Showing Posts For suncake.1753:

How to tell if opponents are Solo or Premade?

in PvP

Posted by: suncake.1753


Sorry if this is obvious. Same goes for your teammates. I keep hearing people talk about playing with/against a pre-made group of X players. Aside from Guild tags, how can you tell? Thanks!

PVE Solo Roaming?

in Elementalist

Posted by: suncake.1753


Thanks for the reply. My aversion to LH isn’kittens (edit: really, Anet?) effectiveness, just that its auto-attack heavy playstyle goes against what I think makes eles fun. But perhaps I should revisit it again.

I agree with you though that the essence of my problem is that 99% of ele builds focus on stacking might/fury for a small group, yet this doesn’t seem efficient when solo roaming.

PVE Solo Roaming?

in Elementalist

Posted by: suncake.1753


Filthy casual checking in. Because I don’t play enough anymore to keep track of the current dungeon meta and hardly ever wvw/pvp, lately, I mostly wander around Tyria or do LS. Coming from a guardian, ele’s have always seemed a much, much harder class. I heal less, die to all ranged attacks, do less damage, etc. Clearly, I’m doing something fundamentally wrong.

All the builds I see are tailored for either WvW, PvP, Dungeons, or Fractals. Basically, the hard content. No one bothers to give builds for casual PVE content (that I can find), because it’s deemed to be so easy that any optimization is unnecessary. However, I find myself quickly running out of dodges, taking ages to kill mobs, and having insufficient healing to sustain myself over the lengthy fight. A recent example being groups of ranged mobs in Dry Top.

I mostly run d/d because I find it the most fun. However, my options seem to be either:
(A) Run a x/x/x/6/6 build so I can survive ranged attacks/conditions after my dodges run out. Unfortunately, my damage output is so low that tedium sets in and I find myself running past most mobs.
(B) Run something like 6/6/2/0/0, do more damage. And die to everything.

I’m wearing a mix of exotic PVT & beserker gear (to help with survivability) with ruby orbs, and ascended amulets & dagger.

I was wondering if you kind folks knew of a more middle-of-the-road approach for a casual PVE roaming ele, preferably D/D (without a heavy reliance on LH). Appreciate it!