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Zerg Fest?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: supafreak.8942


If it isn’t instance it would be a zerg fest, I am going to assume you hate doing open world content.

They will be a zerg by virtue of being in the open world, assuming it is open world. If you hate seeing other players you might be playing the wrong game, slick.

It’s not a matter of not liking to see other people it’s that everything is always a mess not just this event. I enjoy fighting alongside people but this is just foolishness.

Every living story battle, every wvw battle, every world event =
Blow all cooldowns, sidestep aoe, blow all cooldowns, sidestep aoe , repeat untill mob is dead, get token. Meanwhile try not to have a seizure from all the colours.
I decided to try again after being gone almost a year and not a thing has changed.

Same old reskinned sorry excuses for content with some new node to click on, a new zerg, and a new kind of token to buy skins with.

New to GW2 LFGuild [Jade Quarry][WvW][Pvx]

in Guilds

Posted by: supafreak.8942


Old school Pokemon of course ^

New to GW2 LFGuild [Jade Quarry][WvW][Pvx]

in Guilds

Posted by: supafreak.8942


I just bought GW2, and looking for an organized, friendly people to learn the fine details with and eventually WvW the crap out of this game, as well as some PVE
What I want from a guild:
-active!, plenty of members, nice people, intelligent mature guildies, but with humor (dont care about age as long as chat is bareable)organization(at least some idea of what we are doing) plans for WvW (could be a general plan or detailed strategy- Id love to see bottom up structure- groups of 4-5 with specific tasks with leaders, who are part of larger divisions with their own leader, etc etc At least from time to time), teamwork

What I do not want:
Elitism (there’s a difference between suggesting builds, and being a kitten), forced play( I have a job, and it is getting nice outside I cant play every Friday, tuesday, whatever. And even If I could and wanted to the fact Im being forced to makes it a chore),
Mic is kind of on the fence for me. Im willing to use Voice Chat for WvW but dont want forced Mic use all the time

A little about me.
I consider myself to be a courteous and competent player. Im mature, but have a sense of humor. Ive been playing MMO’s since early SWG. I always help when I can even at the detriment to myself. Ive been playing SWTOR since beta and did allot of PVP, (Got accustomed to using about 30 quickeys every battle) min maxing, questing, and enjoying the story but BW has let me down and I cant blindly overlook its major flaws, nickel diming, and lack of meaningful PVP. So, prejudice aside I actually looked at GW2 and it looks awesome! The mechanics are very interesting too. Im hoping it’ll fill my PVP needs.
I dont RP, but Im okay with it to a small degree, sometimes it’s fun to throw in Medieval speech for laughs but I dont go so far as to hit on female toons, use ingame racism, or create backstories
I like to plan my characters to make them as good as I can( I spend alllot of time EV training and breeding pokemon)

Fun fact: My characters are named after Tolkien Sindarin elvish words and dwarvish(khuzdul)

If you feel you have a place for me hit me up via mail here