Showing Highly Rated Posts By st elmos fire.2987:

[GUIDE VIDEO] power shatter vs thieves.

in Mesmer

Posted by: st elmos fire.2987

st elmos fire.2987

Hey everyone. I´m Flux and here is my new pretty comprehensive guide video.

I see a lot of ppl having difficulties vs thieves as a power mesmer and a video like this was reguested from me a several times. I really hope this guide helps some ppl to deal with thieves better.

For me it was actually pretty hard guide to make cos fighting thieves is a lot about knowing how they play and like to do stuff. Predicting is a big part when fighting them. There is still a lot of tricks what you can do and you can find them from the guide.

I know that power mesmer is not very popular choise right now but some ppl still play it and maybe in the future if we get buffs this guide will help a lot more new and experiensed players.

Tell me what you think.

Aka Flux

Outnumbered WvW shatter mesmer montage

in Mesmer

Posted by: st elmos fire.2987

st elmos fire.2987

Go check out my first youtube video and tell me what you think.

Aka Flux

[video] Chronomancer GS shatter combo guide

in Mesmer

Posted by: st elmos fire.2987

st elmos fire.2987

Hey ppl.
I made a greatsword shatter combo guide for mesmers. I hope some ppl find it useful.
Tell me what you think.

Aka Flux

[video] WvW shatter mesmer 1v4

in Mesmer

Posted by: st elmos fire.2987

st elmos fire.2987

Yes the video is sped up a little Vash. I can try to make my next video with original speed.

Thx DoomKnightMax! I hope that too.

Berserker shatter all the way!

Aka Flux