Showing Posts For tenebreoscure.9386:

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: tenebreoscure.9386


“Mired Deep” 10/1 update notes

Tyvm for the quick response over the issue, really appreciated

Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: tenebreoscure.9386


Mission: Mired deep Character: charr warrior lvl15

I’ts doable until the boss, the veteran skale bog, lvl 16 and the quest is lvl 14. I’ve tried every tactic possible, his regen just outheals any damage I can do. I have good gear, I’ve traited to maximize dps, tried to kill him faster then he regens, it’s impossible; tried to lure him back to the surface, won’t work thanks to euryale who for some reason stays in the middle of the pool, and doure doomsday who’s doing nothing, he’s not attacking or anything, just swims between me and euryale, waiting for the first to die to rez him. I’ve looked for guides, yes, they basically say out dps him or lure him to the surface.
I don’t really know what do next, I work for living so I can’t browse the web all the day to find advice, builds or whatever. I bought the game because I thought it suited casual play style, if it doesn’t, just say, I will move to other games. I don’t mind challenging games, but this is not challenging, it’s just frustrating to the point I’m not going to play the game further if it’s a mix of mindless easy gameplay and impossible missions. This really reminds me of GW1 in its earlier months, thunderhead keep anyone?
I work in the software industry, I know how hard it is to deliver a product of this quality and scope, and how easy it is to overlook something like this, but please re tune the difficulty in these missions, they are not challenging, just frustrating.