Showing Posts For sobaki.6523:

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: sobaki.6523


First, I usually do not reply or feed into the trolling of this thread. However, I will just join in and have fun feeding the troll. Last night, RAM/CL took on the Mag Zerg at Anz. Two times Mag decided to take the camp then build trebs, which shows that with AC being OP tactics are changing. RAM/CL attacked from the camp side with a force of about 20. They were really out numbered. Yes, they lost most of their force but were able to take at least some of trebs down. They recalled and came back to take the rest down with a Yaks Zerg helping, that was the first encounter.

The second encounter was much easier. Mag took the camp built 5 trebs. Ram/CL
decided a new tactic they built 1 treb and took out Mag’s 5 trebs with ease and of course Mag quickly ran after their trebs went down.

Now a quick look at the numbers, RAM/CL had around 20 ppl. Mag built 5 trebs which would mean they had at least 50 ppl just for the supply needed to build the trebs. I know the numbers could be a little lower if ppl were carrying more then 10 supply. However, on the first attempt RAM/CL failed on the first attack. So learning from, their first failure, they built a treb and stayed at a distance and took out 5 trebs with zero loss of ppl.

I would say RAM/CL learned to adapt to the battle field and won. I guess if you are talking smack about RAM/CL not wanting to attack a larger force with brute strength but instead use intelligence and tactics to accomplish the same task. RAM/CL will always beat you in long run MomentofWeakness.

So, yes you wiped most of them the first time at Anz, but you gave us a lot of bags in the battles in SM and outside of SM. My only request is that you do not run with your tail between your legs when you get your Zerg butt handed to you next time, then come back after most of RAM/CL log for the night.

I salute you Momentof Weakness, Mag, and Kain may we meet on the field and have fun again owning each other. I have enjoyed the matches a lot more then the weeks with the SEA DB Zerg.