Showing Posts For sweetlou.9231:
I feel like this is such an easy change to make. Please Anet make this happen!
As far as I am concerned it is a bug since other effects work on back pieces and weapons.
I really love the refractors, but there is a annoying bug present. The refractor only turns your character model a different color and leaves your back item and weapon normal. Other items in the game like the Omnomberry Ghosts apply their effects properly. Please Anet fix this!
Full Chaos armor with effects to match the weapons.
So this is more of a request than anything. Is there any way that Anet could change the way the Poly-luminescent Undulating Refractor works? It would be extremely sweet if it not only changed your character model color, but also the color of your weapon and your back item. Omnomberry Ghost’s already do this. I was just hoping that Anet could make my day and make this tiny change.
How do I get my Ancient Mariner’s Oilcloth Bag?