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HoT = GWoW2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: snappy.1248


Can you please stop using reputation instead of mastery. You just look silly now.

A mastery implies that you advance in a task by doing the very same. Traditional mastery systems include crafting, as you process through crafting levels by – wait for it – crafting.

If we talk about masteries, let’s say gliding and mushroom jumping, you should advance in these masteries by – wait for it – using your glider and jumping on mushrooms. You master stuff by doing it.


You are not mastering “Masteries” in GW2:HoT by doing them. You gain xp on a chosen xp-bar, let’s say gliding. You will never have to even touch the glider, you can just level the whole thing by killing boars.

There is no mastering involved, as even if you are the crappiest glider in the whole Maguuma jungle, as long as you earned enough xp by doing random stuff, you still have “mastered” it somehow. It’s a bit like buying a title, like Ph. D. for money and claim that you are smart.

This on the other hand, is how all reputation systems work. The difference is that you are not doing the task you want to improve, but doing stuff for the “task” to improve your rank.

So in the end, the “masteries” in HoT are simply (mis)labeled reputations. Like we say “professions” instead of “classes” or “boons” instead of “buffs” or “conditions” instead of “debuffs”… ANet loves to name stuff differently, for whatever reason…

It looks like you are grasping at straws here. You seem to be the only one to see them as reputation grinding. If anything this sounds like alternate progression systems in other games. EQ used to have a very robust alternate progression system and no one ever called it reputation grinding. I think you are getting too hung up on this.

Thaumanova Reactor = Important in GW2 lore

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: snappy.1248


Haha, of course he will say it’s important. What do you expect him to say – “guys it’s crap and completely unrelated to anyting”.

Kiel vs Evon ~ We all know who wins.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: snappy.1248


I voted for Evon. I personally don’t like “monsters” as you put it but I love the charr! Plus I would much rather play the fall of abaddon which centers around the actual fall of abaddon when he was banished by the other 5 gods.

I am surprised people care about a blown up asura experiment. Soooooooooooooooooooounds soooo boring

Please rework Adnul Irongut

in Living World

Posted by: snappy.1248


Eat food and he will lose. I destroyed by eating regen food Also use the boast signature ability to reduce the health you lose when you are forced to drink (use at low health).

Do the freq LS updates keep you playing?

in Living World

Posted by: snappy.1248


I hate the temporary nature of the content. It feels like an obligation to login and rush to get the achievements before they are gone. I don’t like it! It’s exactly the opposite of what they said initially – that we would be able to play the way we want. Sure you can say you can skip the LS, no one’s forcing you to play it. But then again I can say the same thing for WoW. I don’t like raids but I am not forced to do them or anything. Does that mean I get to choose the way I play without being punished?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: snappy.1248


Just wanted to say that I’ve played this game with no problems since the beginning and suddenly the last 3 days, I’ve been lagging like crazy. Not just the dragons either, like most of you here, it takes 3-5 seconds for any skill to react. Sometimes I’m just standing there and the next thing I’m dead. Makes it impossible to play. Even crafting, gathering etc. is slow. I also got disconnected several times today. I don’t understand what is going on. My internet connection is fine.

This pretty much sums up my experience in the last 3-4 days. It’s unplayable now………

Lack of trinity makes this game boring I think

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: snappy.1248


I disagree, rather strongly, actually. I think that removing the fixed roles that a Trinity would force onto everyone is one of this this game’s best selling points. You can play your class in a lot of different ways, instead of “Oh, your a healer? Heal. You’re a tank? Sit there and soak up damage.” It allows for more freedom in each class, and makes it so that there’s more than one way of playing it. Bland classes have ruined a lot of MMOs for me, and it’s always because your forced to play every class in one specific way or you die.

While I understand that it sort of makes all the classes “Good at everything; great at nothing” that’s not really a big problem for me. But, I can see why people who like being told exactly what they have to do could be disappointed.

I rather strongly disagree with what you said. It’s not that I enjoy being told exactly what I should do but I hate the fact that I can’t play a healer as this is what I enjoy the most. In GW2 I am forced to play DPS cause that’s what most classes’s main role is really. All classes dps and throw in some support here and there. That pretty much sums it up.

New Living Story Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: snappy.1248


I agree with loneknight. I like the slow burn it’s taking on. I don’t feel rushed, and I feel like it’s something slowly revealing itself over time. It allows people to discover it at their own pace as part of their normal travels in Tyria, not something they have to quickly rush out and “do”. So well done, I really like it. it gives us time to really wonder what is happening up north

I agree with this. I prefer this slow approach. I don’t want it be rushed. If it happens too quickly, it feels like we are forced to do it asap or we are going to miss it. Also there’s this mystery over what’s happening. I would understand people wanting this to be released quicker if it was a pay to play MMO but you are not losing any money while waiting for the next update in the living story.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: snappy.1248


The network lag has been insane these last few days. It’s definitely not my ISP as I can play any other online game with 0 lag but GW2 lags like crazy. I am playing on Aurora Glade (EU) from the UK. Last two nights I log in around prime time and the game is unplayable so end up logging off as I can’t play anything with this kind of lag.

EU Players with Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: snappy.1248


Game is completely unplayable for me. Lag spikes all the time. 3-4 sec skill activation delay and it’s been like this for the better part of a week now. Sometimes I log in and it’s fine but around peak time is just unplayable. I know it’s not my ISP as I have tried playing other online games and I don’t experience any lag in them while literally at the same time I am lagging like crazy in GW2. Chat works without any delay oddly enough.