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Everything I’ve gathered from your answers is making me not excited for level 80.
I basically just heard “GW2 is easier than WoW, there is nothing to gain except aesthetic gear, and if you want you can grind forever I guess.” Those are three bad things.
Is there anything good, fun, cool about hitting 80? ANYTHING I can be excited for? Did I just waste my money buying this game?
Hi I’m new to the game. I played WoW for quite a bit and end-game had a pretty specific formula.
1. Raid
2. Get loot
3. Do a harder raid
4. Get more loot
Repeat until you have best gear.
I have been seeing a lot about dungeons, but nothing about raiding in GW2. Do raids exist? Will they exist? Would it make SENSE for them to exist, in this weird no tank no healer world? I’m not 80 yet, but end-game is what I play for, so I hope I have something to look forward to.