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Captain's Airship Pass Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashy.9721


Really ANet?! Disabling a QOL item that I paid REAL money for isn’t a solution, not even a temporary. Heck, I am so kittened right now that I am thinking about contacting support and getting a refund and be done with the shop completely. There isn’t even compensation for those who own it. You know, you could have at least sent us a Terrace Pass to use as a replacement in the meantime (even a 14 day one would be ok if you get a fix in that time). I honestly don’t get why anyone thinks it was acceptable to disable it, especially with Easter holidays coming up, and the usual patch cycle is that there are no more bugfixes until first Tuesday in April (and I hope I am wrong with this, but I doubt it).

I bet this has something to do with the fact they recently removed the barriers and enabled gliding from the airship…

Which was working fine for a few weeks now, so I doubt it. Problems started three days ago.

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Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: slashy.9721


Hammer #3 needs an improvement on the 2nd Hit especially as it always leaps the full range even if the target is close by. Everything else on Hammer seems fine (even #4 seems fine to me as you can move around while channeling).

As already pointed out, Gyros are next to useless due to their AI (as already predicted). Cooldowns are too long, they are too slow, they die too fast. Only usable about them are the toolbelt skills and those aren’t worth it.

Actually my greatest fear became true. When ANet said that it will wait until after ALL the betas until they decide for a release date I was happy.. but that changed when it was announced that a releasedate has been found while not even all of the elite specs where out and only 1 BWE left. You guys should have just waited, fixed everything and THEN settle on a release date… not set a date, unvail the 2 MOST PROBLEMATIC classes specializationslast and then hope for the best…
When I see the feedback after every BWE for the other classes and I see how many things where done after the first and the second BWE and estimate what we will see after BWE3 I feel like both Scrapper and Druid will only get 1/3 of the treatment, if at all and will probably bugged and next to useless on release

I also want to voice my opinion about legendaries on the Engineer/Scrapper:

When in comes to Engineer, there is really NO use to any legendary….

- Shield? Well nope, you throw a wodden shield, whatever skin you use.

- Pistol? Well in mainhand it’s okayish, in offhand none of the sound or visual effects work. Since Pistol dmg isn’t worth it you’ll be sitting in kits like 99% of the time and will have no effects. Even Grenade Barrage effects have been removed a while ago.

- Rifle? Most skills override the sound. Only autoattack has it really (and jump shot if you travel far enough). Except for autoattack there is no visible projectile that could be altered. Grenade Barrage and Static Discharge effects that we used to have are gone now too.

- Hammer? Autoattack has the splash effect, everything else doesn’t. Armor looks nice though. Kits? Well footprints gone, Armor gone. Nothing left.

As an engineer main with all of those legendaries (except for shield, was hoping on a good shield with HoT but will obviously not make it even IF there is one for said reasons) I feel cheated on. I feel like I wasted a good chunk of money just to have switchable stats (which are also rather useless due to the fact that we can’t switch sigills easily and some are too expensive to experiment with) that I could now have with ascended too.

Really if there won’t be any change about that with (or shortly after) HoT I will be mad.

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

(edited by slashy.9721)

HEADS UP: OAuth2 being replaced next week

in API Development

Posted by: slashy.9721


@Sylfer: Sadly it was already said that there will be no link to generate keys:

I was only reading here up until now, but since I am now getting back into developing API tools I think I need to voice my opionion:

Generally I think it is a very bad way to let users generate their API key themself needing to set all the right permissions as this is very prone to errors. This is especially true when there is no way of helping them trought the process. In case of incorrect API permissions some people would probably be fast to claim that apps simply aren’t working and just forget about them (even when the apps would clearly tell the user that his permissions are just wrong, I’ve seen that already and enough of it) which would hurt us developers too.

Since the generation-link proposal was already dismissed how about atleast the feature to let people enter a character representation of the needed flags. For example, when we have sufficient flags just bring them into a binary string and convert this into base64 or even just a normal A-Za-z0-9 interpretation. This way the apps could tell the user to enter “Adz9s2” into a box that will tick the correct boxes (ofcourse this would need some kind of checksum to ensure that typos won’t alter the flags). We could then have an non authenticated API that we feed what flags we need and get the string-representation back to ensure that everyone has the correct strings and we don’t need to depend this on third-party-libraries or selfcoding.

This way we could atleast guide users trought the process, telling them what to enter where. Also, yes I realize that this will still need the users to verify what permissions they will give, but really there’s not much difference to just telling them what to tick, because those who know about risks will check permissions anyway and those who don’t wouldn’t probably understand the impact of the permissions they are giving and just click whatever we tell them.

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

Red Envelope Carrier not showing animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slashy.9721


I’ve already reported this via /bug but since the Griffon Mail Carrier got fixed today I might aswell take it to attention here.

I’ve bought the Red Envelope Mail Carrier and when I tested it with my wife, it wouldn’t show the animation at the destination. It actually doesn’t show anything, not even the default pidgeon, the mail just arrives. However sometimes I does work, I haven’t found any information as to when it works and when not. But I tested with some in the guild and every char my wife has and from 10+ tests it “only” worked 7 times.

I really would like to see this fixed.

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashy.9721


Yeah, it’d be nice if they removed the achievements for it. But, doesn’t really matter to me as I’m never going to be doing the Toypocalypse this year. I like to play with friends or do things that make new friends. The Toypocalypse does neither this year.

That’s exactly why I want it removed. Because you WONT get the Meta-Achievement without it and it’s just not fun like this.
Btw I have already done the meta so I really don’t care, but I have many friends and almost all of my guild who will be missing out on the Meta because of this.

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashy.9721


Since for needed reasons we can’t join Toypocalypse with a group can we please just remove them from the Meta-Achievement. Doing them with randoms is just a pain in general.

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Green Rune/Sigil Boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashy.9721


There’s 2 different boxes, ones that just give you random and one that let’s you choose.

But yea, I too would like the Choose one to be gone, especially since you have to click yet another confirmation-box for it, which is annoying, unneeded and crashed my client about 5 times yesterday, so I don’t even open them anymore.

Bottom line: Too many clicks needed for all those things.

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

dawn of the season still bugged !

in WvW

Posted by: slashy.9721


sit back and relax, it does NOT count towards the meta and does NOT give any points – think of it as a broken light on an advert sign.. there’s more serious stuff to fix

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

Tequatl bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slashy.9721


asynch timer again

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of