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SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


Single lonely ele sentrying Vale seeks companions thief clad in orange with the Gas Mask from SF on JQ…

I am looking for you, friend

~~~~wvw missed encounters~~~~

they are either unwilling to admit to being said thief, or no longer online, sorry

Haha that’s ok, it was just fun to wave at each other and dance!! It was sorbl if that helps

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


Single lonely ele sentrying Vale seeks companions thief clad in orange with the Gas Mask from SF on JQ…

I am looking for you, friend

~~~~wvw missed encounters~~~~

JQ/TC/Maguuma 11/1/13 - Week 3

in Match-ups

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


TC’s number one rising GvG guild, [SPYS] is now recruiting dedicated people, inquire within.

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


Honestly I’m not even going to touch Diamond Skin as a trait option because there is still no reason for an elementalist in WvW to trait 30 points into earth at the sacrifice of everything else. The cantrips build is the only viable support build we have right now (speaking from 1800 hours of WvW experience on an ele here) and what you call “dependence” on Arcana is instead the only viable option we have to counter zerg play. Even d/d roamers take 30 in water and arcane; it’s considered necessary in order to survive in the WvW setting. Any ele that does not take trait points in those two trees gets 14k crit by thief roamers and is ineffectual in group settings. I find it offensive that people here are talking about “breaking” eles of “relying” on Arcana. This blames the users for trying to master what are, in my opinion, broken mechanics. And until we have more viable options for build variety, I will be sticking with my cantrips build. However, it baffles me that you would punish people for traiting into water and Arcana when you say you want to “break” them of this, and instead force them to trait /more/ into those trees to get the same basic benefits that define the class. Especially if you want people to instead trait more into Earth, or into Fire and Air. How do you expect us to have survivability without the lowest two trees? By abusing this new mechanic you want to come out with? I want the eles here to go into WvW and get hit with /one/, even /one/ hammer strike and see if you remain invulnerable to conditions. And, once you’re vulnerable to them, good luck! Because you’ve not traited into water and arcane, and you have no way to combat them any longer.

I am not addressing PvE dungeon speed running builds for eles because these require no survivability and honestly no skill. It doesn’t take skill to trait for power and summon a lightning hammer.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


So you want to take away some of the need for eles to go into arcane and you actually do exactly the opposite by moving multiple mandatory traits up in tier you force people to invest even more and even more trait points in water and arcane. Also people who go high in arcane go for “evasive arcane” NOT for the attunement cooldown.
You basically doom us to set ourself in stone with 30 water 30 arcane and 10 whatever, the attunement recharge won’t matter and diamond skin genuinely made me laugh. I wish good luck to everyone who decides to test spending 30 trait points and trying to stay over 90% health in PvP often enough for it to be a trait that justifies the investment and sacrifice of everything else.
I am not even joking when I say this I really don’t know how you guys play ele if you play it at all.

Quoted for kitten truth…I hope anet reconsiders some of these changes to arcane and water to avoid “power creep” when the “power” we are getting is not even worth going for. So basically we end up with unneeded nerfs. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

I agree with these posts very strongly. For those of us in the WvW community these changes are mind baffling.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


While I appreciate the effort here, I think Diamond skin has some potential, and I think that the balance patch will be great for eles who trait into fire and air, the fact remains that I feel that support eles are shoe-horned into the traditional 0/0/10/30/30 cantrips build. This patch buffs the elemental attunement rate which is great! Being attunement locked is never fun! But in no other way touches support staff cantrips. Maybe the devs feel that the cantrips build is a perfect build that doesn’t need to be touched at all. However, it is frustrating to try to play a dedicated elementalist in WvW and really only have one meta build available to you in group settings (this is not addressing roaming eles, which have plenty of awesome builds at their disposal and will have even more after the patch). This could also be reinforcing the ideal that big group-style play is not encouraged in WvW; however, while it remains the norm, so will the cantrips build remain the most effective. Therefore, unfortunately, this patch will do very little for me except on the rare occasion I step into PvE to dungeon run.

Isle of Janthir Defeats Tequatl the Sunless!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


I would be interested to see if anyone has stream from TC’s perspective—as embarrassing as it is to hear my own voice, I’d love for the proof and the resource to be out there. Thank you to IoJ for letting us invade your server for a while. I hope we helped in any way, in getting your chests

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: tayloriusrex.4532


From the perspective of a guester on BG yesterday, everyone was quite hospitable in the teamspeak as long as the people were willing to work, and even went so far as to tell us that some of their guilds were recruiting, should we wish to make BG our home. The group of people in VOIP were nothing short of incredible; organized, dedicated, and supportive of one another, spending each hour between fights discussing strategy, handing out free food to people who needed buffs, and gearing up to do it again. Once they beat him, I have it on stream that the first thing people said (after congrats) was that they needed to tell the other servers that communication is key—which it is.

It was also my experience that exceedingly few people actually did guest. From Tarnished Coast it was only me and another guild member in the Teamspeak. And after the kill, we immediately left the server, returning to our own and have been trying to help the TC mumble do the fight all day. I know it can be frustrating to feel like your home server is being invaded and that BG natives aren’t getting priority in order to get into the instance. So, for my part in taking up server spots, I apologize. However, I knew that BG would be the server to learn from, and I worked just as hard as everyone else.

I have the utmost respect for the people on Blackgate, they did an amazing job and have been able to replicate it through skill and dedication. Now I just hope I can help do my part to ensure that TC completes the fight.