Showing Posts For spacin.1234:

*--> Crash <--* MainCli.cpp(510)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: spacin.1234


“How can 100’s of users have faulty memory and experience crashes. Something isn’t right here, forget memtest, the issue is with GW2. There is no way this game has uncovered 1000’s of users with faulty hardware / memory.

I had no crashes during beta, but it started happening after a few initial patches after release. I crash about 10 times per hour, sometimes instantly upon map load. My computer has never had any issues before with any game.

I’m 100% sure there is a bug with the client and has nothing to do with faulty hardware. Can we go past using memtest and start looking at the real problem here please."

^ This

I have ran Memtest86+ and no errors. GPU is stock clock. All other apps/games run fine. Something is borked somewhere and its not my PC.