (funny enough none of which I have ever seen and most of which I have had done against myself) Before finally I had to log off to get my kids from school.

TL:DR Forum warrior thinks that 1vs1 will prove that what is said on forum is wrong …….ends up getting rolled over by The WvW guild I am in , many minutes of laughter on Server TS follows .

P.S Lileth collectively Desolation suggest you buy a better graphics card,Apparently your graphics are worse than Ins’s!

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*

(edited by slapmesilly.3478)


in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


I only really lurk here most of the time but with all the QQ etc I just had to say something.

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*


in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


@Bethryn Firstly think you’ll find the people who stayed on Deso through the last year have tremendous balls!! Fighting week in week out, outmanned with often no chance of winning and still sticking together due to some fantasic remaining guilds and commanders.

Agreed,Was part of it and even though we were continually getting thrashed we stayed on.Made us stronger and more determined and that has obviously helped us in the long run.Well said!

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*


in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


[Points at Gandara scrub’s]
[Laughs at Gandara Scrubs’] (only aimed at the moaners)

More QQ!

Please More QQ!!!

I’ts give me something to laugh at while I’m at work and unable to laugh at you on the battlefield! (obviously not using emotes though………………..that would be just terrible!)

Seriously these guy who are QQ’ing because they’re getting stomped,or laughed,or danced on…you do realise that you are possibly having that done to you by an inexperienced WvW player???? They more than likely are unaware of this ****UNOFFICIAL**** WvW etiquette.Even so the funniest thing about it all though is that you’re actually having that done to you by a WvW Nab! hahahahahahaha that makes it even funnier.

If you get angered by players killing you,then stomping you,then laughing at you,then dancing on your corpse then do not play WvW,Simple as,Just because the more experienced of us do not do these things doesn’t mean that everyone shouldn’t do it and seriously if you’re stupid enough to allow your character to hang around dead in the middle of the battlefield when you could quite easily release to the nearest WP who is really to blame!…………yourself!

I’ve had it done to myself many times,Guess what? I couldn’t give two hoots if they do it,Part of the game,Get up,brush off the dirt and get back onto the killing grounds.

If these things weren’t allowed in game then why did Anet code them into WvW? (Not that I am personally condoning it but after all it is part of the game)

Get a grip guys seriously,If all you can do after losing (well giving up if we’re honest) is find things to slate Desolation you really need to grow a pair! At the end of the day none of your complaining/whining or moaning (and you lot are experts at this,You’re even worse than my wife and that’s saying something!) is going to get you that lovely silver Dolyak finisher Which I am going to have so much pleasure shoving on top of your dead characters next time we meet.

Much love,Peace out [SlapMeSilly.3478 is busting out some sweet sweet moves………On top of your dead body]

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*


in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


Oh the QQ! This is hilarious!

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*

(edited by slapmesilly.3478)

18/10 Desolation/Abaddon's Mouth/Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


You see AM there was no double teaming,you was either misinformed or you’re delusional.

The real fact of the matter was……………

Your failure to Pew Pew (always WP’ing),
Made Ins bring his Choo Choo,
Now we sit back and watch the AM QQ!

In the immortal words of Bruce Forsyth “Good Game Good Game”

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*

18/10 Desolation/Abaddon's Mouth/Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


Honestly, in the next matchup against gandara/am, deso will be much weaker.
While the PvE heroes might not make much of a real difference other then taking the BL boon, they do provide us with 24/7 bloodlust. Which in terms makes the rest of us stronger. Once our PvE heroes are done, we will have less bloodlust and thus be on par or weaker then am/gandara in terms of zerg power.

Also, most of our commanders are in the process of getting burnt out anyway. So saying deso will win this is wishful thinking at this point. Trust me, it is, unless me and other deso players can actually mount up a strong defense, so we dont lose everything 4 minutes after we took it

paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…………………………hahahahahahahaha………………………………hahahahahahah ……………………………………..Burnout……………………………………….hahahahahahahahahaha

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*

Are these skins available in PvE/WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: slapmesilly.3478


The left axe is Maw of the kitten ed ed

The right axe is Jaws Of Death

Both are approximately 1g 40s on TP

Desolation’s Only Useful Ranger ;) [GP][PT]
R500+*Thanks Gandara for the last 50…………..and all the lootbags ;)*