Showing Posts For slayerjuice.9416:

[NUDE] is lfm fun peeps to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: slayerjuice.9416


We are on an NA server, just to be clear. We’ve gotten so many new members from this thread, and are very excited to have such a great group of new and experienced players!

[NUDE] is lfm fun peeps to play with

in Looking for...

Posted by: slayerjuice.9416


What timezone are you guys in? Mine’s GMT +8. If you guys are on EST the difference is day & night. It’s currently 9AM here and it’s 8PM EST.

Quite interested in joining, but if the timezone difference is huge, I wouldn’t see the point

I personally play EST, however, I have people from all time zones currently except Aussies, Hawaii, New Zealanders. Not saying there are a lot on at all times but that there are some at least that play almost all time zones. I have Americans that play daytime which would be your night time/prime time.
If you don’t want to make an invest to move servers before knowing if you’ll like it you can always make a free to play account on the server and check us out before deciding if we are a good fit for you.

Can I get an invite and see how many are on when I play? I’m in college so my playtime schedule naturally changes every 4 months or so, unless I get the same schedule the following semester.

Invite sent! Looking forward to meeting you!

Astralaria IV: Star Chart: Gnarl of Melandru

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slayerjuice.9416


OK, the description on the chart is horrible.

For anyone trying to finish this, you have to go to a platform halfway between the Sun Essence and the Sylvan Chest to get the item.

Is the platform up in the tree?