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Anet!! You have outdone yourselves!!!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


I have really enjoyed this event. I wouldn’t say that I love every aspect of it, but overall I think Anet outdid themselves on this one. Loads of fun, things to do, rewards, etc.

Those with lower end machines I feel bad for you, but I think Anet did the right thing here. Sorry.

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


- The entire event was well done with plenty of variety for all
- Labyrinth and the Mad King instance were my favorites
- The pvp games were fun and well designed, I wish more played
- The redoing of Lions Arch and other areas with all the decorations and stuff was excellent
- I enjoyed the candy corn mining and pumpkin carving as side things to do
- All the little touches, like the pumpkins flying from catapults
- Brawling was a nice touch that looks can be expanded on in the future, great job
- Scavenger hunt reward

- Not knowing what to do, seemed disorganized to start and couldn’t see ghosts from scavenger list
- pvp instances were underplayed but easy to get to
- all the complaining from whiners =P

Why I'm not happy with the Halloween event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


I have to agree a bit with the OP. This event so far has been very confusing from the get go and has very little direction of where things are heading. Some things are very cool, but I was hoping for some more “event” feel to it instead of things thrown at us. Things could change as this goes.

Just your second weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


I think the Greatsword is a lot of fun as well. You have to be careful though mixing it up in melee range with it though. I use it sometimes to jump in get a few big hits and get out.

I Wish Vistas Were Not Needed for Zone Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


I like the vistas the most as far as exploring goes. Yes, a few can be challenging, but figuring some of them out is very rewarding in the end. Keeping them a part of zone completion seems perfect to me.

I personally feel like I am going nowhere in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


I feel like your post was honest and your expectations may not have been met.

I also think your thoughts on dungeons has some truth to it. I have had much experience with them yet, but I feel they are missing something.

The rest of your post I can’t really agree with. What others are trying to tell you is your approach or mindset of what you get from the game need to be different. That is when things will open up for you and not expect old mmo mentality of what you get. I good point is when you said you “beat” story mode. Story mode isn’t to be “beat”, it is there for the story of your character, the world, and to enjoy. Sure there are a few challenges along the way but to look it as “I beat the game” type of thinking isn’t going to help you any. You should be thinking of the different choices you took along the way and how that could have played out differently in the story.

Just my thoughts, it seems as though you gave the game a try and ready to move on. I hope you at least enjoyed some of it.

My personal opinion: it feels like a chore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


I don’t really understand your point because my experience has been very different and I see the opportunities elsewhere.

Lets start with, what do you like to do?

Level/progress without exploring, pvp, and story?

Ok you have two great options. Progress through multiple 1-15, 15-25, etc. areas without completing all of it. Do some crafting for useful items, to sell, alts, etc. These two alone are not a chore at all, very easy to do and figure out and will out level the areas you are in quickly.

Beyond this I am not sure what your point is for playing the game. Exploring, story, and pvp are a HUGE part of this game and give you tons of content and variety (which seems to be what you want, variety). If it is a chore to you to play, I think you are approaching this wrong to be honest. If I had a complaint it would be the game is to easy to level (or out level the areas I am in) by doing a wide variety of fun things.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: thedgeone.9142


I agree with op. Some sort of proper dungeon finder is needed.

It seems if overflow and wvw works by crossing servers together, then a proper dungeon finder with across servers should be doable? I am sure there is much more to it than that but it seems anet has some of the hurdles already in place.