Showing Posts For soupreme.6540:

8/2 Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Maguuma

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


so this is what oceanic roaming against jq looks like……… (10:47pm east coast australia)

also, why does jq pride themselves on playing to win, and winning “by all means” yet stay on the bottom of t1.


Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

8/2 Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Maguuma

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Guise i found out how to win sea/oceanic times —- its by playing better!!!!!! coverage has nothing to do with it!!!! (See attached (also sorry for teh terrible paint skillz, i no gud at art)).


Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

6/7 Fort Aspenwood/Maguuma/Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Hey is the OG guild still around with bunzy or w.e his name was. Its been awhile since i last fought mag lol

I believe it’s SWaG : still winning and grinning now

This is incorrect, OG is still around.

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Thanks ME for the GvG tonight!


who won :O

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


to the mag Mesmer from [ME], we fight, you start to lose, your zerg wipes me, you /laugh.. I only wish there was an emote for times like this, its called /looksatthescore and then /laugh

If its a 1v1 you’re after I’m more than happy to stomp you. and will probably laugh on your body.


Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


What I really find funny about all of this… Mag is a good server with some really good PVP guilds, players and commanders, and I have fought them several times on 2 different servers now.

SBI I don’t know much about them, but I have seen some really strong groups of them pulling off some smart squad tactics.

The thing that is very sad to see is people from Mag and SBI posting things about hackers to justify their losses. I would also like to say that It isn’t the people from the good guilds that I give full props to above. I guess there is always going to be someone that is just so uber the only way they could lose is because of a hack. I mean it wouldn’t have anything to do with them running a glass cannon build they got off Youtube and charging into AC fire…. So how does that go again… 25/30/0/0/15 then 22222 WTF im dead???? The guy on Youtube didn’t die must be a hack…

DB has been fighting servers with a full crew day and night with the same numbers that Mag and SBI can field for months. Through all of that there was very little accusations of hacking. Now bring in a new match up and suddenly all these accusations start popping up.

My question is simply this: Is it that there is actual hacking going on? Or are there just some people from Mag and SBI that can’t handle the fact that you are going to lose this week and, since you cant win in the game you have to come here and QQ to justify your loss? Yes this match-up is a very bad one.. Neither Mag or SBI has a night crew, and no matter how good your groups are every day you will walk into a map that is solid green, and honestly that is simply not fair to either of your servers.

If you see someone hacking by all means report them regardless of the server they are from, but don’t fill the match forum with QQ about it when every thing that all 3 servers have fought for and won or loss had almost nothing to do with anything but pure grinding of forces sometimes for hours at a time. Don’t take away the dignity of the attackers or defenders by crying hacker.

On a side note I would like to state that Anet screwed the kitten with this match-up. As well as the changes made to siege. Congrats Anet you have managed to change WvW from Squad tactics to a contest of who can turtle with 12 AC’s behind a choke point the longest.

I thought [GASM] died, got eaten up by the DB bandwagon… (Just like Protocol [PRO])

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


AHAHAHAHA… ha… ha..

table flip

Well, it’d be nice to have a taste of upper tier tactics again. <_<

If ‘upper tier tactics’ means bigger zergs then yes ;_;

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

05/24 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


so much kitten hurt ITT rofl

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Going to start up a fight club in Maguuma borderlands near the windmill. Come on down and have some fun.

best fight club NA

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Not any better than BV

Resorting to killing people at fight club.
So classy of them~

It’s because they lose all 1v1’s obviously.

Yuuppp! I had fun killing all the BV people. I was the asuran mesmer Ze Illusionists..


did you read my sig…? (its me salad :O)

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Not any better than BV

Resorting to killing people at fight club.
So classy of them~

It’s because they lose all 1v1’s obviously.

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: soupreme.6540


any NA grenth open?

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: soupreme.6540


So far I have no respect for [DER~P] and [PYRO]. Constantly hoping maps to take on easy opponents, cry in publicity, and bad-mouthing others.

I hope this isn’t most of the Mag’s WvW population.

About 95% of threads are made in Mag. Giving bad impressions almost everywhere FYI.

So map hopping is now considered disrespectful?

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: soupreme.6540


snipity snap

wut is this… i dont even…

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: soupreme.6540


Shoutout to the FoW commander (Dragun Knight) and his group last night. We had some epic fights at the south east camp (kain bl). We would kill a few then they would run back (from their spawn) and rez the supervisor; which happened a few times. I managed to get a few screenshots near the end just before they got some reinforcements which ended up wiping our 4 man group.

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]

(edited by soupreme.6540)

4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: soupreme.6540


SEA is maguuma’s go to QQ in PvF pinch it’s so funny. Such poor sports its really sad. I’m sad for you, your PvF warriors sound like broken records.

This is hilarious coming from an EA.
I was gonna pass up on mentioning this but after reading this I couldn’t help myself.
A couple nights ago when a small group of Mags and I (about 10 of us) took a tower from 4 DB (3 of which were EA). After we had capped the tower the group of EA decided to add me to the party and insult me, accuse me of exploiting and even complained about us ‘zerging’ (lol). Calling us poor sports whilst yourself being just as bad is quite ironic.
(Semi-side note: the guy was so mad he didn’t even ask me to leave party, he LEFT WvW to LA just so he could kick me from party.)
(I also have the name of the person who was raging at me.)

Guardian – Too Much Salad … Ranger – Salad N (Pet)
[OG] / [VR]