Showing Posts For spectral.5298:
Hello there.
Yesterdays patch seem to have changed a functionality of about face for a pretty important mesmer movement trick. In my case I was doing it this way (free camera enabled):
Left click( to lock) -> about face -> Phase Retreat -> about face
Today however I noticed the second about face doesnt work. There wouldnt be any problem IF right mouse click right after phase retreat put character in current camera direction, but instead the right click soon after PR moves camera back to characters back (the right click problem was ever since i remember). It makes PR turn pretty impossible to execute if not doing it with manual camera turn which is alot slower).
Is there any reason for this change?
Ultimately it would be really nice to have one of these issues fixed.
Maybe its just me. Could someone confirm the change?
EDIT: The reason i mentioned right click after about faced PR is because when you about face and blink/withdraw(thief)/Initiative roll(thief)/light flash(ele)/shadowstep(thief) you CAN continue to run after right clicking, without camera returning to your back.
(edited by spectral.5298)
Yeah I also think it’s shame mesmer gets no attention at all.
When it comes to daily I thought of good altarnative (only PvP daily):
- PvP daily is generated per account (everyone get diffrent set of possible achis) to prevent one profession floods (those 4 man thief teams) as well as objective farming (5 people standing on point waiting for enemy to stomp to get defender – because as every PvP player knows – people do not go practice for daily but straight arena – which is supposed to be competitive). see Lishtenbird.2814 first post
- Profession pool generated from account slots, so you actually get profession you want to play and have certain degree of experience with. (Optional)
What do you guys think?
(edited by spectral.5298)