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Great news guys!
Anet Dev did respond in a reddit thread earlier today.
Link here:
I also wanted to state how displeased I am. I just came back from a 1.5 year hiatus and I actually just crafted it tonight and I am extremely dissapointed to find out that the night time glow got taken out. And yes…I did check what it looked like per the wiki, multiple videos, etc. I guess it never got updated or stated that the glow got removed. I made it under the assumption that it was still there…
I hope this gets fixed.
Like many others have said, RTL nerf is definitely over the top. I went from using my ele main to doing dailies to switching to my lvl 20 warrior to knock them out because its so much quicker getting around. It was definitely nerfed as a knee-jerk reaction to people crying that they couldnt catch us in pvp.
I’m sure anet’s vision for the spell is to be a gap closer and not a gap creator (which explains why you do not get hit by a cooldown for actually hitting something). But what I do not understand is why they couldn’t just make it so that the spell stays at 20seconds if you hit a target or you are out of combat. That way, we can still travel and get around quickly like many of the classes, and it still falls in line with the idea that the spell be used as a gap closer (while in combat).
Sorry for my ignorance on the matter if something was not right, but having a nerf on Pve because people complains in Pvp does not really seem fair to me, WvW should be considered pvp in my opinion, I’d just like to be the mobile class Arenanet told us it should’ve been at launch.
Anet said that? When?
Also, mobility doesn’t help much in PvE. If you need RtL to leave PvE every 15 seconds you’re doing it wrong.
I think you are missing the point. Some people (like myself) would rather get from point A to point B quickly so we can do whatever we wanted to do instead of putting on auto-run and alt-tabbing to make posts like this on the forum to kill time. Let’s face it, after a while, traveling becomes a bore and nuisance.