Showing Posts For tempalier.9573:
This also happened to me don’t know if it is intended or not.
Bugged chests make me crash. Can't open them
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: tempalier.9573
To those still having this issue. BEFORE trying the tcp/ip dealio, check your in game GRAPHIC OPTIONS. Check your INTERFACE SIZE. If it is set to anything other than NORMAL, change it to NORMAL. Close options and try to open the chests.
It’s a small/easy fix that has worked for some and is much easier than the tcp/ip deal.
this fixed it for me hope anet can patch it
Same got 3 chest now 2 green 1 yellow and when i click them i crash
have a feeling the commando will show up and show us the future.
Evidence? Forums indicate lots of complaining…
Because players who like this stuff aren’t on the forms they are playing it.
can also still be the jungle dragon and the wurm is it lieutenan(like jormag, shatter and sunless) we just don’t have the info for it. But would like it to be primordius.
Does anybody know if you can get the chest only 1 time a day or 1 per toon?