Showing Posts For tekajo.1584:

12/7: BP/SF/AR

in WvW

Posted by: tekajo.1584


I was rather hoping I would not have to do…what it is I am about to do.

During the last month or so there has been talk of Borlis Pass having a greater population in the WvWvW thus allowing them an easier victory over other servers.

While it may be true that Borlis Pass has gained players from other (sometimes rival) servers as well as a larger influx of BP’s own PvE population the one factor that I have deduced that truly tips the proverbial scales in BP’s favor is…me.

I cannot help that my epic awesomeness emanates so greatly that all I have to do is log in to the game. I have been told by a voice who shall remain unamed that it is as though the Universe shifts into proper balance when I set foot in Lion’s Arch. Even Orr becomes bearable. /bow Yes…you are welcome.

I think it is only fair that for the next few days that I step down from upon my pedestal to give AR/FS a fighting chance.

I will be missed, I know.

O.o and in other news..i love these threads so lets keep it free of accusations and be nice. So it doesnt get closed.

Niocal – Tekajo – Vittorio D Lacroix
Seraphim Legacy [SERA] – Borlis Pass