[HL] Hellbound Legion – Yak’s Bend
Showing Posts For steokehoe.9607:
[HL] Hellbound Legion – Yak’s Bend
Hey there,
I have a problem with Fractals atm, I currently run Nike from DnT’s gs & axe/mace build with full zerk gear, ruby orbs and the traits 30/25/0/0/15. It is a fantastic build and when i am running dungeons/fractals with my guildies, it works perfect and i barely even need to dodge as fights dont last very long (full zerk builds on them too)
Now my problem is when i pug dungeons/fractals, i seem to be the only one that goes full Zerk, rest of them do very little damage, and i get focused down by bosses hard.
I noticed this in particular the other day when mossman followed me in circles for the whole fight and basically ignored the rest of the party, this is fine for low level fractals as i mostly time my dodges correctly, and when i do miss one his damage (without agony pre 10) wont insta kill me and i can heal up. I am ok with having to stay on my toes, but kiting a boss for a full fight while my team barely dpsed the boss bit by bit was a painful experience).
Is there a way i can Tanky up a little to survive fights a little better while doing comparable damage (I dont wanna just full PVT it and be as bad as the rest of them).
Any tips would be nice,
[HL] Hellbound Legion – Yak’s Bend
Wow, great build thanks for sharing, been looking at it quite a while but only went with it the last couple days. Staff aoe makes 1vx very feasible and active defense of phase retreat scepter block and f4 shatter make up for the compartively low health pool, while stacking toughness reduces damage intake anyway.
I am running with zerk weapons (same sigils you use) a cavalier back piece and zerk amulet, then carion accs, rabid rings (mainly cause i am poor :P).
Went looking for fights on reset, had a few 1v1s, a couple 2v1s and an amzing 3v1 against a Bronze Assaulter(commmander warrior) Colonel(ranger) and Silver recruit thief, unfortunately, if the thief was any other class i might have one, but i eventually stomped the ranger, but he just kept ressing the warr when i downed him, and as he was a D/P thief i couldnt focus him down as he spent 99% of his time stealthed :/ but oh well great fight nonetheless and i died with honor.
Seriously good build, you should post more vids of yourself using it though
[HL] Hellbound Legion – Yak’s Bend
(edited by steokehoe.9607)
As an unbiased spectator, can I mention that warriorjrd should stop being a forum warrior and go try to get laid, cause jeez man you need it. Do you realise how arrogant you sound. Your making INVI look bad please stop.
[HL] Hellbound Legion – Yak’s Bend
Well I suppose we can only see how long it takes for Desolation to realise what DVG were doing for the server. Running a pain train once a week doesn’t win match ups funnily enough. Oh well.
[HL] Hellbound Legion – Yak’s Bend