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Retribution is beyond broken right now [Merged thread]

in Personal Story

Posted by: tclark.8956


There’s no possible way this mission works as intended, since I just spent the last 30+ minutes fighting in the courtyard and constantly killing zombies and getting nowhere.
Reviving didn’t help. Restarting at a checkpoint if I died actually set me back farther.
The zombies are immune to cripple once they frenzy, despite at least one person here saying how he kited them.
I see people saying to kite the veterans out of the courtyard, which I had been attempting before posting here, but they reset and heal themselves fairly quickly once you get them out of the courtyard. Kiting the zombies in circles works to a point, but given that the frenzy and remove all crippling effects, hit for a ton of damage, are too numerous for dodge to really help with, and respawn as fast or faster than you can kill them… yeah. I could kite and kill quite a few even though cripple wasn’t working, but after half an hour and realizing that I was actually worse off than when I started the event, there didn’t seem to be a point to doing it anymore.
Killing the veterans before the NPC’s die may be possible, but considering something killed almost all of them in one swoop when the fight started that doesn’t seem likely. Pulling some out from the group didn’t work, either, since they shout for help and others charge from a fair distance away (they either reset or bring friends). If I started to revive someone, they’d make a beeline at me from across the courtyard, distance didn’t matter.
If this is how it’s supposed to be, well, forget it. I’ll go play something that’s more fun than slamming my privates in a door.

Oficial RP servers. How hard is to make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tclark.8956


Tarnished Coast is just another server. It’s an unofficial RP server because RP’ers needed somewhere to designate as home and nowhere was marked that way for them, but it is just a regular server; there’s a lot of non-RP people there, too. There would need to be a new server made to make it RP designated and still be fair to the people who went to TC with no idea that it was home to RP’ers…they couldn’t just change that now.

I don’t like that they didn’t designate an RP server for launch, but it’s too late now.


in Ranger

Posted by: tclark.8956



Mistake #1 A ranger doesn’t specialize in ranged combat, that’s a misnomer generated by the name. The ranger is someone who ranges far and wide, essentially meaning someone who travels great distances.

Have you read the class description?

“Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows”

It isn’t a misnomer. If you want to argue that, Warriors are better (a lot better) with melee weapons, too.

Whats up with Duel Axes???

in Warrior

Posted by: tclark.8956


Look at the adrenaline buildup next time you use it with a couple of things close to you, and you’ll understand why it’s good. It’s even good for that single target, really.

It’s not garbage and it’s definitely not low enough damage to discount the ability entirely even if you don’t like the other effects for some reason.

Quay - Its pronouced "Key"......

in Audio

Posted by: tclark.8956


It’s pronounced “key” here in America, too, unless someone is mispronouncing it.
It’s Cen like “century” and Taur like “Taurus”, as well. Centaur (sen-tore).

Quay is an unusual one only because it’s not a commonly used word and the written word looks nothing like it actually sounds, so it’s misused frequently.

Buoy is a regional dialect thing, and it’s pretty much accepted as “boo-ee” through most of the U.S., with only a few parts still using “boy” regularly. It has multiple potential ancestors, which contributes to its varied uses, where Quay is pretty much key anywhere anyone is pronouncing it correctly.

Six Easy Steps to Fix Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: tclark.8956



1. Long animation abilities.
There are some Ele abilities that would be good but have animations that are WAY too long. I would recommend cutting the animation time in half at least. If damage needs to be adjusted to account for the faster animations, so be it. The abilities are Dragon’s Tooth (Scepter), Shatterstone (Scepter), Ice Spike (Staff), Eruption (Staff), Churning Earth (OH Dagger), and Comet (Focus).

From a PVE perspective only:

This is a huge issue, and severely impacts damage potential. It’s extremely punishing for so many key abilities to be so dependent on an enemy staying in one place for a long period of time, and renders a number of them either useless or just bad enough to ignore far too often. I honestly think this one issue you point out being fixed would erase a lot of the complaints people have about the class.

Eruption is one of my favorite abilities we have, but takes so long to get off that it’s nearly impossible to actually -use- once combat has started (it works as an opener since it doesn’t draw aggro until it fires). It has a cast time, and a 4-second fire for a damage over time effect… that’s a ridiculous amount of time to build up to the potential damage output of the ability. The only fights where it’d be extremely useful would be on stationary boss fights, but then you run into stacking bleed issues with other classes and its use becomes questionable.

It’s probably the harshest of the bunch, but it makes the same point about all of them. Even monsters in PVE don’t stand still long enough for these abilities to be effective on a regular basis.

The entire staff line has a lot of that problem, though. Fire is hampered by a slow firing auto-attack that doesn’t hit extremely hard. Lava Font requires something to stand on it for its full duration to be really useful. The #3 ability becomes useless entirely if you manage burn from something else, but it’s almost mandatory to keep that up in the first place to do any real damage. Earth is very similar to Fire, only with different (and still very good) defensive skills; slow auto attack for low damage, and Eruption. Air is useless against a single target damage-wise, but good for control.

The abilities either need to be faster to make up for the lower damage, or need to hit much harder to make up for being difficult to land. As it is now, they’re both slow and don’t hit all that hard. Our survivability is, I think, something people who chose elementalist expected; they just need the damage to make that fragility worthwhile.

Churning Earth is the only one I would disagree with, because while it is slow to fire it’s also the only ability that actually has a massive impact when you get the spell off. It’s hard to cast it but it tends to end fights with a successful cast, which is how an ability like that should be.

Concerned and dissapointed with the Staff.

in Guardian

Posted by: tclark.8956


I just don’t like it because it’s too support, and the supports kinda meh as well. Sure those few seconds of might stacks is great for everyone around, me, but it’s not like I can swap to greatsword and get some damage off with it, it’s falling off me too fast.

A lot of people bring up it’s great support and say that it’s fine because of that, but I’m sorry it’s not fine. That line of thinking right there is a prime example of the “standard mmo” model of thinking that people still need to break out of. This is a game of being capable to do all roles at one time to varying degrees, not doing one role to the exclusion of all others…

The only thing the staff is currently good for is hitting people through gates and buffing groups with might for a couple seconds just before a big zerg hit, then you weapon swap and don’t look back.

The weapon needs work.

It’s supposed to be support. The entire idea of support isn’t just to buff yourself to be able to solo anything, it’s to enhance the group of people you’re with; and the staff is perfect for this. So you can’t get any damage off with it; so what? I just don’t see why that’s a problem.

It is fine. And it’s not that line of thinking that’s a problem from past MMO’s, I’d argue it’s the idea that it needs to do DPS instead. This isn’t a game where it’s stupid to bring anything other than more DPS because your tank and healer are already maintaining the fight and just need the mob downed.

It’s not a major deterrent if one weapon isn’t a DPS weapon when you can switch any time you want on the fly to something that is. You aren’t locking yourself into one role, because you have two weapons and can fulfill completely different roles on the fly, as needed, multiple times throughout the same fight. The versatility is in the classes and what’s available on their weapon switches rather than making each weapon independently powerful so that weapon switching is just a matter of taste.

Poor performance with GTX 690

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tclark.8956


I’m using a 670 but getting similar results. It’s playable, but nowhere near as fast as you’d expect from cards like this.

I rolled back to 304.79 drivers since the 306.02 beta drivers actually performed -worse- than the older driver, considerably in some places, as well as showing graphical corruption in certain areas that doesn’t occur on the older driver. It’s a fairly steady 50-60fps on the older driver and 40-50 on the newer with large dips. The game was making me nauseous on the newer beta driver but plays fine on the older one.

Bottom line the new driver, in my experience, isn’t ready to go and I’d recommend rolling back. It isn’t perfect since the performance still isn’t up to snuff, but it does show that the problem is likely driver related in the first place and it’s going to take a decent working driver update from Nvidia to really correct it.